Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 146 Sitting in his back seat, the suite is ambiguous

Chapter 146 Sitting in his back seat, the suite is ambiguous

Fu Xi was pulled out by Mu Qingshen. He held two big bags in one hand and her in the other.

It wasn't until the cold wind hit her face that Fu Xi woke up leisurely. She suddenly felt the temperature on her wrist, and she broke free suddenly.

With her hands empty, Mu Qing took a deep look at her.

"Going back to school?" he asked.

It's past nine o'clock now, and it's the time to be happy in summer, but it's different in winter.

The wind lifted her collar, and it fell again, "Back."

She looked at one place, and pointed the back of her head at him. The wrist that was pulled was kept hidden in the clothes, and it seemed that his remaining warmth still remained on it.

In the cold wind, it doesn't matter for him to ride a bicycle alone, but it's not good for him to take a girl with him.

Mu Qingshen hailed a taxi, and the two got into the car. His foldable bicycle was put into the trunk. Mu Qingshen said, "Master, St. John's University."

Then, it was relatively silent.

Buildings passed by outside the window, the atmosphere in the car was too quiet, a little depressing, the driver raised his eyebrows, what's wrong with the young people now, and the couple I saw last time...

"Young man, did you quarrel with your girlfriend?"

"No!" Before Mu Qingshen could say anything, Fu Xi denied it categorically. She was startled and not calm at all.

"Oh, there's no quarrel, no quarrel girl, why are you ignoring him?"

Fu Xi was speechless, "It's not the master, we're not a couple, we're classmates..."

"Oh, don't hide it, uncle knows it all, let me tell you, uncle has seen this kind of situation a lot, the last time uncle met an even more outrageous one, the man is a coward, he eats soft food, and he dresses immaculately Like a dog, let my wife come out to deliver food..."

"Is it true or not?" Mu Qingshen became refreshed as soon as she heard gossip.

Fu Xi also became more energetic, pricked up his ears, and even the driver master misunderstood their relationship just now, so he couldn't care about it for a while.

"Really, there is no need to lie to you." The master glanced at the rearview mirror, Mu Qingshen's exquisite face flashed across his eyes, and the master snorted, "That man... Forget it, let's not mention it." , as long as you have a deceitful face, don't do men's business, don't let uncle run into you and tell you, otherwise uncle must educate him!..."

"Little girl, you must keep your eyes open, you can't just be blinded by appearances, this man is too delicate, he looks like a little shepherd dog, and in turn you have to raise him..."

Who is the connotation?No, who is Minghan?
Mu Qingshen pulled her face down for a moment, "Master, stop the car."

"Huh? Haven't arrived yet?"

"It's here, stop."

The person next to him covered his mouth and kept trembling, oops, I can't, I can't hold it anymore, I can't hold it anymore...

Mu Qing took a deep look at her, and his face became even darker.


This time Mu Qing raised her voice, with a hint of displeasure in her tone.

Brat, he's the same as the brat last time! !

As soon as the master stepped on the accelerator, the car stopped on the side of the road.

Mu Qingshen paid and got out of the car... all in one go, Fu Xi was still in the car and didn't want to get out, "Why don't you go first, I..."

Mu Qingshen pulled her down and closed the car door.

Sure enough, a virtue.

The master turned around and left in the dust.

In the dark night, on the side of the empty road, there is a bicycle and two figures standing alone, with two big bags at their feet.

"What, that master is too noisy and annoying."

Mu Qing wanted to take out a cigarette irritably, and her fingers in her trouser pocket kept passing through the half-open cigarette case, twisting and twisting on the cigarette.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, what a delicate man can't do, he's just jealous, think about your second brother, how delicate he is, isn't he still responsible and manly? Right..."

He was afraid that she would not believe her, so he stared at her nervously.

"Puchi——" Fu Xi finally didn't hold back, this person is so strange, why is he so...stupid.

"Hey, one, do you think I will believe what a stranger said?" Fu Xi laughed incompletely.

Mu Qingshen also smiled, and stretched out his hand from his pocket, that's right, he was stupid.

The cold wind was blowing, Mu Qing shivered deeply, and her eyes also rolled, "Hey, why are you not wearing clothes?"

Glancing at the coat hanging on the handlebar, Mu Qingshen subconsciously frowned, "It's dirty, I don't want to wear it."

His teeth were trembling faintly, Fu Xi heard it, turned around and said: "Let's go, I'm tired, I want to go back and rest early."

Under the long and curly eyelashes, the eyes flicker, hiding something.

"it is good."

Mu Qingshen put the two bags into the car, then straightened the car, stretched her long legs, and sat on it, "Come up."

In fact, it is not far from the school. It only takes a few steps, and it takes less than 2 minutes to get there by bicycle. There is no need to call a taxi.

"No, you can go by bike, I can go back by myself."

She is dressed thickly and is not cold.

"That can't be done," Mu Qing stepped on the pedal deeply and followed her side by side, "You are a girl who is going to lose it in the middle of the night. What if your second brother comes to settle accounts with me? And your little one Brother, you know his violent temper? Do you really want him to chop me up?"

"Oh, and my sister. She has that kind of relationship with your second brother. We might become a family in the future. I can't leave you behind."

"Who wants to become a family with you?!" Fu Xi retorted, but kept looking away from him.

The girl's exasperated voice was very clear in this silent night, Mu Qingshen could vaguely hear something was wrong, and the corners of her mouth were rippling.

Is he cold?Of course it is cold, how can a thin sweater soaked in sweat not be cold in the strong wind of this winter night?

But now, he is not cold anymore.

"Oh, hurry up, don't dawdle, I'm about to freeze to death."

He pretended to chatter his teeth, Fu Xi bit his lip and sat up.

The night was hazy, and the faint street lights slanted to illuminate the ground. Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was only one car, one road, one road, and two figures on it...

In this living painting, the girl's voice is crisp and crisp: "Hey, aren't you cold? Can't you ride faster?"

The corner of the boy's mouth in front of him grinned behind his ears, "Why, are you worried about me?"

"Who is worried about you? Mu Qingshen, do you want to show some face? We've only known each other for a long time. Can you stop talking about sentences that are easily misunderstood?"

The girl finally vomited her thoughts.

The boy's laughter was low and magnetic, yes, we've only known each other for a long time, why did you miss her so much from the first moment we met?


The presidential suite, the high-end presidential suite, as soon as the door was closed, Limo's overly beautiful eyes became vigilant for a moment.

"Come in," Mu Yeqin sat on the sofa, and saw the girl standing at the door, staring at him vigilantly, her eyes seemed to ask, why did you bring me here in the middle of the night?
Mu Yeqin couldn't help laughing, ouch, it's true, he has such a heart but not the guts, she is so powerful, dare to fight hard against her overlord?

"Come here, I asked Kreen to pick out a few dresses and send them over, you can try them later?"

The second son's tone was full of helplessness and pampering.

(End of this chapter)

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