Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 121 Changed the principal, the eyes are fixed

Chapter 121 Changed the principal, the eyes must be

"That, sister..."

"Don't explain," the young lady stretched out her hand to interrupt Ying Ye's words, "You are special recruits, right? You committed a crime on the first day you entered the school? Do you know that there is a new principal? The new principal is very strict. If you let her Know……"

The three of them stared at her nervously, and the young lady smiled mysteriously, "Just wait to be fired."

"do not!"

Fu Qing was the first to quit, almost bouncing off the bed, but the young lady held him down and told him not to move.

If the wound is in the hair, the hair must be removed first. This is a delicate job, and there is no room for error.

The whole world knows how difficult Shenghan's special recruitment exam is. Fu Qing struggled for two years before finally getting in. If he is expelled, his eldest sister must not skin him alive?

"Sister, Miss Sister, we have studied hard for decades and shouldered the hope of a whole village, and finally came here. If we are kicked out, we, we will not be able to survive..."

"My dad still has a lot of debts to pay off. My mom has been looking forward to my glory. I have a younger sister to raise. I'm the only one in the whole family. I have to take on everything at a young age. So pitiful, woo woo woo~..."

After finishing his hair, the young lady was going to apply medicine to him. Although Mu Qingshen was hit hard a few times, Fu Qing knew how to protect himself and minimize the damage, so his most serious injury was the one hit by the alarm clock. a bit.

In the case of being completely unprepared, they got hit hard.

Fortunately, his head was iron, so there was no fracture.

The young lady listened quietly to his nonsense, while Mu Qingshen on the chair stared at him like an idiot.

Ying Ye touched his nose and blinked his eyes, naturally dumbfounded.

"It's not impossible for me to keep it a secret," said the young lady. "My infirmary lacks a cleaner. The three of you take turns to clean it for me for a month. This matter is over."

"No problem!" Fu Qing was the first to readily agree.

What is a month, let alone a month, even a year, he is willing.

Think about the next month, he will be able to hang out with such a beautiful beauty every day, chatting, joking, getting to know each other, getting to know each other, and then, hehehe...

Beautiful, beautiful.

Everyone didn't know his wishful thinking, and Mu Qingshen hadn't said a word since he came in, with a straight face, and the hostility in his body was hard to dissipate for a long time.

He has no problem with cleaning.

The innocent person was Ying Ye. They fought, and he rushed to bandage their wounds, bring them to the hospital, and clean up their mess. Now they have to be implicated and clean up for a month.

Standing by the bed, Ying Ye pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

Sensing his emotions, the young lady turned her head and glanced at him, "Why, you don't want to?"

Ying Ye refused in his heart, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the time.

He is so busy with work that he doesn't even have time for class.

After the medicine was finished, the young lady was putting on gauze and bandaging Fu Qing. Ying Ye looked at her profile and said, "Sister, I have a job and I really don't have time. I can make it up next year, okay? Then you can teach me how to do it." It takes as long as you want to clean."

It's just over November now, and when he finishes his work, it will definitely be the next year.

The young lady couldn't help laughing, such a sincere child.

Of course she could see that he hadn't participated in the fight, even if he refused, she wouldn't say anything more.

She couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and suddenly changed her mind, "Okay."

Mu Qing frowned deeply. He didn't want to involve the innocent Ying Ye, so he said, "Miss Sister, he didn't participate in the fight. It's entirely between the two of us."

"We" naturally refers to him and Fu Qing.

"Yes," Fu Qing also agreed.

The young lady nodded, "I know."

A few balls of blood-soaked alcohol swabs were thrown into the stainless steel dressing tray. After the injury was healed, the young lady turned to look at Mu Qingshen: "Come here too, let me take a look."

Mu Qingshen got up and went over. The young lady first checked his arm to make sure that there was no problem with the reset, and then applied medicine to his other injuries before they left the infirmary together.

In the path of the garden, three teenagers walked side by side.

Mu Qingshen and Fu Qing were covered with thorns, they were like two cactus. Poor Ying Ye, sandwiched between them, it's hard to be right or left.

"Thanks," Mu Qing prodded Ying Ye with his elbow, and said, "Hey, do you really know the principal's phone number?"

Fu Qing was also curious. He looked at Ying Ye, who shook his head.

Fu Qing was speechless, damn it, she thought she was an invisible boss.


The old headmaster dedicated his whole life to Sheng Han.

After sitting in a wheelchair, wearing presbyopic glasses and still being dizzy, and unable to contribute any more to the school, I finally listened to people's persuasion and silently resigned from this post.

He was replaced by a young scholar.

She is well-known in the academic world, and the old headmaster had a long talk with her for several nights, and was impressed by her talent, so he couldn't wait to write to the school board, recommending her to take over his mantle.

The board agreed.

Today is the day when the new principal arrives, and the school specially held a welcome party, and all the people in the school are required to attend.

In the light blue sky, the sunlight weaves into a layer of golden clean velvet.

The red rubber track, the green lawn, and the red and green playground are vast and boundless. When the get out of class bell rings, crowds of people swarm out from the teaching building. In an instant, the playground is full of darkness.

The sound of "buzzing buzzing" reverberated between the sky and the earth, and everyone was discussing in full swing, who will be the new principal this time, what kind of person will he be, and whether he will be able to do things well...

At the end of the crowd, special admissions students stood in a row.

Fu Qing's brain was shiny and reflective under the sun, and he didn't care at all about becoming bald, even being bald couldn't stop him from being handsome.

Fu Qing has red lips and white teeth, and his appearance is harmless to humans and animals, especially his eyes are not too big, but they are very flowery, and they always open round inadvertently when looking at people, just like a little puppy like him.

Which girl can hold back the screams in front of him, just want to pounce on him and rub him hard.

But since he shaved his head, the reflection on the top of his head felt like a shiny knife flashing coldly, adding a bit of gloom, and the little milk dog became a little wolf dog.

Such a contrasting temperament has attracted countless eyes.

In addition to the few pieces of gauze on his head, anyone who sees it can't help but comment, what's wrong with this man, what happened, why is there gauze on his head...

Fu Qing was used to being thick-skinned, so he didn't care what others thought of him, so he put his hands in his pockets and stood there with his nostrils upturned, with an arrogant and lazy look of "I'm not easy to mess with".

Those people, naturally the voice of discussion became lower and lower, and finally disappeared.

"Ling Lie, tonight's coder, I'm going to fuck that grandson, do you hear me?"

Fu Qing raised his jaw towards Fang, and Ling Lie looked along. A few steps away, Mu Qingshen was chatting head to head with Ying Ye.

Sensing the line of sight, Mu Qing raised his head and saw the two people on the side.

He smiled coldly, and the arrogance on his face was even worse than that of Fu Qing.


A leisurely voice sounded, and then saw a graceful figure appearing under the golden sky, that figure waved in the light, and ran towards them from a distance...

Mu Qing's eyes were fixed.

(End of this chapter)

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