Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 155 When you open your mouth, the lion will open its mouth wide, and the situation will beco

Chapter 155 When you open your mouth, the lion will open its mouth wide, and the situation will become more confusing

"Is your director here? I want to see her."

Fu Qing was very curious, the second brother taught him to work here, who is it that can make the second brother give such a big face?

Ye Yan shook her head, "Not here, she doesn't stay at home all day, she ran outside and went crazy with men."

Fu Qing: "..."

You are so stupid, aren't you afraid of being fired?

"Hey, I'm back."

Ye Yan turned her face forward, and Fu Qing looked back, dumbfounded for a moment.

On the gentle slope road, two figures approached each other arm in arm. Fu Qing stared blankly at the smiling woman next to her second brother, little, little sister-in-law? ...

Some memory fragments flashed quickly as if her mind was out of control, and Fu Qing suddenly realized it.

Yixi is the little sister-in-law...

Grass! ! ! ! !
"It's okay, I can teach him... eh?..."

Nian Bai was saying that it doesn't matter if Fu Qing doesn't have acting skills, she can teach him, whoever thinks about it, this kid will come over and snatch her husband away from her.

Fu Qing pulled Mu Yeqin far away, watched him grit his teeth, "Second brother, why didn't you tell me that my little sister-in-law is Yixi?!"

Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the Internet some time ago.

"Why should I tell you?" Mu Yeqin asked back.

Fu Qing snarled: "So you're just playing me like a monkey? You didn't have a good talk with her at first, right? Then you just told me that we didn't have a deal, and you can't beat me even if you talk nonsense. You gave me away without asking my opinion, my majestic master is going to come here to work for others!"

"You're right," Mu Yeqin pursed his lips, Fu Qing snorted coldly, did he know he was wrong?Guilty?Do you regret it?
Why don't you apologize to the young master soon?Then make amends, beg me to forgive you?

"But there is one thing I want to correct. I didn't treat you like a monkey. Can you compare to a monkey?"

Fu Qing: "..."

Is this the point?
"Everyone can guess that she is Yixi, but you can't. What does that mean?"

Only you are stupid.

Fu Qing: "..."

Having been stabbed twice in the heart, Fu Qingyuan's eyes collapsed visibly, just like the pitiful little milk dog when it was injured, feeling aggrieved.

Oh, his hair has grown a little, short stubble, and prickly to the touch.

Mu Yeqin wanted to touch it, but kept looking at the top of his head.

If it was the past, Fu Qing would definitely squat down slightly and put her head up.

But today, he, super, no, cool!

Youdi, he smiled, "Second brother, my sister-in-law will definitely teach me how to act, right? There are a lot of hugs, kisses, know, I need to ask her for advice on these, hey second brother, what do you think?" Will the little sister-in-law show me a demonstration? On me? Or on others..."

Mu Yeqin's turret has been destroyed (Mu Yeqin's defense tower was destroyed), his face turned black.

"How dare you..." This time it was his turn to grit his teeth.


Then give it a try, Fu Qing hummed and left.

Mu Yeqin growled: "Come back!"

Okay, Fu Qing stepped back, blinking her eyes, looking at him cutely.

Mu Yeqin's temples twitched, "What do you want?"

"Your securities company."

It was driven by Mu Yeqin when he had nothing to do, and he could make a little money.

"make a deal."

Satisfied, Fu Qing walked away happily.

"Second Young Master will also throw a lot of money into a beauty..."

Mu Yeqin always knew there was someone behind him, he turned his head, and Zhong Li pushed Feng Yinan out from behind the tree.

It was the same tree, the trunk was brown and straight, without any bend, the branches were piled up, and the maple leaves were piled up layer by layer, covering the sky and the sun, and it was bright red.

This is the largest tree among all the trees in this maple forest.

The fiery red maple leaves hovered around the two of them like butterflies.

Through the leaves, Mu Yeqin looked at him, and smiled softly, "What's the deal with me, Mr. Feng is willing to risk his life for the beauty, right?"

Feng Yinan also smiled lowly, and did not refute his words.

Mu Yeqin went over and sat on the stone bench by the table, as if to continue chatting with him, "I heard that she will be back tomorrow?"

Nan Feng nodded.

"I also heard that you want to disturb our marriage?"

Nan Feng nodded.

"If you really messed up, I will be very grateful to you."

Feng Yinan nodded again.


Feng Yinan shook his head, "Go back and tell your brother, I didn't clean up this time, Charles was snatched away, Madam Xuanyuan did it."

Mu Yeqin's brows were slightly locked, Mrs. Xuanyuan has always been in the dark, and never asked about matters on the white road, why, this time she is going to stir up this muddy water?
"Do you know her purpose for doing this?" Mu Yeqin asked.

The tea on the table was already cold, Feng Yinan tapped on the edge of the table with his fingertips, "I found out that she has a relationship with Daisy."

Mu Yeqin's brows were locked tightly, Daisy Jones, the abandoned son of the British royal family in the early years.

As the eldest daughter of the monarch and the first heir to the royal family, she has a brain for love, elopes with wild men, conceives before marriage... Scandals spread one after another, and the royal family can't tolerate her, so they expel her, let Fend for itself.

Her younger brother logically took her place, that is, the old emperor who just passed away yesterday.

Mrs. Xuanyuan has contacts with her, what do you want to do?And snatched Charles...

Mu Yeqin frowned and thought about it.

"Mu Yeqin, I hope you can handle this relationship well, and it's all for her..."

If Mrs. Xuanyuan confronts them, Nian Bai will be caught in the middle, in a dilemma.

His words came to his ears suddenly, Mu Yeqin turned his eyes, staring at him with deep meaning.

"Feng Yinan, why do you care about her so much? What exactly do you want to do?"

The corners of Feng Yinan's lips curled up, and he sincerely met his gaze, "You just need to know that I won't harm her."

Mu Yeqin stared deeply at him for the last time, got up and left.

"Little sister-in-law, little sister-in-law, how do you act here? Why is Li Lin dressed like this? Do you think I look like him?"

Listening to the attentive little sister-in-law, everyone finally understood that they came in through the back door with this kid!
As soon as Fu Qing came back, she chattered in Nianbai's ears without stopping for a moment.

Nian Bai didn't think he was noisy, she would patiently answer his questions.

The two sat on the stool, and Fu Qing held up a script, like a set of papers, and stretched it out in front of her, "What about here?"

Nian Bai approached him slightly, covered his mouth and said, "Stop pretending, you, Huang Xiang's boss, don't know how to act?"

Pretending to be completely like a piece of white paper is a bit too much.

Huang Xiang was able to win newcomers every year. If Fu Qing really didn't know how to act, who would win the newcomers under him?Ghost?
Fu Qing scratched her head and smiled hehehe.

Just now the second brother had lost his brainstem and forgot about this layer, and he successfully tricked him.


Nian Bai followed the prestige, Fu Qing: Oh, if you miss Cao Cao, Cao Cao will come.

(End of this chapter)

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