Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 123 The Two Young Masters Have Deep Routine

Chapter 123
"Knock Knock Knock-"

Wei Bing said: "Please come in."

The vice principal opened the door and walked in. Behind the red desk, their newly appointed principal was bowing his head in a pile of documents.

During the work handover in the past few days, a lot of things have piled up.

"But principal, the chairman of our school wants to see you, when do you think you have time?"

The vice-principal is just in his early thirties, which is the time when he is young and promising.

He has always thought that he is very good, and it took only three years to climb from a teacher who was nothing to the position of vice principal.

This kind of person is generally proud and arrogant, especially since he was the most valued person by Mr. Ying. He thought that if Mr. Ying abdicated, it would be his turn to be the headmaster.

But he never expected that Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway. This "Cheng Yaojin" was not only younger than him, but also a woman!

A young woman took the seat that belonged to her, which arrogant man would obey?

Why?She is well educated?

Oh, but whoever can teach has no knowledge?He used to do academic research too, okay? !

Thinking about it this way, the vice-principal's heart became even more unbalanced, and his eyes became more indifferent.

Wei Bing can feel it naturally, but what does it have to do with her?
She didn't raise her head and said: "I don't have time at any time. If you want to see me, let him come to see me. I'm very busy."

The vice-principal was taken aback, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

"You said... let the chairman come to see you?"

"Otherwise?" Wei Bing raised his head this time, "Is there any problem?"

There seems to be no problem, but is your attitude too arrogant?
The vice principal was stunned for a while, "He is the chairman, the biggest investor in our school, and he can dismiss you at any time."

Wei Bing smiled, "Then teach him to withdraw."

She will be afraid?
This principal, she can be the principal if she wants to, and if she doesn't want to be, she can't be inappropriate, so why do she need to look at anyone's face?
"Okay, go out if you have nothing to do."

Wei Bing closed the document and took another copy.

The golden sunlight fell in from the window lattice, sporadically coating the woman's body.

The vice principal couldn't help re-examining the woman in front of him. Could it be that he is short-sighted?
These words quickly reached the ears of the Second Young Master.

The second young master raised his eyebrows. Anyway, he has nothing to do recently, so it's not that he can't take a trip, but it's the first time he heard someone dare to speak so arrogantly, the second young master pulled his lips, it's quite fresh.

He, Mu Yeqin, is a little rich, but he is not a god in the sky, and it is nonsense to keep a distance from ordinary people.

Of course, he can also meet a person in person like ordinary people, without condescension.But he thinks so, others don't think so.

In the eyes of others, he is the god in the sky, unreachable. When this god wants to see you one day, you will naturally come immediately with excitement and dare not neglect.

It directly blocked Mu Yeqin's way.

Then an abnormal person suddenly popped up from among the people blocking the road, claiming, "Second Young Master, why are you here to see me?" Mu Yeqin thought it was quite novel.

The black SSC Tuatara drove into Shenghan University and stopped directly downstairs of the administrative department.

Through the car window, Mu Yeqin saw the vice principal. The vice principal knew that he was coming, so he waited here early.

Mu Yeqin got off the car and went upstairs with the vice principal.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

The knock on the door sounded again, and it took only half an hour before and after.

Wei Bing said: "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and the person who was about to come in saw a flash of surprise when he saw the moment inside.

After processing another document, Wei Bing raised his head to change another document, and was slightly surprised when his gaze passed the doorway.

Unexpectedly, it would be her (he)...

Mu Yeqin smiled, the corners of his lips parted in circles, and said to the people beside him: "You go out first."

The vice-principal didn't know why, and was kicked out in a daze.

Once the door is closed, it seems that they are isolated from the world, and only they are left in the small space.

The atmosphere is just right.

Wei Bing stared straight at him as he approached, Mu Yeqin propped his hands on the table, and his upper body slammed across the table.

That face was caught off guard and enlarged before his eyes, but Wei Bing subconsciously hid back and leaned back on the chair.

"You can really surprise me."

The second son's smile was rippling, and the end of his eyes became more charming, that smile shone in her eyes, shaking her mind.

Wei Bing pushed him calmly, Mu Yeqin stood up with her strength, she asked without emotion: "What's the matter, Second Young Master?"

"Yeah," originally there was something to do, the new principal took office, and they always wanted to talk about school-related matters together, but now seeing her, it's all right.

"I have something to do." Mu Yeqin walked around behind the table and took out a card from his pocket, "This is for you."

The resident card made of blue zircon is radiant and cool to the touch.

Wei Bing stares, emmmmm...

In fact, she has a better one at home.

"Thank you, no need."

"No charge? Then I'll hang on."

Mu Yeqin didn't stop, Naka was still stretched out in front of her, but Wei Bing didn't bother to talk to him, "I love to go or not."

Mu Yeqin's smile burst from his throat, he put the card on the table and pushed it to her hand.

She still had so much work to do, Mu Yeqin turned and sat on the sofa, took off her shoes and went in, hugged the pillow, and obediently stopped disturbing her.

Wei Bing really didn't pay attention to him anymore, it didn't matter if there was an extra person in the room, she continued to do her work without being affected at all.

The scent of flowers on the window sill is lingering, the room is so quiet that there is only the rustling sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper, the man stares at the woman seriously, harmonious and soothing, everything is so natural.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Mu Yeqin didn't know how long he held the pillow with his chin resting on the pillow, when he suddenly felt sleepy, and fell asleep in the next second.

His body swayed, like a tumbler, fell to one side, straightened up again, fell down, straightened up again...

Finally, after a few back and forth, he fell into a deep sleep, and his body could no longer straighten up like a sudden awakening, and fell down completely...

Wei Bing raised his eyes unintentionally, and saw the person on the sofa leaning sideways.

He sat closer to one end of the sofa. Once he fell down, his head would hit the wooden armrest. The edge of the armrest was sharp, and the skin would be broken without a concussion.

Falling, falling, ah, falling...

Damn, I saw an afterimage flashing past, and the second young master was firmly pulled into his arms.

Wei Bing slightly bent over to embrace him, his head resting on her arm, as if he was interrupted in a sweet dream, he frowned slightly, arched unconsciously, and his head was stuffed into it...

In the girl's chest.

But ice embarrassment.

She supported his head, gently helped him to lie down, then turned around, raised his head, and was startled.

How do I...

Something was stirring in her heart, she didn't understand why she felt this way, how long they had only been together...

Behind her invisible back, the lips of the person on the sofa curved slightly...

(End of this chapter)

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