Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 111 British Royal Family, Author

Chapter 111 British Royal Family, Author
"As long as the Habsburg is taken down, then you and I will be half of the country, young and old, think about it?"

The study room is simple and atmospheric.

On the west wall, there is a frame of "Picture of Misty Rain" with antithetical couplets on the left and right. It is an authentic work of the ancients. On the red sandalwood shelf, there are dozens of delicate yellow bergamot in the jade plate of the official kiln. The central rosewood marble desk...

The overall tone is dominated by black, simple and unsophisticated, but also somewhat cold and depressing.

After writing the desk, Mu Jingchen stared at the computer screen with staring eyebrows, the voice inside was a little old, speaking a foreign accent.

After hearing his words, Mu Jingchen changed his indifferent attitude and blinked, "Half of one person is boring. I want the whole of Europe, will you give it?"

Look, how naughty, why is it so...teaching people to gnash their teeth.

Sure enough, the face on the screen turned green and then black, "Young Master, it's a bit too lionized, isn't it? Can you swallow the whole of Europe?"

Mu Jingchen narrowed his eyes leisurely, and leaned forward. The people behind the screen could clearly see the arrogance shining in those contemptuous eyes, and the people behind the screen trembled.

Mu Jingchen also said in English: "It seems that you don't know me well, let me tell you first, can you afford it?"

The man behind the screen was about to jump up from the sofa, Mu Jingchen watched his reaction with great interest, with a simple smile.

Well, it fits the young and old's style of doing things, domineering, does not leave room for others, and likes to pretend to be good, black-bellied robbers and bandits.

"Master, Habsburg is now a slaughterhouse for cattle and sheep. It's not as good as it used to be. As long as we work together, we can get this piece of fat. Don't you really think about it?"

Mu Jingchen laughed out loud. The person in front of him was as simple as a child, making him laugh, "Charles, can you beat the royal family of Ningguo, or your prime minister? A mere heir to the British royal family who has no real power can't Dare to come to cooperate with me? Who are you?"

"This country, I either don't sit, or sit alone, who wants to share it with you?!"

The person on the screen suddenly jumped up from the sofa, his white face flushed, and he pointed at the screen, "You! You!..."

You you, you what you.

Mu Jingchen stretched out his hand and pressed it, cutting off the video.

Turning his head, he saw his son's soft and cute face in the crack of the door. Mu Jingchen was so cute, "Why don't you come in?"

Yuanyuan opened the door and came in, and approached him with short legs, "I see you've been busy, Dad, who was that person just now, you are so fierce."

"It doesn't matter, passer-by."

Under the light, the older one sat on a chair, and the younger one stood in front of him, looking at each other quietly.

Look at that little face, which is black here and there, as if it just crawled out of the coal pile, and there is an indescribable strange smell on it...

Mu Jingchen sniffed it carefully, and arched his nose in disgust, as if the clothes hadn't dried after washing, and they smelled sour...

"Did you dig out the dung?"

Mu Jingchen's voice was cool.

Yuanyuan was furious and stomped her feet, "You're the only one digging shit!"

Mu Jingchen laughed out loud, this time the person in front of him was really a child, he was really smiling from the bottom of his heart.

Yuanyuan pouted and squinted at him. Mu Jingchen dismissed him, but he still grabbed his hand and went to the bathroom.

"Daddy, give me a hug." Yuanyuan raised her little hand and hopped.

"Don't think about it."

Mu Jingchen bent down and hugged him.

In the bathroom, Mu Jingchen stripped his son naked three or five times, put him in the bathtub, and then lay down in the bathtub himself.

As soon as she touched the water, Yuanyuan burst into joy, poking the bubbles on the water surface, giggling, "Dad, have you finished your work today?"

Mu Jingchen picked up a towel and wiped his body gently and softly, "Yes."

Yuanyuan lay in his arms, her small body rubbed against him, "Uncle is going to deliver the ring."

Mu Jingchen raised his eyebrows.

"Dad, I want to sleep with my uncle tonight."

Mu Jingchen looked down at the little guy in his arms, "You don't want me anymore?"

"You can wait until tomorrow."

...that's great.

Over there, Mu Yeqin braved the night and went to the Fu Group with the ring himself. Fu Shiyun was busy in the office, so he knocked on the door.

Mu Yeqin spread out his palm, and the ring lay quietly on it, "It's dirty, wash it for me."

Fu Shiyun glanced up and smiled playfully, "Did you really give her the ring?"

"What's wrong with this? Go."

Mu Yeqin pushed him, and Fu Shiyun walked into the inner room with a smile.

There was dirt inside, Mu Yeqin thought he couldn't wash it clean, so he went all the way to find him.

It didn't take a while for Fu Shiyun to come out, holding the diamond ring between his fingers, shining under the lamp, and it was clean and bright again.

Mu Yeqin took it, and Fu Shiyun asked, "Hey, are you going to use it to propose marriage?"

"No." Mu Yeqin shook his head and touched the end of the sky in his hand.

At the same time, the people from the Peach Blossom Hall subconsciously touched the middle finger, it was empty, and the ring he gave was gone.

"Thank you, let's go."

Fu Shiyun waved his hand and said goodbye to him.

Nian Bai leaned towards the window, staring at the bedside lamp in a daze, his fingers kept touching between the middle fingers of his left hand.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

Nian Bai turned his face and said, "Come in."

Mu Qingshen pushed the door open and walked in, "Sister," he called out, seeing that he was holding a paper in his hand.

"What's wrong? Can't do it?"

"En." Mu Qingshen scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and sat on the chair his sister pulled out for him.

His expression fell into his eyes, and he couldn't help being amused when he read Bai, little devil, why are you so embarrassed to ask her a question.

Every year in mid-November, Sheng Han will hold an external examination.There is no specific group of people. If you want to participate, you can sign up. As long as you pass the exam, you can enter Sheng Han to study.

Adults are admitted, and Shenghan also has a special university for adults.

But in fact, every year, very few have the courage to sign up for it, and very few can pass this exam.

Because the questioner is a pervert.

It is rumored that he is a resident visiting professor at Sheng Han University, and the principal will give him three points when he sees him.

The exam questions he gave did not exceed the outline, nor did they deliberately make things difficult. They just integrated the knowledge they had learned to test the students' innovative thinking in many ways.

Yes, innovative thinking.

During this period of time, Mu Qingshen has been studying the real questions he gave, and stumbled several times in the middle, and even thought about one question for two days, but fortunately, he did it all.

Now I have been thinking about the last big question of the paper in my hand for five days, but Mu Qingshen has no idea, so I came to ask my sister.

Behind the desk, the siblings sat together.

Nian Bai didn't look at the questions right away, but first looked at what he had done before, and they were basically correct. With his score, even if he couldn't answer the last question, he could still pass the test.

But Mu Qing was deeply dissatisfied and wanted to answer.

He wants to surpass Windsor!

In the past, he wanted to surpass Roslin, and just a moment ago, he set a goal for himself, to surpass that perverted professor who set the question.

(End of this chapter)

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