Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 118 Li Mozhang, I don't get sick for a day and I don't feel energetic

Chapter 118 Limo's resentment
Li Mo looked the woman in front of her up and down, raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Then tell me who she is? Do you dare to say?"

"You!—" The little girl choked, staring at Limo bitterly.

Yes, she dared not say it.

This is Mr. Rong's domain, Mr. Rong's rules, you can't declare your family and reveal your identity, here, no one knows anyone, does she dare to break this rule?
She dare not.

Mr. Rong was leaning on the railing on the second floor and watching, with a smile that couldn't reach his eyes.

The woman stared at the glass foam, and in the quiet eyes behind the mask, there was a hint of gnashing of teeth.

The people around were all watching the theater, although they couldn't help being a little jealous of Limo, but what they said was right, they got the gems by their ability, and they had the final say on what to do with them, if they didn't sell it, they didn't sell it, this woman still What do you mean by being stuck here, blocking someone's way?

Do you really want to mess around?
Especially when the girl opened her mouth with the look of being superior and questioning others, which caused them extreme discomfort, and the jealousy towards Limo in their hearts naturally dissipated, and I hoped that she would be tougher and not give away the gems.

However, Li Mo smiled and said, "It's not impossible if you want it."

The people around wanted to kill her, but the woman's eyes lit up when she heard that there was room for negotiation.

Limo continued to smile and said: "You know, the price of water light stone is very high. This piece alone is estimated to be worth a lot. I will also make a conscience business. I don't ask you how much you want. You give me Zihai City. The gem is Yours."

The woman froze, and the crowd applauded.

Limo sneered and left.


The days passed quickly, and it was the day of the exam in a blink of an eye.

All over the world, there are candidates taking the exam in all the branch schools of Sheng Han.

"Eat some more, hey, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Because of his younger brother's exam today, Li Mo deliberately got up early and prepared a hearty breakfast for him.

Unexpectedly, he didn't eat a few mouthfuls, and finally went out with two deep-fried dough sticks in his mouth, and Li Mo couldn't help shouting.

Mu Qingshen rode a bicycle to the examination room in a low-key way today. Outside the gate, there was a teacher scanning with a metal scanner, checking the ID card and examination bag, and there were still inside the gate.

Mu Qingshen walked towards the teaching building from the entrance here. He leisurely saw a young man in white clothes coming in from the entrance over there. It was none other than Ling Lie.

Ling Lie also saw him and walked towards him, "What a coincidence."

Mu Qing smiled deeply, "It's a coincidence, how is your review going?"

"OK How about you?"

"Same, come on." Mu Qing patted his shoulder deeply.

"Yeah." Ling Lie also patted him on the shoulder, and the two went in together.

Outside the classroom door, the teacher finished the inspection according to the procedure as before, and the moment he stepped into the classroom and sat in his seat, Mu Qingshen felt inexplicably at ease.

The time on the wall passed by every minute and every second. Outside, Limo leaned against the car calmly. She looked at her watch from time to time. Three hours, it didn't take long to wait.

As soon as the bell rang, the teacher collected the papers, and a few students came out of Shenghan's gate scatteredly, and Limo saw his younger brother at a glance.

He was chatting with Ling Lie about the exam questions just now, and the two of them were talking and laughing unconsciously.

While chatting, we talked about racing cars. Ling Lie said, "I'm not interested in driving a car, but I like watching races..."

"I've watched almost every game of yours, Mu Qingshen, you are amazing."

Mu Qing laughed deeply and put his arms around his shoulders.

Limo saw two teenagers walking towards her shoulder to shoulder.

"Hi, little sister~" Ling Lie waved his hand to greet her.

Li Mo has never met this kid, but it seems that he knows himself.

Mu Qingshen introduced, "Sister, this is Ling Lie, uh...Mu Yeqin's younger brother."

Ling Lie: "..."

Li Mo raised her eyebrows, Ling Lie bared her white teeth, "Actually, my brother's name is Si Jin."

Limo raised her eyebrows even higher.

She opened the car door, looked at Ling Lie and asked with a smile, "I'm going to take Shen'er to dinner, how about you?"

Ling Lie scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "That little sister, my brother ordered a meal in the heaven and earth... Oh, the second brother is also here, why don't you go eat with me?"

Limo raised the phone in her hand, smiling brightly, "Just a quarter of an hour ago, I rejected him."

Just now the second son called and invited his girl to have lunch, but his girl refused him.

Ling Lie: "...Okay, then go eat, I will go to heaven and earth."

The three waved goodbye.

On the other side, the second son stared at the phone very depressed.

It's been 15 minutes, and I'm still staring at my phone, feeling depressed.

On the opposite side, the eldest and the youngest rested their chins and were speechless.

Yuanyuan was eating chicken legs, oh, and Si Jin, he drove to pick up his younger brother.

This weekend, Yuanyuan didn't go to school, and the elder and younger were lazy all day, and went out to eat with them.

Knowing that his younger brother had an exam today, Si Jin deliberately squeezed out some time and held this celebration banquet for him.

It's not a celebration banquet, it's just a little bit of my brother's heart.

"Yuanyuan, can you do uncle a favor?"

Mu Yeqin came over and sat on the seat next to the little guy.

"I can't." Yuanyuan shook her head, without giving him a look, she focused on gnawing on the chicken leg.

Mu Yeqin didn't hear "can't", put the phone on the table, and pushed it under his eyelids, "You call your aunt, just say that you miss her very much, without her, you can't even eat."

Yuanyuan looked at the chicken leg in her hand.

The young master slowly turned his face to the other side, and wiped.

The little guy's cheeks were chubby, half covered with oil, Mu Yeqin stared at him, anxious.

Can you give me a word.

After a while, the little guy raised his eyes slowly, and Mu Yeqin saw three words written in those eyes:
You are a dog.

Mu Yeqin quickly picked up his hand, dialed the number, and placed it next to Yuanyuan's ear.

"You're such a dog" in Yuanyuan's eyes became more and more intense.

In the car, Limo checked the time, it was 11:23, it was still early.

"are you hungry?"

Mu Qing shook his head deeply. Although he ate little in the morning, he still doesn't feel very hungry.

"Then let's go shopping first and eat at your sister Qianmo's house?"

"it is good."

At this moment, the phone rang, and Limo said, "Shen'er answer it for me."

Mu Qingshen took out the mobile phone from her bag, connected it, and turned on the hands-free, a round and soft voice came out: "Little aunt~"

"I miss you~"

Limo's eyelids twitched.

"Little aunt, people miss you so much that they can't eat. I haven't eaten for three days. It's so pitiful."

Everyone's mouths twitched.

"It's too fake," the second son hinted at his nephew, "you cry."

Yuanyuan understood, and cried with a "wow", "Little aunt, come, come and accompany me, okay, I, I miss you so much that I'm going crazy, belch~ woo woo woo..."

Everyone: "..."

Limo's eyelids twitched, "Mu Yeqin, if you don't get sick for a day, you're going to lose your energy, right?"

"Do you want me to treat you, I think you owe—"

Pinch, pinch, pinch the phone quickly, the second young master cut it off with trembling hands.

"Beep beep..."

"Hello?" Li Mo raised her voice, "I haven't finished talking yet, what are you hanging on for?!"

"Ha ha--"

Mu Qingshen couldn't collapse anymore, she beat her legs and laughed.


(End of this chapter)

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