Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 147 Suite Ambiguous 2, Adding Friends

Chapter 147 Suite Ambiguous 2, Adding Friends
"You brought me here just to try on the dress?" Li Mo walked in suspiciously.

Mu Yeqin got up and approached her slowly, "What else?" He leaned forward and approached her face to face, "Otherwise, what do you think I want to do?"

Li Mobai didn't bother to take a look at him, he pushed it away and sat on the sofa.

Crossing his legs, grinning, not as reserved as when he first came in, Mu Yeqin smiled slightly, the doorbell rang, and he went to open the door.


The person with blue eyes and blond hair, a typical European and American girl, is the queen designer of the Mu family.

Limo looked at the door, Kreen was not the only one who came, there were two or three waiters in black suits behind her, pushing and pulling the hangers, which were covered with dresses.

The hanger was pushed to the front of the sofa, and Mu Yeqin sat down next to her, "See if you like it, go pick one?"

"I don't want it," Li Mo leaned back, leaned against the back of the sofa, and looked at the ceiling above, "What kind of dress are you trying on at night, I'm so sleepy, go to sleep."

As she spoke, she got up, but was grabbed by the person beside her, and with a force, she fell into his arms.

Her side cheek was pressed against her chest, and the sound of his powerful "thump-thump" heartbeat could be heard beside her ears. At that moment, her fingertips pinching his skirt trembled, and she forgot to push him away.

He lowered his head, rubbed the tip of his nose against her forehead, smiled, and pampered him endlessly, "You night owl, it's only past nine o'clock, can you sleep?"

Limo finally came to her senses, and struggled to escape, but was held tighter by him.

The body fits together, as if it is about to be rubbed into the bone marrow.

The quiet moonlight and the soft light flowed down like flowing water, and the two figures in the middle moved slightly, stirring up the "soft" ripples.

In the eyes of others, it is like this.

Kreen next to him blinked indistinctly, and boldly looked at the girl in the boss's arms.

"It's dangerous to move around in a man's arms, isn't it?"

She saw that the boss's lips were close to the girl's ears, flirting with her.

Tsk, beast boss.

What a cute girl, soft and cute, she should be held in the palm of her hand and cared for, but now she is so domineering by the beast boss... Destroying flowers with hot hands.

"You!—" Li Mo punched him, he grabbed her hand, pulled it to his mouth unintentionally, and kissed her.

"You go out first."

The words were addressed to the people on the side, but the eyes remained on the little girl in his arms.

Kreen and the others left, and the suite was left with them for a moment. It was obviously empty, but the ups and downs in the air became more and more pleasing, gripping people's hearts more and more tightly.

The sight on the top of her head gradually became hotter, and Li Mo became more and more shy and timid, flustered, unable to struggle, so she could only say: "Let go first, I'll go change my clothes."

His eyes slowly turned to her face, the corners of his lips were slightly curved, he squeezed her face, and let her go.

Li Mo randomly took a dress and ran away in a panic.


Mu Qingshen and Fu Xi swiped their student cards, the door slowly opened, and the car drove in.

The street lamps in the school are yellow and warm. If snowflakes fall, it will be very romantic.

The shadows cast by the two on the ground are very long, and they constantly change directions as they move.

"By the way, did your little brother tell you anything?"

"Huh? Say what?"

Fu Xi didn't sit astride like Mu Qingshen, but stretched her legs to one side, sitting sideways like a lady. She pinched one side of his clothes with two fingers, and she pinched like this all the way. .

When he told her to ask him for money, Mu Qing frowned deeply. It seemed that Fu Qing really didn't want her to have too much contact with him.

"Nothing, which apartment are you in?"

"Number five."

The bicycle turned a corner and headed towards apartment building No. [-].

The wheels slowly stopped spinning, and there were still people coming in and out of the door, so it was inevitable to look at them.

"Bring on the blind box."

Fu Xi jumped out of the car and left, but was grabbed by him, "It's useless for me to keep this thing. If you want it, I have no choice but to throw it away."

One sentence dispelled Fu Xi's hesitation, she didn't want these cute blind boxes to be thrown away, and reached out to take the bags.

"How much will I transfer to you?"

She still couldn't comprehend that when she took his things, she took out her phone and scanned the QR code to transfer the money.

Mu Qing touched his pocket deeply, and said calmly: "I forgot my mobile phone, please leave a number, add me and forward it to me."

"Okay," as he read out the number, Fu Xi quickly tapped his phone, and the interface for adding friends popped up.

May you be affectionate...

She muttered to herself, pouted, it was the same as the game's nickname.

"Okay, added."

"Well," Mu Qingshen stepped on her feet and started the car, but the moment she turned around, she put her foot down again and watched her enter the door.

The blind box was neither light nor heavy, Fu Xi was fine with it, but the phone was placed on the door, there was a beep, and the moment the door opened, their eyes collided, which was very embarrassing.

That was Ning Ran's embarrassment, what's so embarrassing about Fu Xi?
Ning Ran was sitting on the carpet between the sofa and the coffee table, and was about to put a piece of cantaloupe into her mouth with a toothpick when the door was suddenly opened. She stared at the door, not knowing how to react for a while.

Without changing his face, Fu Xi put the bag aside, changed his shoes, and then walked straight towards her, "Ran Ran, are you in a better mood?"

The piece of cantaloupe didn't go into his mouth and was put on the plate, Ning Ran pulled the corner of his mouth, "It's much better."

In fact, it got worse. It was okay in the afternoon. I went to the playground and it got worse.

Fu Xi sat beside her and looked at her for a moment, "Ran Ran, can you tell me what happened to you this afternoon? Why did you suddenly..."

"It's nothing." Ning Ran interrupted her loudly, "Xiao Xi, don't ask any more questions, it's just some family matters, it's not convenient for me to tell you."

That's it. Knowing that it had nothing to do with her, Fu Xi was slightly relieved, but thinking that it was about her family, Fu Xi frowned again. Will she encounter any difficulties?Can I help myself?
Fu Xi wanted to ask, but judging by her expression...forget it.

"Then Ran Ran, it's getting late, you should go to bed earlier."

Fu Xi got up and looked at her gloomy face, as if the incident in her family was caused by someone else. Fu Xi swallowed some words that Fu Xi wanted to comfort.

Ning Ran didn't respond, and sat there upright, allowing Fu Xi to enter her room with two big bags.


The curtain of the fitting room was drawn.

The sky blue mermaid skirt sweeps across the floor, outlining a graceful figure.

Above, azure lights spread all around, and the man in the middle was dotted with light, and the distance from him was instantly distanced, so beautiful that it was unreal.Just as the sea water receded, the mermaid princess blooming from the deep sea looked at him from afar across the coast.

Mu Yeqin's eyes were straight, and as if he was bewitched, he came to her in a different way.

(End of this chapter)

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