Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 110 Complete lore, dig out the sewer

Chapter 110 Complete lore, dig out the sewer

Tsk, the lunatic made a move, destroying flowers with her hands.

The "crazy woman" is naturally Feng Ruyan, and the soft and weak Yidao is the "flower".

It took more than half an hour for the police to quell the chaos.

How dare they let Feng Ruyan and Chen Jie stay any longer, and immediately took them away from the scene.


In the Yihe District of Wuwu in the drizzle and autumn, there is the Peach Blossom Palace in the charming night moon.

In the living room, Qianmo was lying on the couch, and Da Ji put his legs on Nian Bai's legs, teaching her to knead for herself.

Today's day has exhausted her.

Standing on the high platform first, and then circling among the crowd, not only wanting to be an adult, but also protecting himself from being beaten, Qianmo was physically and mentally exhausted.

"Momo, thank you so much for today."

Nian Bai said that Mu Qing was nestled in the room to study, and Mrs. Xuanyuan was on the small sofa beside her, with her elbows on her legs and her chin on her chin, looking at the two of them.

"Hey, thank you for telling me something."

Qianmo didn't care, and continued to put a grape in her mouth and watch her TV.

"Does the wound still hurt? Are you hungry? Let me cook for you?"

Nian Bai looked at the white ointment on the right cheekbone of her face, his eyes were full of distress.

The scene was chaotic at that time, no matter how good Ren Qianmo's skills were, he still suffered some injuries, but fortunately, they were all skin traumas.

Either you don't do this kind of death-death act, or you will do it all at once if you want to recite it.

She just wanted to pinch Feng Ruyan's last good card, ruin her reputation completely, and never turn over again.

If it was Feng Ruyan herself who was standing on the stage at that time, she might not have jumped into their trap and cooperated with them in this play.

In fact, non-cooperation is the second priority. Feng Ruyan denied it on stage, and kept finding excuses to excuse herself. Even if the judiciary could convict her, but facing the society, Feng Ruyan did not confess, and no one apologized. No matter how this matter is dragging its tail, it is not over.

After all, the public didn't see the ending they wanted to see.

The same is true for Chen Jie, with his attitude in the hospital, if he were to stand on that stage, would he obediently confess his guilt?
He wanted to cry bitterly, saying how he stood here with a sick body, his legs were not good, and he might have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. A seed of "sympathy" was planted.

People's hearts, that's it, no matter what the situation is, they can't help but sympathize with the weak.

Then, he was weak again and fell into a coma in public, ouch, this is terrible, how can everyone care about the truth now, they must rush to save him first.

Doesn't that matter have to go bad again?
Nian Bai would never allow such a thing to happen, so no matter how you think about it, the safest way is to find someone to replace them, so as to rule out all uncontrollable factors.

At that time, Nian Bai wanted to pretend to be Feng Ruyan, and then find someone to do it for him.

Because of the anger of the crowd, once Feng Ruyan jumps into the crowd, she will be turned upside down, and injury will be unavoidable, so no matter who she is looking for, Nian Bai is not at ease, so she can only rely on herself.

But Qianmo took the initiative to ask Ying, saying that she is good at skills and can ensure that she will not be injured, Nian Bai disagrees.

Qianmo persuaded him again, saying that Nian Baiwen is strong and his martial arts is weak, so if he insists on going up by himself, then the scene will be chaotic and the human skin mask will be peeled off, what should we do?Then all the hard work will be in vain.

Nian Bai made sense when he thought about it, Qianmo promised again and again that he would do his best to protect himself, so Nian Bai reluctantly agreed.

She did try her best to protect herself. Although she was kicked a few times and punched in the face a few times, it was harmless.

Mrs. Xuanyuan said: "This time, that Feng Ruyan can't jump up anymore."

"That's it," Qianmo stared at the TV, she finally saw the high-energy moment of Pinru's appearance as she wished, and said lazily, "It would be strange if she could wash this sewage."

After returning home, the first thing Nianbai did was to take off Qianmo's clothes and check the wound. Fortunately, Mrs. Xuanyuan was present, and her medicine was miraculous. After applying it all afternoon, the bruises on Qianmo's body were almost gone.

She called herself tired, and Nian Bai stretched her muscles and bones. This technique was also learned from Mrs. Xuanyuan.

Her slender hands massaged the girl's graceful waist, Nianbai's gaze was downcast, obviously absent-minded, Mrs. Xuanyuan called her: "Xiaobai, what are you thinking?"

Nian Bai shook his head, "This matter seems to be over, but in fact everything has just begun."

"In the past few days, I have always been restless. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that since I came to Zihai City, all these big and small things have followed one after another."

Qian Motou looked back and exchanged glances with Mrs. Xuanyuan.

"Xiaobai, on the Internet..." Mrs. Xuanyuan hesitated to speak.

Nian Bai knew what she wanted to say.

Qianmo changed direction, resting his head on her lap, Nianbai's hand moved to her temple, rubbing it lightly for her, Nianbai looked at Mrs. Xuanyuan, "You want to ask me and him?"

Madam Xuanyuan nodded.

Nianbai smiled shallowly, his eyes accidentally passed the diamond ring on his ring finger, "It's just a show."

When these words came out, my heart twitched twice.

"Xiaobai, you know that's not what I mean."

It's your heart.

Madam Xuanyuan stared at her closely.

Qianmo also turned her head to look at the face above.

"I..." Nian Bai's Adam's apple rolled down, "I don't know..."

"When I'm with him, I always have the illusion of traveling through life and death. Momo, princess, sometimes I can't help but wonder if he and I knew each other before..."

Qianmo and Mrs. Xuanyuan were shocked.


"Oh, uncle, you grab... hold on to me, don't let go..."

The low-hanging night is as quiet as a picture scroll, and the bright moon is as perfect as a mirror.

In this beautiful picture scroll, there are two people lying on the side of the sewer among the flowers, abrupt and harmonious.

To be precise, the two shadows were connected together, the big one was holding the little one's ankles, and the little one was wearing a headlamp, half of his body leaned into the sewer.

Yuanyuan felt that her uncle was distracted and his hands were a little loose, so she immediately yelled at him to hold her tighter.

"Hold on, hold on, did you find it?"

But the second young master is in a hurry, if it wasn't for the small caliber of the sewer and his wide body, he wouldn't be able to get down, otherwise, he would have found it by himself.

The smell inside was strong and not pleasant, and the air was still sticky and damp. Yuanyuan was a little dizzy and wanted to scold and beg, "Oh, don't rush, I'm really convinced, can't you make a new one if you lose the ring?" , anyway, there are little aunts on the left and right, so what does it matter?"

"You don't understand... Hurry up and look for it, don't try to come up if you can't find it!"

Yuanyuan: "..."

Huh, why are you begging for a man? For the sake of a woman, you don't even care about your nephew's life, wow~

Can the ring really be replaced?

Can this small ring that bears witness to all of them and bears every bit of them be changed at will?

(End of this chapter)

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