Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 156 Reconciliation, Here Comes Her

Chapter 156 Reconciliation, she is back


Fu Xi catches the horse.

What's the matter with keeping your identity secret for a poor shopper? ...

Fu Xi couldn't find out, so she leaned on the back of the chair and looked up at the sky, why don't she log on to her hacker id and check it out?
Then Fu Xi shook his head, forget it, she betrayed Xiao Shen and taught him to catch her, so she would not have any good fruit to eat.

Fu Xi pouted, closed the computer, and walked out of the room with the cup.

Ning Ran was drinking water in the living room, when she saw her come out of the room, she tightened her grip on the paper cup, not knowing what to say for a while.

Kind of embarrassing.

Since that night, the two have not spoken a word since they met, which is equivalent to a cold war for several days.

In fact, it was Fu Xi who took the initiative to speak up every time, but Ning Ran liked to ignore her.

Gradually, Fu Xi would no longer put a hot face on a cold butt. That night Ning Ran said that something happened to her at home, but what did her family have to do with her?

Did she cause what happened to her family?Why does she put on a cold face every day?

Her attitude made Fu Xi think more. The accident in her family was just an excuse. Fu Xi vaguely felt that it had something to do with him.

But Fu Xi really couldn't figure it out, what did she provoke her?

Fu Xi also went to the water dispenser to drink water. Ning Ran's cup was already empty. She didn't know if she wanted to take it, so she stood there with a cup in her hand. If she didn't pick it up, she didn't seem to want to leave.

Don't be awkward, is this trying to lower your profile and make up?

Fu Xi didn't care what she was thinking at the moment, drank the water generously, and left.

"That, Xiaoxi—"

Ning Ran suddenly spoke and stopped her, Fu Xi turned around, "Huh? What's wrong?"

Her expression was normal, without the slightest bit of embarrassment, as if they had never been at odds during this time.

Really, she didn't do anything wrong, she's embarrassed by a hammer?
"That... I see that you have placed all the blind boxes all over the floor, did you buy them all?"

Well, I really had nothing to say, Ning Ran was even more embarrassed, Fu Xi didn't seem to notice, and nodded with a normal smile, "Well, I can't do it all by myself, do you want to come with me?"

"Then, that's good?..."

Ning Ran smiled and picked the cup in his hand twice.

There was really no room in the room. Fu Xi crossed his legs when he came out, and he had to cross his legs when he returned.

"A lot," I just glanced at it unintentionally just now, but now I stand at the door and stare at it, and then I realize that there are really a lot.

Ning Ran didn't go in, but squatted at the door, "Xiaoxi, do you like unpacking blind boxes? Buy so many?"

"Well," Fu Xi nodded, "help me dismantle it quickly, otherwise I have to clean up this place today, and I'm so upset that I can't sleep."

Fu Xi raised her eyebrows as she spoke, her voice became a bit playful, and it was no longer so faint. It made Ning Ran laugh, and Fu Xi laughed too.

Between girls, sometimes it's so strange, as long as one party puts down his figure and crosses the point where he can't be embarrassed, it feels like everything is over.

But in fact, whether the thorn in my heart has been eliminated is another matter.

At this time, Mu Qingshen was inviting people to eat and drink in a high-end restaurant.

The revolving table was filled with lobster and shark's fin and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas. The buddy next to him grabbed the beer bottle and gulped dryly. Mu Qingshen took his shoulders, "Then it's settled, I'll leave the matter to you."

The buddy waved his hand, "Small things... buddy, tell me honestly, do you like that girl in our class?"

Mu Qingshen didn't speak, the other party looked at him and smiled, he understood, raised his head and finished the bottle of wine in one go.


"Young master, she's back."

Feng Ye fluttered gracefully, listening to Zhongli's words behind him, Feng Yinan clenched her hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the plane has landed at Zihai Capital International Airport, and the temperature outside is three degrees Celsius..."

High heels da, da, da...

Zihai Capital International Airport, one person came out.

In the vast open space, two cars were parked, and two bodyguards stood there, waiting there already.

"Miss, the young master taught us to pick you up."

Feng Yishu nodded, and handed over the suitcase in her hand to the bodyguard.

On the way back, she looked at the scenery outside the window, wondering what she was thinking.

The phone in his trouser pocket rang, Zhong Li connected it, nodded his head twice, and hung up.

"Master, she's back, she's home."

Feng Yinan loosened his tightly clenched hands and stared ahead, "Zhongli, you go down first."


The sun slid down the western mountain, and Fu Qing didn't complain about being tired until late at night.

At first, people were afraid that the young man would be too skinny to eat, but he didn't complain, alas, he was much better than too many young people, and everyone's impression of him changed involuntarily.

Li Lin's role was delayed before, but now she has saved up a lot and has to finish filming. Fu Qing is really busy.

The man under the maple tree also sat numbly until late at night.

The wind has never been broken, and it is getting stronger and colder, piercing people's bones.

His hands and feet were cold, and his whole body was cold. Suddenly, a cloak was added to his shoulders.

"What about her?"

"At home," Zhong Li pursed his lips lightly and looked at him, "Why don't you go in and have a look yourself, Young Master?"

Feng Yinan teased and smiled, yes, he has to go home sooner or later.

"Let's go."

The wheels rolled over the maple leaf and drove down slowly.

The cold wind was raging outside, and the inside of the room was very warm. Once inside, the heat instantly enveloped the south of Feng.

The light scattered by the crystal lamp is bright and blurry, very beautiful, the figure is reflected in the corner of the eye, Feng Yinnan's eyes are facing each other, at that moment, everything is quite peaceful, comfortable and quiet.

On the stairs, she leaned on the handrail, quietly and alone.

She hasn't changed, and he hasn't changed, they are still the same as in memory, and they are still familiar with each other.

"Long time no see." She smiled.

He also smiled, "Long time no see."

Eight years of dreaming, squeezed for eight years, rehearsing in my heart over and over again, and the words I wanted to say were crushed in these two smiles.

Feng Yinan's eyes flickered, and his smile became more serene, "Can you push me up?"

She nodded, "OK."

The silver wheelchair looked even colder under the lamp. She pushed him, slowly upstairs, and entered his room.

"I'll call Zhongli."

Feng Yishu turned to go out, he suddenly said: "Yishu, I have done everything you said, stick to my duty, keep a distance from you, only treat you as family..."

So, can you stop running away, stop deliberately staying away from him, and run away for eight years?
He was afraid that he would not be able to wait another eight years...

Feng Yishu brushed her fingertips across her eyes, raised her foot again, and walked out of the room.


Another week in a flash.

"Little Xi, get up, get up, you're going to be late for class—"

Fu Xi felt that she had only slept for a long time before being shaken awake.

She looked at her mobile phone. At 03:30, she had actually slept for more than two hours.

Oh shit, physical education class, physical education class again, she doesn't want to take it, her [-] woo woo woo...

She hasn't passed [-] yet, and she has to run another [-]...

Who will run for her, she will give her all the pocket money, woo woo, woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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