Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 145 I bought all the blind boxes for you, Mu Laogou is a real dog

Chapter 145 I bought all the blind boxes for you, Mu Laogou is a real dog
The shopping mall is not far from the school. On the long street full of traffic, the teenager is riding a bicycle and moving forward at high speed.

After a while, the car stopped in front of the mall.

"Sister-in-law, who are you calling? Why haven't you come yet?"

Fu Xi took Li Mo's arm, dangling back and forth... Li Mo didn't speak, but in the next moment, she moved her jaw forward and said, "Hey, isn't that coming?"

Fu Xi looked sideways, and his eyes met. At that moment, his peach blossom eyes opened up brightly.

Fu Xi's mind froze, and he watched him approaching him step by step in disbelief.

Li Mo secretly pinched Mu Yeqin, the corners of Mu Yeqin's lips curled up, he clasped her hand, and left.

"Why, you're surprised to see me?" His eyes lingered on her face, his eyes that had been frozen all year round unconsciously melted, crushing the spring water.

"It was a bit of an accident," Fu Xi turned her head. The second brother and sister-in-law had disappeared at some point, and she was still stunned. "How could it be you who was called by sister-in-law? Do you know her?"

"This one~" Mu Qing smiled deeply, and said to the vixen who only seduces innocent girls, "My dear sister, why don't you know her?"

Fu Xi: "..."

Crashed again.

"There is a charity party next week, will you accompany me?"

The number of people in the shopping mall is getting thinner, and there are clothes sellers on both sides, and the man is walking along the aisle with the girl.

He held him too tightly, and Limo couldn't pull her hand out several times. In the past, she would frown and hit him in this situation, but now, she seemed to accept it naturally.

"No." Li Mo directly refused.

Mu Yeqin was upset, and pinched her face, she glared at him, and he pinched again, "Don't keep rejecting me, can you? Why refuse so simply? There was an auction at the party, and there were many good things in it." Very, you don't want to see it?"

Li Mo's mind loosened, and Mu Yeqin continued to seduce: "It was held by the Fu family. You should know the background of the Fu family. They have a lot of good things."

Li Mo's heart and eyes collapsed like a screw, and she curled her lips: "That's fine."

Seeing her arrogant face, Mu Yeqin laughed out loud.

The two continued to move forward, Li Mo squinted at him, "I don't think you want to take me to see some good things, but you just lack a female companion?"

Mu Yeqin didn't deny it, and lowered his head to get close to her, "You are indeed missing. Could it be that you want me to take another woman?"

Limo snorted coldly, left him and walked forward.

Behind him, the man laughed so loudly that his flowers were trembling, he quickly followed, and dragged the girl to the first floor of the shopping mall.

When the car drove out of the parking lot, Limo thought that he wanted to send herself home, but after walking for a while, she realized something was wrong, he was going in the opposite direction from the direction home.

"Where are you taking me?" Li Mo turned to look at him, and he said, "You will know when you go."

Feeling that the eyes beside him were still staring at him, Mu Yeqin turned his head and glanced, and laughed for a moment. The girl's eyes made him look like a human trafficker, "Don't worry, I can't sell you."

He stretched out his claws to pinch her again, this time, she slapped her away.

In the shopping mall, two little ones wandered boredly.

Fu Xi kept making calls, the second brother couldn't get through, and the younger sister-in-law couldn't get through. Oh, they're both in flight mode, just in case they get a call from them.

Fu Xi stomped her feet, oh, it's so annoying.

It was obviously a three-person shopping trip, but now she was left behind, with a tail behind her, and the aura of this tail was too strong, making her feel that no matter how far away she was from him, he was firmly surrounding her.

In fact, they were really not close, there could be more than a dozen steps between them.

"Tail" looked at the petite figure in front of him who stomped his feet from time to time, the corners of his lips never came down.

"Hey, kid—"

Oh, what are you calling me for...

Fu Xi closed his eyes with his forehead closed, wanting to die.

It's really embarrassing, we don't know each other well, right?
Please, we were still enemies a few days ago, and I was clamoring to get rid of you...

Can you stop calling me by kids all the time, who am I?Is it necessary to be so affectionate?

Although...Actually...she doesn't seem to object to him calling her that...

Ahhh... Fu Xi stomped, stomped, stomped again, she was going to the parking lot, she had to open the blind box, and opening the blind box could calm her down.

The "tail" raised his eyebrows behind him, why did he react so suddenly?

He naturally stepped forward to keep up.

When he arrived at the parking lot, Fu Xi was dumbfounded. He searched around but couldn't find the second brother's car. Where's the car?What about her blind box?
Fu Xi hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Mu Yeqin again. This time, Mu Yeqin got through. He was exiting the flight mode and wanted to tell her that they left, and asked Mu Qingshen to take her back.


Fu Xi asked anxiously: "Second brother, where are you? Why did you leave me alone? Where's the blind box? Where's my blind box?"

In fact, they left as soon as they left, Fu Xi didn't care, all she cared about was her blind box, her blind box! ...

"What's your blind box?" Mu Yeqin said coldly, "Fu Xiaoxi, I bought it and paid for it. It's my blind box. I don't need to ask you what to do with it, right?"

"But you, you bought it for me," Fu Xi was about to cry. He has been like this since he was a child, bullying her all the time, from puppyhood to adulthood.

"When did I say I bought it for you?"

Fu Xi was really crying, like Yuanyuan, with a "wow" grin and burst into tears.

Crybaby, annoying.

Mu Yeqin hung up the phone mercilessly, cry, cry, better speak louder, let him coax you.

Limo frowned when she heard the crying on the phone, "Did you leave the blind box for her?"

She didn't know that he had put the blind box in the car, so she thought it was mailed to one place, and she would teach Fu Xi to hold it when he left later.

Mu Yeqin turned to look at her, and said as a matter of course: "What are you leaving for her, I bought it for you."

Limo: "..."

Why is she still a sinner?She won't pick on this trumped-up charge.

In the empty underground parking lot, the woman's miserable howl echoed.

Mu Qingshen: "..."

"Blind, blind box is my life, whoever snatches it and whoever is in a hurry..."

Mu Qingshen: "..."

He dragged her away without saying a word.

As soon as she got out of the parking lot, Fu Xi's crying stopped, and she moved freely. Outside, she must take care of her image.

Looking at the person in front, I don't know where he is going to take me.

Mu Qing pulled her to the miniso store, pointed directly at the blind box area, and said to the counter: "I've packed all the blind boxes there, and I've bought the ones you have in stock..."

Mu Qingshen took out the card and handed it over, meeting the astonished eyes of the clerk.

Today, what day is it today, why are there so many local tyrants?
It's really you, earth, you, Hao! ! !

"That sir...we don't sell it that way..." The clerk pulled the corners of his mouth in an ugly way, joking, he took away all the stock, what else would they sell in the future?

Fu Xi also looked at him in shock.

Mu Qing frowned deeply, but didn't stretch out the hand holding the card, "Then let's do that first, and pay the bill."

"Okay," the clerk took it respectfully with both hands, swept it away, and offered it respectfully with both hands.

He smiled and sent them out the door.

"Handsome and rich, what the hell, I'm so envious..."

"That girl is the girl just now, right? The handsome guy just now is so rich, isn't she being adopted?"

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't you hear that girl called her second elder brother just now? I see, her family is very rich..."


(End of this chapter)

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