Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 124 Playing tricks, the kid is afraid of his sister

Chapter 124 Playing tricks, the kid is afraid of his sister

The dead leaves were rustling outside, and it was already dark at seven o'clock, and the cold wind kept trying to penetrate into the house.

It really is winter.

Wei Bing stretched his waist greatly, his eyes naturally fell to the sofa, the person on it was still asleep, at first the second young master was pretending to be asleep, but at the back he was really asleep.

She stepped closer to him, reached out and pushed his arm, "Mu Yeqin?"

The sleeping man didn't respond.

The push was too light, but Wei Bing pushed him down again, and his whole body swayed, "Mu Yeqin? Get up Mu Yeqin..."

The sleeping person reacted, stunned, and opened his eyes with a sigh.

The face of the girl in front of him gradually became clear, and he sat up, with his slightly messy hair, looking at her for a moment.

Seems like a hangover from just waking up, kind of silly.

Wei Bing couldn't help laughing, and said without warmth: "I'm leaving get off work, you can go."

get out.

"Oh," the second young master was so obedient, he obediently picked up the shoes and put them on, then stood beside her, waiting for her to take him away.

Looking past him, Wei Bing turned and left by himself, and the people behind suddenly said, "Hiss~"

"what happened?"

When Wei Bing turned his head, he was bowing and hugging his leg, "The leg is cramping."

Wei Bing frowned, it was really troublesome.

The cramps were very painful, and Mu Yeqin kept bending over and raising his legs, not daring to move.

Wei Bing went over and reached out to support him, "How about sitting down for a while?"

"Okay," the moment he turned around, he suddenly staggered, his head straightened down, and he was about to fall down.

Wei Bing was startled, the hand holding his arm suddenly tightened, and in a flash, he took the opportunity to pull it hard, Wei Bing exclaimed, and then heard a "bang", and the two bodies fell on the sofa.

On the sofa, the man put his arm around the girl's waist, put his hand through the back of her head, and pressed her down. The girl's eyes widened.

The man curled his lips slightly, and his eyes half covered by eyelashes flowed back and forth on her face, lingering, lustful and bewitching.

It made the girl blush.

Seeing her reaction, he was extremely satisfied, and his smile became even more charming.

But Bing's heart was beating wildly.

"Get up!" Wei Bing stretched out his hand to hit him, the strength was like scratching an itch.

Not only did Mu Yeqin look down, but he even got closer, approaching her with a tender face, and Wei Bing almost screamed.

The tip of the nose brushed against the tip of the nose, and the warm breath was intertwined with each other, which was too suffocating, but the ice was in a mess, and he was so anxious that he raised his hand and slapped it.

He easily grabbed her wrist and pressed it to the sides of her head.

The two bodies were tightly pressed against each other, and the soft curve of her body was completely presented under his body, and she could only be ravaged by him.

Wei Bing was so ashamed that he turned away from looking at him.

The pink spread from the cheeks down the neck, and spread to the girl's earlobe, the collar was pulled down a bit, the collarbone was looming, such a beautiful view, Mu Yeqin's Adam's apple rolled faintly, and when he opened his mouth, his voice was so hoarse: "Can you stop hitting me all the time? Ok?"

"Get up first~"

With this charming voice, Wei Bing closed her eyes, she was going to die on the spot.

The second son resisted the impulse and laughed out loud.

She was still the same as before, she couldn't stand a little teasing at all, she would explode when she was teased, her face would turn red, she would become shy, and sometimes she would even cry when she went too far, as innocent as a little white rabbit.

No matter which one she was, facing his attack, she was too flustered to defend herself, so she could only surrender.

His breath was getting closer and closer, Mu Yeqin finally couldn't help lowering his head, and buried his cheek into the crook of her neck.

The thin lips brushed across the skin inadvertently, arousing an electric current, which rushed to the whole body, but the ice cream trembled, and bent his knees to push him.

But the man is restraining her, how can she bend down, aware of her actions, he laughed even louder, the magnetism was hoarse, and it echoed in her ears, "Can you change it next time, huh?"

It's always like this, what if he is really hurt?
"Mu Yeqin..."

The girl's voice was tainted with crying, well, she made me cry.

The second son panicked and got up quickly.

Once the shackles were loosened, the girl got up with flying legs.

The second son slipped into the bathroom in a gust of wind.

After a while, there was a muffled hum.

It's really terrible...

The evening breeze was cool and refreshing, blowing away the residual heat from the cheeks.

Walking leisurely on this empty campus road, the scene just now kept echoing in Wei Bing's mind.

She couldn't help touching her neck with her fingertips, and all the residual heat dissipated, only there, the residual heat lingered for a long time.


He murmured "hate" on his mouth, but a smile trickled out of his eyes.

Now, those eyes are charming, cold and tender, contradictory intertwined, and it's a bit hard to tell who is who.

When Mu Yeqin came out, the room was empty and no one was there, he smiled helplessly and sat on the chair behind the desk.

The work was almost halfway through, and there was still half left, so Mu Yeqin picked up a pen and continued for her.

The sky was dark and dark, and a lattice window in the administrative building was lit all night.


"Sister, how about I... I'll go by myself..."

After breakfast, Wei Bing proposed to go to school together, but my younger brother shook his head and rejected her with a murmur.

Mu Qingshen got up in the morning and washed his hair, dried it with a hair dryer, his yellow hair was hanging fluffy and softly, he hung his head, his toes in the slippers were slightly picked, standing in front of her, he was very cute.

Wei Bing couldn't help laughing, this little kid has been avoiding her since he came back last night, he has to calculate the timing of eating with her, and when he comes out for a drink of water, if he bumps into her by accident, he will immediately retreat back into the room.

If she hadn't scolded him forcefully this morning, I'm afraid he wouldn't even have breakfast.

As for it, isn't she just becoming his principal? Is she that scary?

Alas, as an elder sister, I can't understand the fear that my younger brother faces her.

"No, I'm going to walk with you and put on my shoes."

The older sister was quite unreasonable, and the younger brother didn't dare to resist.

In the car, Mu Qingshen was speechless all the way.

Looking at him, Wei Bing still couldn't help laughing out loud, "Do you want to ask, how can I go back on my word?"

Mu Qing grumbled deeply: "Don't dare."

Wei Bing laughed loudly, "I didn't go back on my word. I promised you not to teach in Shenghan, and I did it. I didn't teach, but only became the principal."

Mu Qingshen: "..."

want to cry.

Why are you so afraid of her?This also stems from his year at Princeton University.

At that time, he was knocked out by Qianmo and thrown into Princeton, and he crawled out, but in the end, he was still thrown in.

In just one year, it was devastated.

Mu Qingshen remembered very clearly that he studied industrial design with a professor, went to and from get out of class every day like an assembly line, and stayed in the laboratory when he was free.

In fact, that year, he was slumped, because of the racing incident, he was sluggish.

He wanted to surpass Roslin, but at that time he was far behind Roslin.

So if you want to surpass Roslin, you must first surpass your previous self. If you can't even break your own record every time, then he is equivalent to stagnating. How can you surpass Roslin?

However, the fact is that in that year, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break his own record. He stagnated for a whole year, and there was even a slight downward trend.

(End of this chapter)

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