Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 109 Nianbai lore 2, attacked

Chapter 109 Nianbai lore 2, attacked
Nian Bai approached him slowly, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous, "You want to find your sister, don't you?"

The word "sister" made Chen Jie's eyes condensed with hatred instantly slacken.

Nian Bai turned and looked out of the window, and calmly said with his back behind his back: "Let me guess, if Feng Ruyan just told you that she can help you find your sister, you probably wouldn't believe it easily and hand over your life to others let's go?"

"For a cautious person like you, you must ensure everything is safe before taking the next action. Therefore, Feng Ruyan really found your sister, but she didn't disclose her whereabouts to you, so she can handle it about you……"

Nian Bai turned around, the eyes that fell on him were calm and calm, she had already seen through him, everything was under her control, "Chen Jie, do you know who is behind Feng Ruyan?"

Chen Jie smiled with lowered eyebrows, "Do you think, even if I know who it is, I will tell you?"

"Of course not," Nian Bai also laughed, meeting his sarcasm, "I won't promise you anything, "As long as you say it, I will help you find your sister". I don't think I have the ability, but Chen Jie, I have the ability to prevent you from seeing her."

Chen Jie's blood stagnated, and he looked at her with wide eyes, "What do you mean?"

Nianbai smiled very gently, "Even if you find it, you won't see it."

The voice was gentle and soft, but the words he spoke were deadly. Chen Jie felt short of breath and the air became thinner.

"Chen Jie, don't forget your current situation. I don't like fighting and killing. Don't force me to make an exception."

"You, you want to kill me?"

Chen Jie couldn't believe it, looking at the smiling face, gentle like water, obviously so gentle that he couldn't bear to trample an ant to death, yet he could easily say the words that wanted to kill him without any psychological barriers.

Chen Jie couldn't believe it.

Nianbai raised his eyebrows lightly, and laughed twice as if hearing a joke, "Hmm, why not?"

Chen Jie's hand holding the quilt became tighter and tighter, his nails were embedded in his palm through the quilt, and the blood began to flow again, extremely turbulent, washing his heart with fear.

As if in a bottomless abyss, he fell deeper and deeper.

"I, I don't know, I really don't know..." Chen Jie uttered this sentence with trembling lips.

The apples on the small table are bright red, round and plump, absolutely crunchy and sweet. There is a fruit knife placed on the fruit plate, Nian Bai picks up the apples, picks up the knife, and peels them one by one.

She was cutting very slowly, her eyes were slightly lowered and she stared very seriously, as if she was carving a work of art.

"From the moment you decided to kill me, you are doomed to pay the price. I promised your brother that I will save you. Don't worry, I just joked with you. I won't kill you, but your two legs Pay back my interest."

She also spoke very slowly, and when she finished speaking, the apple just happened to be peeled, so she stretched out her hand and handed it to him.

Looking at the apple, Chen Jie's blood turned cold, Nian Bai smiled and put the apple on the empty plate on the bedside table.

Put on your bag and leave.

Nian Bai is like this, shedding your skin gently and layer by layer.

A few of them are actually equally ruthless.

Didn't he not hesitate to bury his own two legs?Then she will fulfill him.

Halfway through the impersonation of Chen Jie, Feng Ruyan beside her suddenly went crazy and screamed at him.

Sue him for distorting the facts and spraying people with blood!

Feng Ruyan's disturbance can be said to have poured a pot of oil on the fire again.

Public anger had already been aroused, but she still refused to admit it, she was so thick-skinned, at this time, she still wanted to bite back?
The police have already presented evidence, how else does she want to bite back?How else can I bite back?

Everyone has seen and heard the video and recording. It is probably because of the second son's confidante that it caused the war.

Watching the video of her self-reporting at that time, how did everyone react?
Ouch, especially a girl, she just exploded.

Is their pure and pure second son a pheasant like her who can be defiled?
Originally, some people were not satisfied with the eye-catching cp, they always subconsciously took that god-like man as their own, and they had completely lost their sense of being a fan.

As a result, another Feng Ruyan was killed now, what kind of grass is this, dare to come and miss their second son?How can these irrational people bear it?
So the network suffered a landslide and tsunami, paralyzed.

Is this the butterfly effect, the second son can easily turn over the window and plan two times, can it cause such a big reaction?
There must be a reason for things to happen, why would Feng Ruyan frame someone for no reason, how could the public believe it?
When Nian Bai was still thinking about this level, Mu Yeqin had already done it for her.

That's why he took her with him everywhere in the past few days, and made some inexplicable intimate actions from time to time, all for the paparazzi behind the scenes.

Oh, the paparazzi is called Ling Lie.

The most hateful thing was the video of Feng Ruyan screaming like a madman to kill Yixi, and the anger of the people was full again.

The United Front calls poisonous women.

I came out today to listen to your clarification, not to bark here.

What the public wants to see is that Feng Ruyan sincerely admits her mistakes, and makes a sincere apology to Yidao who was framed by her, and to those who were innocently involved in this matter.

In this way, it can also win their favor.

Unfortunately, Feng Ruyan smashed the last good card.

Look at her on the stage now, she is still stubborn when she is about to die, she is justified when she is unreasonable, she is crying and spitting, everyone can't stand it anymore, the words on the barrage are so embarrassing How embarrassing.

Including her fans, those who turn to passers-by turn to passers-by, and those who turn to black turn to black.

The scene felt like it was going out of control, and the audience in the audience had a tendency to rush forward, wanting to pull the woman off the stage and step up one by one.


When Yixi came, everyone's eyes were instantly attracted.

That woman is like a bright pearl, coming in style, wherever she is, everyone will be bright.

The world became quiet, and the people behind the phone were also quiet, staring at the woman silently.

Among the crowd, she stood out the most, with tears in her red eyes, "Ruyan, Chen Jie, you guys, you really..."

Nianbai couldn't continue, heartbroken.

Pretend to be weak and pitiful, who wouldn't.

At home, Mu Qingshen and Mrs. Xuanyuan put their heads together in front of the tablet, and the corners of their mouths twitched upwards.

At home, the second young master was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding the tablet, and the corners of his mouth raised to the sky.

Those rabbit-like red eyes filled with crystal clear tears, the second young master couldn't help thinking temptingly, if she was lying under him like this...

What the hell!

The second young master was startled and startled himself.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, Feng Ruyan jumped off the stage regardless, rushed into the crowd, rushed towards Yixi and began to fight.

The originally peaceful world was now in complete chaos. The policemen fought desperately, caught one and threw the other out.

And Feng Ruyan, who was approaching the hall step by step, seemed to have no idea what was going on outside...

(End of this chapter)

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