Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 114 The Lord Behind

Chapter 114 The Lord Behind
On the day when he learned the truth, Xingsheng announced to the public that Feng Ruyan and Chen Jie were officially expelled.

Everyone clapped their hands and applauded, it was very happy.

The two of them are completely finished, when Feng Ruyan comes out of prison, no entertainment company will use her again.

The same was true for Chen Jie. The doctors left after saving his life. Half of the treatment for his legs was stopped, and all medical care activities were stopped.

During that time, Chen Jie was better off than dead.

These two people are no different from rats crossing the street. Everyone shouts and beats them, and no one knows how to use two rats.

What's more, Yixi has secretly said to block them, apart from Huangxiang, which other entertainment company would dare to compete with Xingsheng?
On the day Feng Ruyan was arrested, another news broke.

The daughter-in-law was detained for a month for slander. During this month, she kept her mouth shut and never confessed to the police who was behind the scenes.

Feng Ruyan's family is rich and has some background, so it's okay to get someone out of prison, so she promised her daughter-in-law that as long as she does what she tells her, she will get her mother-in-law and her family members out of jail. out of jail.

Later, although the matter was not done properly, it was because Feng Ruyan didn't plan well, and she couldn't rely on her daughter-in-law, she did as she ordered, shouldn't Feng Ruyan keep her promise?
The reason why the daughter-in-law kept silent was because she was looking forward to news from her family, hoping to hear that they had been released and released from prison, but in the end, what she was looking forward to was that Feng Ruyan was also killed.

Not only that, but even with her husband, it was completely ruined.

If her daughter-in-law was killed by lightning, she couldn't figure out why her husband would be arrested for whatever he did?
He is obviously a victim, how could he be arrested?
She is eager to know everything, but there is a high wall here, and no news can be spread around, how can she know?
Feng Ruyan fell, who else can save her family?

Hehe, the daughter-in-law was disheartened, so she told everything, claiming that Feng Ruyan instructed her.

In the speech that the daughter-in-law framed Yixi, it was mentioned that Yixi's production team failed in her husband's accident, and Yixi's family was imprisoned because of Yixi's fault. All the dirty water was poured on Yixi's head.

It stands to reason that she is very unwise to do so.For the time being, there is no evidence to prove who is responsible for her husband's accident. She can seize this point and wantonly slander, because there is no evidence to prove that it is not the responsibility of Yixi or the crew.

Ok, that's okay, but how did the family get into prison, can this also be turned upside down?

This was verified by the police. If there is evidence and the truth, can it be turned upside down?


Feng Ruyan's master can help her control the whole situation, including the police station, and let things develop as planned, Feng Ruyan can trample on Yixi however she wants.

However, Feng Ruyan made a mistake in this move, a big mistake.

She shouldn't kill her first and play later, she shouldn't guess the master's mind, she shouldn't think too highly of herself, thinking how much the master spoils her, and end up playing with fire and setting herself on fire.

Now that she is suffering in prison, whether her master will care about her or not, at least, there is no movement in his house.

It's not that Feng Wenzhe never thought of saving her. He asked Feng Yinan to do this. Didn't he think his daughter died fast enough?

Feng Yinan didn't handle it well, and made things more and more complicated.

Many people now know that Feng Ruyan is Feng Wenzhe's daughter, and some reporters even come to interview, saying that you are the head of the Feng family, leading such a big family, and you have nothing to say if something happened to the daughter ?
It's a shame, it's a shame.

With a toothache, Feng Wenzhe righteously killed his relatives in front of the reporters, claiming that he, as the helm of the Feng family, even disciplined his own daughter badly.

I want to thank the society, thank the law, and pull my beloved daughter out of the water and fire in time, so that my beloved daughter will know her way back...

Then let Feng Yinan leave it alone.


The crew restarted the production. This accident was considered unfortunate or fortunate. After this time, people's views on Yixi and Xingsheng as a whole have changed a lot.

In the past, I only felt that Yixi was mysterious. She and Xingsheng were far away from them. I felt that a rich and big company like Xingsheng belonged to the upper class and had nothing to do with ordinary people like them.

Naturally, they don't pay too much attention to it, and the words Yixi and Xingsheng seldom appear in their consciousness.

At best, it's just on the level of chasing stars, oh, knowing that their brother or sister is an artist under Xingsheng, in a blink of an eye, they may not remember it again.

Then when this happened, the names of Yixi and Xingsheng broke into people's field of vision strongly, and stayed in people's memory. First, without knowing it, and following the public opinion, they reviled Yixi and Xingsheng, and they didn't like it.

Later, when the truth came out, people changed their faces dramatically again, and their favorability towards Yixi and Xingsheng exploded, and they were all full of praise.

When I thought that "he" was a bad person, I suddenly realized one day that I was actually wrong, and he was always a good person. This kind of ideological overturn often yields unexpected results.

So people began to pay attention, began to understand, and the more they paid attention, the more they understood, the more shocked they were. The real Yixi turned out to be so powerful, not only in her field of expertise, but also in other fields.

After being shocked, people love it even more.

Therefore, this time the film crew restarted, and the society paid a lot of attention. Yixi’s Weibo gained hundreds of thousands of fans overnight. Her Weibo updates are all related to work, and she never posts her private life. A small loss, but it does not prevent more and more people who like her.

In the past and the past, Chen Jie is gone, who will play the role of Li Lin?

Under Weibo, someone asked.

Yixi gave the answer:

To be determined, I haven't found a suitable candidate yet, but please rest assured, the film will be finalized on time, and I will definitely not disappoint you
Well, we believe in the past

Don't be too tired, Xixi, take care of yourself

Fans affectionately call her "Xi Xi".

During the time when Nianbai was in the vortex, Xianmoran called once. She wanted to stand up and defend her in front of the media.

Even though the actor Xianle has retired, her influence still remains. If she really stands up and defends Nian Bai with tears in her eyes, her role will definitely be like a torrent and can overwhelm a boat.

Hearing the words, he immediately stopped her.

Why did she hide herself for so many years? If she really stood up now, wouldn't all the previous hard work be in vain?
But for Xianmoran, what he will suffer is not as good as Nianbai, and Nianbai tried his best to dissuade Xianmoran, so Xianmoran dispelled this idea.


Even in autumn, the mountain is still full of vitality. Some trees take out new branches and buds as usual, dyeing the mountain road green.

From a distance, the gray-white road looks like a giant python, wrapping around the entire mountain, and a dark blue Maybach winds up along it...

(End of this chapter)

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