Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 120 Started on Day 1

Chapter 120 Get Started On The First Day

1014, "10" stands for the tenth floor, and "14" is the room number.

The window was bright and clean, and in the sunlight on the window sill, there was a narrow-necked glazed vase in Mu Qingshen's hand just now, and a narcissus was inserted in it, quietly blooming.

Ying Ye went to buy food, and Mu Qingshen put the washed fruits on the table. Suddenly, there was a "bang", Mu Qingshen turned her head, and the door behind her was kicked open.

There stood Mo's figure, with white hair the most eye-catching, followed by a shirt, jacket, and light-colored sweatpants.

When Mu Qingshen turned his eyes to the baseball bat in his hand, he smiled slightly, "Long time no see."

Fu Qing stepped in, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his deep hostility swept towards Mu Qingshen.

Smiling and laughing, the smile on Mu Qingshen's lips disappeared, and her face turned cold.

Nearby, the teenagers confront each other, each more ruthless than the other.

Without any extra words, Fu Qing raised his hand suddenly, and the hard baseball bat drew an arc, hitting Mu Qingshen's forehead.

Mu Qingshen quickly raised his hand, grabbed his wrist and twisted it. The baseball bat fell to the ground, and then he punched. The corners of Fu Qing's lips were rotten. blood foam.

Fu Qing kicked him on the chest, Mu Qing didn't notice, and backed away again and again, Fu Qing bullied him, and the two entered the bedroom from the living room.

On the bed, the two hugged each other. Fu Qing rode on Mu Qingshen, clutching the pillow and covering his face with a ferocious face, trying to smother him to death.

Mu Qingshen turned her head desperately, but she couldn't escape the confinement of the pillow, and the air became thinner and thinner.

He flailed wildly with his exposed hands, leisurely touched the alarm clock on the bedside table, grabbed it, and swung it hard based on his feeling.

The iron alarm clock suddenly smashed Fu Qing's head, his head shook, and the strength in his hands loosened. Mu Qingshen took the opportunity to counterattack and pushed Fu Qing out of the bed.

Mu Qingshen also jumped out of the bed, before he could react, grabbed his hair, and dragged him to the wall like a rag.

Fu Qing's head was pressed against the wall, and at this moment, his head blossomed again, and there was a bloody hole.

Mu Qing pulled his scalp deeply and smashed it hard against the wall. It was a real fight, just like that time in Munich, they really wanted to kill each other.

"Oh shit!"

Fu Qing cursed, elbowed back hard, and Mu Qing was in pain. His movements slowed down for a moment, and Fu Qing seized the opportunity. He wrapped his hands around his head, grabbed Mu Qingshen's wrist, and pulled him from his scalp with all his strength. Pulled up and down.

Then he turned around, clamped his arm at the same time and twisted it, and with a muffled groan, Mu Qingshen's entire arm was directly dislocated.

He distorted his face and turned pale.

Mu Qing wanted to pull his arm out, but Fu Qing didn't give him this chance, and locked his arm tightly, not allowing him to move.

At this time, Ying Ye came back.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the blood on the ground, Ying Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly ran to Mu Qingshen's room.

Sure enough, the room was full of anger and murderous intent, the two teenagers were facing each other very close, their eyes were both scarlet, and they both held back their energy and wanted to kill each other.

Ying Ye rushed forward to separate them, but the two of them were like Tietong stuck together by cement, no matter how much they pulled, they would not move, "Let go!"

The two didn't let go, still staring at each other angrily, as if he didn't exist.

Ying Ye gritted his teeth, waved his hand and gave each of them a slap. Mu Qingshen received this slap and didn't respond. Fu Qing was different. He was already dizzy, but Ying Ye's slap was like adding insult to injury.

But the strength in his hands did not loosen a bit.

Two stubborn donkeys.

In desperation, Ying Ye went to the kitchen, and when he came back, he held an extra knife in his hand, and held it up in front of them, threatening viciously: "Let go, or I will eunuch you."

The two of them finally reacted, they turned their heads to give him a quick glance at the same time, then turned back quickly, and continued to stand in a stalemate.

He didn't take his threats seriously at all.

Oh shit!

Ying Ye threw the knife, "Don't let me go, I will sue the teacher!" He made a gesture to dial the phone, "Sue the principal, anyway, I have the principal's phone number."

The two let go.

Ying Ye hurriedly separated them one by one.

The midday sun came in, lighting up half of the sofa.

The weather outside is very good, blue sky and white clouds, as clear as washing, without a trace of impurities.

On the small sofa at both ends of the couch, two teenagers were sitting opposite each other, one covering his head, the other holding his arms. He refused to accept it, and was jealous and irritated. If his eyes could kill, he would have torn each other to pieces.

Ying Ye found the medicine box and cleaned and bandaged them briefly.

They definitely can't go directly to the school hospital in such a state, otherwise what would the students passing by say?
This looks like a fight, and it will be spread by then, so it's okay?

Fighting on the first day of registration, the behavior is simply the worst of the worst, the school will not give the opportunity to stay in school for probation, and will be expelled directly.

In fact, Mu Qingshen's injury is alright, his arm was dislocated, but he has experience and can put it back on his own.

Fu Qing is different, her head is covered with blood, and her white hair is dyed red, this...

It's so obvious.

After the bleeding was stopped, Ying Ye wiped his face with a clean towel, and the red hair was out of his control. Ying Ye found a scarf and wrapped it loosely for him, and took it to the school hospital.

After connecting the arm, Mu Qing changed his clothes again, and replaced the big footprint on his chest.

The school is big, and the dormitory is not close to the school hospital, so the three of them had to go there by bicycle.

Ying Ye was driving Fu Qing, and Mu Qingshen was riding one by himself.

The two bicycles drove side by side to the school hospital. Along the way, pedestrians turned their heads.

Not to mention their outstanding looks, just Fu Qing, who is wrapped in a red scarf, looks like a grandma in the 80s and [-]s, and even has the face of a little milk dog.

For a moment, I couldn't help guessing and discussing, the boy is not sick, why is he dressed like this...

After all, no one guessed that they were fighting, even if they guessed, they had to produce evidence.

You can't just say I'm fighting if I wear a turban, right?

The school doctor is a beautiful young lady with a cold temperament. Whenever Fu Qing sees a beautiful woman, she can't move her eyes and forgets the pain in her head.

"Who is sick, sit down."

The three of them entered the infirmary. The young lady who was typing in front of the computer saw someone coming in and stood up to greet them.

Ying Ye supported Fu Qing to sit on the examination bed, while Mu Qingshen sat on the chair against the wall.

"I accidentally knocked on the head, please show me..." Ying Ye took off the scarf, and Fu Qing's red hair was instantly exposed.

Miss: "..."

"Is this a knock?"

The young lady raised her eyebrows to look at Ying Ye, but Ying Ye was silent.

The young lady put her hand on his head, and Fu Qing grinned for a moment, "It hurts~"

He lowered his head obediently, allowing others to check.

No matter how much your mind wanders, you can't stare at others in a vain way, it's too uneducated.

The younger sister raised her eyebrows even higher, "Is this a fight?"

Her eyes flicked between the three of them, and all three of them kept their mouths shut and did not speak.

The doctor is so smart, once she examines the wound, adding to the weird atmosphere in the three-person room, and looking at Mu Qingshen on the side, she will be able to figure out what's going on.

(End of this chapter)

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