Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 108 Yixi lore, serial count

Chapter 108 Yixi lore, serial count
On November 11, nearly a month later, the truth finally came to light.

Chen Jie and Feng Ruyan, the two perpetrators of the conspiracy, had no choice but to clarify.

Surrounded by the police, the two instigators stood on a high platform in the open air, with a microphone in front of them, opening and closing their mouths in confession.

Chen Jie said that he absolutely shouldn't, he was fascinated by love, and joined forces with the woman next to him to frame innocent people.

It is the company that has cultivated him through hard work, and it is the guidance that trusts him wholeheartedly and places great expectations on him.

He told in detail how he broke the pressure suit and how he jumped off. He thought that there would be nothing serious with the air cushion underneath, but in the end he fell and was bruised all over his body.

From the operation to the later stage of recovery, Yidao paid a lot of money to personally hire a doctor. He was deeply moved and really let down.

At this point, Chen Jie seemed to have found out his conscience, and he really regretted it, so he covered his face and broke down in tears.

His 1.8-meter-tall body frame was slightly hunched, and after this incident, he instantly aged a lot.

Tsk tsk tsk, looking at this passage, I can't help but sigh with emotion, is the scene a bit overdone?
Different from the whiteness of the ward, the veil here hangs low and is open to both sides. The floor-to-ceiling windows are clear and bright. A small red sofa with very light color is placed in front of the small table. Five or six plates of delicious fruits exude an alluring scent. human smell...

The windows are bright and clean, clean and free of dust, which is not comparable to the deserted ward.

On the red wooden soft bed, the person in the blue and white striped hospital gown, with the quilt on his waist, leaned against the pillow and stared at the projection screen hanging in front of him, with an excited expression, he almost jumped up from the bed.

Beside the bed, there are various medical equipment and doctors are standing there.

"No no, that's not me, it's not me!—"

He couldn't believe it, he stared at the man exactly like himself on the screen with wide eyes, wiping away his tears sadly.

"Who's that? Who's that?!—"

"You! You! It's your fault!—"

He grabbed the pillow and threw it over.

Nian Bai brushed it away with a sneer, and the pillow fell to the floor, "Chen Jie, take a good look at how you repent."

Yixi became the real Yixi again, from Weibing to Nianbai.

"The photos on the Internet are all fake. Director Yi never abused me. Those injuries and chat records... are all fake..."

These policemen can verify that P's technology is high-end, and it took them a lot of effort to break through.

Ridiculous, ridiculous!

It simply shattered the three views.

He didn't hesitate to seek death for a woman, my God, what kind of evil could do this, huh?
What, what's your brain like? ...

If you don’t understand, neither the people present nor the people who are watching from the internet can’t understand.

However, this is the reality before us.

The key is later, Chen Jie revealed that if this matter really happens, Feng Ruyan promises to go far away with him.

If it really happens, Yixi will collapse, Xingsheng will collapse, and they can switch jobs to other entertainment companies and start everything from scratch.

Amphibious amphibious, starting from scratch.

Happy no?
At that time, both career and love will be harvested, happy, isn't it?
Ha, ha, donkeys, dogs and men... Everyone cursed, and the keyboard was about to break.

Why is the wind direction so fierce? Most of it is guided by the navy bought by Dicheng, and the wind direction on the Internet is almost all inclined to Yixi's side.

They are all condemning those two dogs and men and women with righteous words and speaking out for innocent people.

As for Feng Ruyan, she stood on the side dumbfounded, and hadn't opened her mouth yet.

If it weren't for the police around, the people below would have taken eggs, some took off their shoes, and those who took off their shoes would have smashed it on.

In the room, the more Chen Jie looked, the more his eyes were tearing. Nian Bai looked at his reaction, and raised his brows higher and higher.

He turned his head abruptly, with a pair of scarlet bull eyes that widened, wishing he could swallow her alive, "It's you!"

Nianbai nodded, "Yes, it's me."

Look at those eyes full of poison, as if she had washed his whole family with blood, the corner of the lips on the side of Nianbai was curved upwards, very close to playful, can kill people, "Hate me? Hehe, Chen Jie, when the incident started, Did you expect this ending?"

From the moment his fall from the city wall was exposed, the game had already begun.

At first, Ye Yan couldn't find out the relationship between him and Feng Ruyan, so she told him not to look into it, but secretly installed a bug on Feng Ruyan, Nian Bai knew that the person behind the trick was really Feng Ruyan.

She also asked Qianmo to monitor her, recorded a video, and got hold of her movements.

As for Chen Jie, after he was pushed into the ICU ward, Nianbai asked Ye Yan to find someone who would pretend to be Chen Jie and lie on the hospital bed on behalf of Chen Jie, while the real Chen Jie was dragged into the hospital. here.

As soon as Chen Jie woke up, he was in an unfamiliar environment, without seeing his relatives, surrounded by stern-faced doctors in white coats.

During the period, in order not to reveal his secrets, Juechen personally arranged the medical care for Chen Jie in the ICU. After all, the fake Chen Jie was not injured, so all these had to be taken care of in advance.

Nian Bai couldn't figure out what deal Feng Ruyan could do with Chen Jie, but she couldn't find out, so she had no choice but to plan this play.

When the time was right, she told Ye Yan to let the fake Chen Jie wake up, and then took the whole crew to see him, just to give him and Feng Ruyan a chance to meet.

Then she deliberately half-spoken, saying "Let's talk later" successfully aroused Feng Ruyan's suspicion, and taught her to go back and forth, lying at the door to eavesdrop on their next conversation.

She told the fake Chen Jie that the police had already obtained the evidence, and found Feng Ruyan's photo at home. Feng Ruyan was really not calm when she heard this, thinking that she had been caught by Chen Jie?Then can she still leave herself clean?
The photo of her in Chen Jie's house was a major accident planned by Feng Ruyan, but she didn't know that this accident was not a real accident, it was man-made, and it was pinned on her by Nian Bai.

The photo was fake, Nianbai sent someone to put it in her home in advance, and then let the police search it out, naturally Chen Jie suspected her.

As for whether the police can identify that the photo is fake, the answer is that it is almost impossible.

The photo is from Xiao Shen, Xiao Shen who is in charge of the World Intelligence Network, his computer technology has reached the point of horror.

If it is just a simple appraisal agency of the police, it will definitely not be able to identify it. It will take a long time to take the photo to a special inspection department, and it may not be able to break through.

So Nian Bai left, and Feng Ruyan ran in to warn the fake Chen Jie, telling him not to talk nonsense, otherwise, he would never see his sister for the rest of his life.

Nian Baicai finally realized how Feng Ruyan had such a great ability to persuade a person who had nothing to do with him to work for him.

In the police station, Feng Ruyan heard that the conversation in the ward was not recorded by Chen Jie, but by reading the wiretapping device, but when she faced the police, she changed to another explanation.

Now that everything is understood, the next step is to fight back.

Nianbai did not hesitate, asked the fake Chen Jie to cooperate with the police, and then confessed everything in front of everyone, sincerely repented, and took all the blame for the real Chen Jie that he should have taken.

But the real Chen Jie can only lie here and worry.

(End of this chapter)

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