Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 117 Cutting Gems, Arguing

Chapter 117 Cutting Gems, Arguing
The entire staircase was in a suspended state, twisting like a snake, winding down layer by layer, the stairs were not shallow, Limo threw up the cards in his hand, caught them and played with them, and walked down slowly.

Soon, two people guarding the door on the left and right of this place appeared before her eyes. They were both wearing half black masks, and they stopped her and asked, "Where's the black card?"

Li Mo handed over the card in her hand, and the flickering candles in the two alcoves illuminated the deep and dark path indistinctly.

The card is as thin as confetti, and the whole body is dark. This is why the card in Limo's hand is different from other people's.

Ordinary cards are all black, with nothing engraved on it, and no logos, but her card has two golden dragons coiled around it, shining brightly in the faint brilliance.

When the two gatekeepers saw this card, their expressions changed, and they immediately invited Limo in respectfully.

When they entered, they handed Limo a black mask with the lower edge ending at the tip of the nose.

The inside suddenly opened up. On the first floor, there are stalls on both sides of the market, selling all kinds of things that cannot be bought in the market, and the price is affordable, which is very suitable for ordinary people.

So there are especially many people on this floor.

The two gatekeepers opened the way for Limo, and Limo came to the top smoothly.

"Miss Li, Mr. Rong has been waiting for a long time, this way please—"

The second floor is Mr. Rong's exclusive residence, and further up, there are casinos, auction houses, black boxing arenas...

A young woman wearing a fox mask came gracefully and brought Limo into Mr. Rong's bedroom.

The layers of purple crystal curtains outline the figure sitting at the round table. From the side, it looks a little thin, and the silver mask covers the entire face.

Limo brushed the curtain and went in. Hearing the sound, Mr. Rong turned his face sideways, smiled slightly, and invited her to take a seat.

On both sides of the round table, the two sat opposite each other. Mr. Rong poured her a cup of tea and said, "Miss Li, the last time you asked me to do something, I got a little clue."

Li Mo took out the bank card and pushed it in front of him. Mr. Rong, with a high-minded style of "gentlemen don't love money", glanced at the card and didn't move.

"Not everyone died in Anhe Village 15 years ago, but there are still survivors. At present, I know only two, but I still don't know who they are."

Li Mo listened quietly, her lips pursed into a line.

After a long time, she said: "Then I can only continue to ask Mr. Rong."

Mr. Rong nodded slightly, "Naturally."

He glanced at the bank card on the table again, "Miss Li, please take this card back, I just need you to do what you promised me."

Li Mo smiled, "Mr. Rong's birthday will be next month. I wish you good luck in advance, such as the East China Sea, and a longer life than Nanshan. It's a small thing, it's not a respect."

"Haha——" What a cold joke, Mr. Rong laughed out loud.

In the northeast corner of the first floor, it was so lively that almost all the people gathered there.

Limo looked at her watch, it was time to open the gem again.

This is the unwritten rule of Mr. Rong's underground black market for many years. Every night at six o'clock, people will set up a small stall for customers from all over the world to cut gems.

Limo will come when she is free. Over the years, she already has a lot of gems in her house.

She leaned over again, stood on tiptoe and looked inside.

Cutting gemstones is like a gamble, most of the rough stones on the table are muddy, but inside the gold and jade, how can you just look at the surface.

Experienced people can analyze at a glance which ones are worth betting on and which ones are not.

Limo was considered an experienced person, she glanced roughly, shook her head, and then scanned back carefully, leisurely, the most inconspicuous piece among the pile of rough stones caught her attention.

With what she wanted, Li Mo went to the back of the crowd and started to line up. There was a tall woman behind her, also wearing a mask, with an outstanding temperament, which was hard to ignore.

Gemstones are cut so quickly that most people gamble and get nothing.If there are gems cut out, the owner's family will lead the guests to a special gem cutting room, and then cut and polish them carefully.

Soon it was Limo's turn, she pointed to the rough stone in the pile of rough stones, the woman behind saw her pointing at that one, her eyes darkened.

The rough stone slowly approached the cutting machine, Limo stared at it closely, everyone held their breath involuntarily, every time the gem was cut, it was like opening a lottery, making one extremely nervous.

Suddenly, the original stone burst into brilliance, a ray of light shot out, and under the strong white light, the iridescence changed and became charming.

Limo won the lottery, won the lottery!

"Water, water stone!—"

Someone in the crowd erupted, and even the stall owner gasped.

Li Mo was also dumbfounded, her eyes widened. She knew that she had a unique vision, but she never expected it to be so unique!

Water stones are not uncommon, but in the deep springs of the Nobles Mountains, water stones that have been dusty for tens of thousands of years are rare in the world.

Only the dusty water stone in the Nobles Mountains can radiate this brilliance.

The rumored End of Heaven was made with it.

But Limo's piece is only half the size of a little finger, and compared to the end of the sky, it's nothing.

But that's just a little bit, enough to be priceless.

Watching the gemstone slowly fall into Limo's hands, the crowd was agitated.

The water light stone, this is the water light stone that was conceived in the deep mountains, and it just fell into the hands of a girl...

People turned red-eyed.

Li Mo was not afraid of the eyes of wolves and tigers around her, she held the gemstone and looked at it calmly, then retracted her hand, clenched the gemstone in her fist, turned and left.

Behind him, the stall owner asked loudly: "Miss, don't you want me to send someone to polish it for you?"

"No need."

Li Mo didn't turn her head back and said, she doesn't specialize in gemstones, this thing is just an ornament at best in her hands, she will give it to someone who understands it better, then let that person, think Do whatever you want.

An arm was thrown across, and someone in front of her blocked her way.

Limo paused, her expression turned cold.

"Miss, let's make a deal? You sell the gem to me, and the price is up to you..."

"Not for sale."

Limo interrupted her resolutely, bypassed her and left.

The woman blocking the way was the one just behind her.

The woman had also taken a fancy to this rough stone, and she knew a thing or two about gemstones. She originally thought that this rough stone should be able to cut out good things, but she didn't expect that she directly cut out the water light stone.

She took a step back and stood in front of Limo again, "Miss, just listen to me..."

"What's there to say?" Li Mo interrupted her coldly, her whole body was already filled with chills, "This is my thing, I got it by my ability, I won't sell it if I say I won't sell it, why, miss, you want to mess around ?"

"You are presumptuous! Do you know who is standing in front of you, dare to talk to her like this?!"

The little girl who had been following the woman spoke up, raised her face at Limo angrily, and swaggered.

(End of this chapter)

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