Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 113 Chatting, Night in Memories

Chapter 113 Chatting, Night in Memories
As the most powerful dynasty, Habsburg once ruled an unprecedentedly vast territory in Europe, to the extent that it can be said that Europe is in its hands.

So, what was the British royal family at that time?
It's just a baby in swaddling clothes, not even qualified to let Habsburg take a second look.

However, history changes and alternates, prosperity must decline, and Habsburg cannot escape this iron law.

In addition, the more inconspicuous and unimportant the baby is, the easier it is for the baby to hold back his energy and harbor evil intentions.

When Habsburg went from bad to worse, the British royal family took the opportunity to engage in external relations and crazily suppressed it. Habsburg made things worse, and soon the grass and trees were desolate and crumbling.

In this way, the baby grew bigger and climbed higher and higher along the withered vegetation.

Habsburg is declining, but after all, it is not so easy for a dynasty that was once so big to decline to its roots.The climate of its branch, the Lorraine Dynasty, is acceptable, and it can suppress the British royal family one or two times, and can bounce around internationally.

Therefore, if the British royal family wants to swallow this piece of fat completely, they have to weigh whether their belly is enough. Obviously, it is not capable enough.

Helpless, I had no choice but to ask for foreign aid.

The first thing the British royal family thinks of is the Mu family. The Mu family is not a royal family, but it doesn't want to be called the emperor. If it wants to, it can become the emperor at any time.

Cooperating with such a family, can you still win the battle?

However, you British guy, if you don't weigh yourself, are you worthy?
In fact, excluding an overly powerful existence like the Mu family, the British royal family is also capable of leading a large family.

It is also selfish for the young and old to refuse to agree.

He is also a human being, with desires and greed, and he has long coveted Habsburg.

The reason why it has been delayed is that it is not yet time.

Yuanyuan leaned over the elder and younger to reach for the phone.

On the bedside table, next to his mobile phone was next to his little uncle's mobile phone, the screen suddenly lit up, and Yuanyuan let out a snort, "Xiangyang?"

Mu Yeqin was chatting with his brother about the current situation, when he heard the little guy's muttering, he jumped up, and the next second, the phone fell into his hands.

The speed is fast, as if someone is afraid of snatching it.

Yuanyuan and the eldest son stared at him, both father and son had the same mean look on their faces.

"Uncle, who is it, who is Xiangyang?"

Yuanyuan crawled over and kept moving closer to him, but Mu Yeqin pushed him to hide from him without showing him.

"Quickly, go to bed—"

"No, no, let others have a look..."

Yuanyuan pulled him, Mu Yeqin simply stood up and raised his arms, Yuanyuan was short and could barely reach his chest when he jumped up.

Yuanyuan quit, turned her face to her father and complained: "Dad, look at uncle~..."

As a child, he was full of curiosity. This was the first time he had seen such a big reaction from his uncle. Who could make him so excited?

The youngest laughed softly, "Good boy, we can't disturb your uncle's dating."

Ah, so it is.

Xiangyang is my little aunt.

Yuanyuan's eyes lit up for a moment, she sat in her father's arms, raised her head at a 45° angle with her father, and looked at the man who was smiling like a fool.

Young Master didn't know who Xiang Yang was, he guessed that she was the only one who could make his younger brother so excited.

Nian Bai and Mu Yeqin are very close friends, having joined WeChat a long time ago.

On the other side, after finishing explaining the questions to his younger brother, Nian Bai tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep, lay on the bed and got up, lay down and got up again...

After enduring it for a long time, she finally couldn't take it anymore, and then she held the phone and sent him a message.

[Xiang Yang]: Sir, are you asleep?
[Ono]: No, why are you still awake?
[Xiangyang]: Can't sleep
[Xiang Yang]: Sir, thank you
Mu Yeqin raised his eyebrows, [Ono]: Thank me for what?
[Xiang Yang]: Thank you for helping me

Mu Yeqin knew what she was referring to. It was Feng Ruyan's matter. He broke the news about their relationship on the Internet and helped her.

It was past ten o'clock, which was already late for Yuanyuan. In the arms of the eldest young master, his head was bouncing and he was drowsy.

The young master gently moved his small body, Yuanyuan followed his strength, and lay down in a daze.

As soon as I touched the pillow, I soon fell asleep.

Mu Yeqin sat down and leaned his back against the head of the bed.

[Ono]: You're welcome, Xiaobai, you don't have to thank me

[Ono]: I am willing to help you
[Ono]: I also want to ask you, I did this without saying hello to you in advance, did it cause you any trouble?

Trouble, how can it be trouble?

The white eyelashes fluttered, and the eyes were hesitant to speak and distressed, Mr. Silly, you don't understand how happy I was at that time...

[Xiang Yang]: Why is it troublesome, but sir, don't do this again in the future, okay?

[Ono]: Why?
Mu Yeqin frowned.

[Xiangyang]: I don't want you to get all fishy
This time he released the video and got involved with Feng Ruyan, Nian Bai didn't want such dirty water to be splashed on him, she couldn't see it, not at all.

Mu Yeqin smiled again.

[Ono]: It's getting late, go to sleep, don't you have to go to the set early tomorrow?
He didn't promise her and would do it again in the future.

[Xiangyang]: Okay, good night Mr. (Happy)
[Ono]: Ann, sweet dream
In the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the girl has a beautiful figure, eyes downcast, staring at the phone with a smile, her face is pink, soft and shy.

Putting down the phone, Mu Yeqin slid down and was about to lie down under the covers.

The elder and younger rested on the bed with one elbow, and leaned against the head of the bed, squinting at him, "Are you done talking?"

The tone was a bit cold, Mu Yeqin grinned to the ear, "Why, you are envious, envious of finding one yourself."

"Tch, I'm envious, please ask."

The youngest and youngest lifted the quilt and lay down with their backs to him.

Mu Yeqin put his fist against his lips, so he didn't laugh out loud. The little guy fell asleep, and he didn't want to wake him up.

Under the light, the round melon gourd heads spread out, revealing a plump forehead, plump cheeks, fair and clean, and a slightly collapsed nose, which is the nose of a child, and the mouth is pink, and it smacks from time to time. cute.

Mu Yeqin looked at it, his smile gradually became affectionate, and he was completely soft. He asked very lightly: "Brother, have you never thought about giving Yuanyuan a complete family?"

Mu Jingchen's closed eyes opened quickly, those pupils were dark and cold, bottomless.

Just like him, people can never understand and guess.

"...I will kill you, I will definitely kill you..."

That night, the moonlight was like water, her voice was as cold as ice skates, and the words she spoke were so ruthless, but the air was full of spring water.

In such a beautiful night, in such intoxication, he lost his mind.

Mu Jingchen's whole body was agitated, and his eyes were restrained and cold.


With his lips parted slightly, he muttered the word hoarsely.

For so many years, he has never stopped giving, and he wants to give his son a home all the time.

He has been looking for her...

(End of this chapter)

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