Chapter 116
Mu Qingshen's head was bouncing more and more violently, and several times his forehead directly hit the table. He felt that he was getting more and more sleepy, and he couldn't do this question, so he simply put down his pen and went to bed.

At this time, the smoke stopped, and a figure rolled in and walked to the bedside.

Mu Qingshen's eyes hadn't been fully closed yet, and in a daze, he seemed to see a figure standing beside his bed, stacked on top of each other, it was hard to see clearly.

"You, who are you?..."

He murmured unconsciously.

The figure bent down, approached him, and said softly, "Your God."

Ro? God?
Mu Qing was deeply surprised and grinned...

He didn't know that he grinned.

This is a dream, it must be a dream, yes, he remembered that he fell asleep after doing the questions.

God Ro, God Ro really fell into a dream hehehe...

As expected of brothers and sisters, they grinned exactly the same way when sleeping, and their eyes could also be bent into crescent moons, with the tails of their eyes upturned.

Mu Yeqin looked at it and laughed, changed his deliberately gentle voice, and said in a normal tone: "I heard everything you said in front of my grave today. The car will send you off. Don't worry, I will also protect you during the exam."


Mu Qingshen was half asleep and half awake, and laughed even more silly.


Mu Yeqin laughed twice, tucked the quilt up for him, and whispered, "Go to sleep."

Mu Qing listened obediently to his words and fell asleep.

"Alas," Mu Yeqin took off his mask, what... what is he doing...

He looked around the room, cars and posters of God Ro were everywhere, Mu Yeqin raised his eyebrows, did he admire him so much?

Youdi, the standing photo frame on the desk caught his attention, he stared at it, and walked over.

The person in the photo frame is none other than the little ghost's sister who adores him.

By the beach, the wind was blowing her hair, and she was wearing a red dress that was as fierce as fire, bright and flamboyant.

Mu Yeqin's heart was moved, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, fingertips, and slowly touched her cheek...

But just one photo made him obsessed like this.

Mu Yeqin, Mu Yeqin, you really fell for it.

He took out his mobile phone and secretly photographed this scene...


"Sister! Sister! God Ro, God Ro is in my dream hahaha!——"

Early the next morning, excited shouts spread from the bedroom to the living room.

Wei Bing was sleeping soundly, and was suddenly pulled up by someone, which was fine, and she was still chirping in her ear.

This kind of feeling of being interrupted from a sweet dream is super uncomfortable, if she didn't subconsciously know who this is, she would definitely go up with one kick.

Kick him to pieces! ! !

My sister's disheveled hair covered most of her face, her eyes were half-closed, she stared at him quietly, and said quietly: "I'll give you three seconds, three—"

In less than three seconds, Mu Qingshen got out in a second.

Wei Bing lay back down again, trying to continue that dream, but the more she slept, the more awake she became, and the more she slept, the more awake she became... She got up irritably, kicked the quilt a few times, and got out of bed.

Mu Qing jumped three feet high in joy, rushed down the stairs in a few steps like a monkey, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and took care of herself, so she directly picked up the car keys and went out the door.

He was so excited that he couldn't wait to pick up the car. He stepped on the accelerator all the way, and in 3 minutes, he arrived outside the gate of Yuyun Castle.

After getting out of the car, Mu Qingshen rushed in and lost one of his slippers, oh no, don't worry about it, he boarded the door of someone's house with one shoe and one shoeless.

Yuanyuan was eating with her father and uncle when someone barged in unexpectedly, and the three of them were dumbfounded.


Yuanyuan reacted first, Mu Qingshen ran straight to Mu Yeqin, looking at him with unconcealed excitement, "Does the car you promised to give me still count?"

Mu Yeqin nodded, "Forget it." He put down his chopsticks and got up, "Come with me."

Mu Qing turned around and followed, Mu Yeqin saw that his feet were still bare, and when he passed the shoe cabinet, he took out a pair of slippers for him.

Mu Qingshen put it on, leaving Yuanyuan and the young man looking at each other in blank dismay.

Standing outside the huge iron gate, Mu Qingshen became even more excited, and the light in his eyes flickered randomly.

Mu Yeqin said, "Set up a password?"


Mu Qingshen turned to look at him, and Mu Yeqin also looked at him, "I said, not only will I give you the car, but the whole yard is yours."

"No, I just want to..." Mu Qing wanted to refuse, but was interrupted by Mu Yeqin's mouth: "I don't have the habit of giving half of things and keeping half of them. You either don't want it, or you want it all."

"Okay, then I want it all."

This time, Mu Qingshen was very happy.

He operated on the screen of the iron gate, changed the password, and re-entered his fingerprints and face.

This means that the entire circuit, together with the 78 cars inside, belong to him.

The iron door opened slowly.

Mu Qingshen seemed to be in the clouds, and his whole body was floating.

He went straight to the racing car of the Great God, but the moment he got close to it, he stopped and became cautious.

With an excited heart and trembling hands, when she was about to touch the car, Mu Qing shrank back her fingertips before touching it firmly again.

The car body was cold and hard, but Mu Qingshen fell in love with the feeling. With an "Aww~", he lay on the front of the car with his arms wide open, trying to hug him completely but couldn't.

Mu Yeqin could tell that he really liked racing cars and the feeling of galloping on the track.

"Go up and try?"

Mu Yeqin took out the car keys and gave them to him.

Mu Qingshen didn't dare to be negligent, took it with both hands, and touched the car completely like a wife, before pressing the car key.

The headlights flashed twice, and the door opened.

The moment she opened the door and sat in, Mu Qing closed her eyes in ecstasy, with a face full of intoxication.

This feeling was absolutely indescribable, he was so happy that he was about to faint.

"Om, hum—"

One day, the track that had been silent for many years suddenly came alive again, and Roslin's racing car "buzzed" forward, ready to move.

The boy opened his eyes again, his expression was calm and sharp, bursting out with sharp light.

This kind of him is the real him, unstoppable like a lone wolf.

He stepped on the accelerator, and with a "buzz", the car shot out like a sharp arrow.

On the vast and boundless avenue, the bright red flew against the light and soared into the sky.

Mu Yeqin looked out, at that moment, he seemed to see himself galloping on the track back then, also so wanton, free and easy, carefree and happy.


It was getting close to noon, after dinner, Li Mo went to the production team first.

The crew has been rectified, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Li Mo is very satisfied, and after explaining a few words to Ye Yan, she became the shopkeeper again and left.

Today is the beginning of winter, but it is not cold at all, and the sun is warm. Limo only wears a hooded sweater and a pair of jeans.

She didn't wear makeup, revealing her fair skin, her hair was not tied up, it was fluffy and loose in big waves, the tails of her eyes were curled up, and the waves flowed, lazy and attractive, and refreshing.

There was a long and narrow staircase in front of her feet, leading to the ground, and she stepped into it.

(End of this chapter)

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