Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 157 8 pass, secretly treat her well

Chapter 157 Eight Hundred Passed, Secretly Treating Her Well
Like a snail, Fu Xi reluctantly dawdled to the playground.

There were quite a few people who failed the pass last time, not just Fu Xi, running with everyone like this eased Fu Xi's embarrassment a bit.

On the other hand, in the industrial design class, no one failed.

This class was quite leisurely. Mr. Penguin let everyone move freely first, and then taught everyone Tai Chi in the second class.

"Brother, are you going to play football?"

Mu Qing frowned deeply, "No."

"The basketball?"

Mu Qing wanted to hit him deeply, "If you want to play, go and play by yourself, don't bother me."

Yo, have you taken gunpowder today?
Gao Le took a look at his face, "Brother, you are staring at him, and your eyeballs are about to fall out."

"Shut up!--"

Mu Qingshen really hit him with a wave, and for a moment, Gao Le saw the fierce light in his pupils.

So, Gao Le knew that Mu Shen is a dead man, you know the secrets he hides in his heart, don't expose them, if they are exposed, he will definitely become angry.

For example, now, Mu Qingshen turned her head to one side and ignored him.

Gao Le snickered in his heart, followed his gaze, and his tone was still unbearable: "Brother, do you think that little girl can run past today? If she can't run, she will have to continue to suffer. Hey brother, why don't you go behind your back?" run?"

Mu Qing glanced at him deeply, "The egg doesn't hurt anymore?"

Gao Le clamped for a moment and put a chain on his mouth.

Mu Qing turned her head deeply, and glanced at the sports committee of her class without any trace.

On the other side, Mr. Xu was standing by the 800-meter starting line with a watch in his hand. At this moment, he felt his buttocks being touched.

Turning his head, he saw his son's face with a wicked smile.

Teacher Xu:"……"

"Dad, you see that you work so hard every day, and leave such trivial matters as the schedule to your son. Go and rest, rest..."

"Dad, dad, you told me to call me teacher at school! Don't mess with me!" Teacher Xu slapped his son's chicken coop on the head, you brat.

"Yes, teacher, why don't you go and rest?"

Classmate Xu stretched out his hand, helped his father down like a Lafayette, and snatched the watch from his hand.

Teacher Xu snorted and walked away.

When Xu was standing by the starting line, the students saw the savior in an instant, and begged their handsome body to help them...

Classmate Xu nodded, "Don't worry, you can just run normally, get ready, run!"

No, no strength... As soon as I ran away, I felt something wrong all over my body. Fu Xi's legs were cramping, and his calf was turning violently.

No, you have to persevere, or you have to run. She gritted her teeth and tried hard to overcome the obstacles in her heart. Mo Yan followed her, and the two girls were always side by side.

Two laps can kill half of one's life. In the last half lap, the finish line is close in front of your eyes, but you can't reach it no matter what. Fu Xi is dying of anxiety, and his heart is extremely tormented.

Damn, it's okay, it's okay, she can't hold on anymore...

Suddenly: "Kids, come on."

Fu Xi's loose perseverance suddenly tightened like a thread, he gritted his teeth, and rushed over.

He rushed fast and stopped fast, hot blood rushed straight to his head, Fu Xi was dizzy, as if he was about to fall down.

Before the people next to her could react, an afterimage flashed past, and a hand appeared on her shoulder, and that person supported her.

Turning his face, his eyes met, his eager voice showed concern: "Can you stand still?"

Everything around is quiet, and Fu Xi can hear her heart beating. Why is her running sequelae so serious?

"Look, look, look—"

All the eyes from a hundred miles away were attracted there, whispering for a while.

Those eyes sparkled with shattered light, most capable of deceiving people's hearts. Fu Xi was bewitched for a while, suddenly sober, pushed him away, left a soft "thank you", and ran away as if fleeing.

Her figure crossed his line of sight all the way.

It's also strange, one second I was so tired that I fainted, and the next second I was able to run so fast, and I forgot to be tired.

"Don't worry, you're all over."

A group of girls surrounded the sports committee, and when they heard that they had passed, they all let go of their concerns and vented their anger.

There is no way, if you help one, you have to help a group.

He pretended to pass by Mu Qingshen casually, and made an "ok" gesture.

Only then did Mu Qingshen embrace Gao Le, "Let's go play ball."

Classmate Xu came to his father with the file folder and the chronograph. His father took the folder and the chronograph and asked, "How is it?"

Classmate Xu hehehe replied: "It's all over, it seems that the students have practiced well after coming down."

His dad raised his eyebrows, did he practice?There are ghosts.

"Hey brat, did you rob the bank yesterday?"

Student Xu: "...No?"

"Where did you get the money to buy big fish and meat for me? Did you steal my private money?"

Classmate Xu was very helpless, "...No, yesterday a buddy invited a guest, so I packed some and went back by the way."

"Oh," Mr. Xu shook his stomach twice. The big fish and meat are delicious, and he is full.

"Xiaoxi Xiaoxi, we have passed, we have passed..."

Fu Xi didn't look at her grades, Mo Yan ran over excitedly and told her.

"Oh," after hearing that, Fu Xi originally thought she would be very happy, but now, her mentality is quite normal, and she can't make waves.

"What's wrong with you?" Mo Yan held her arm, seeing that she was not very interested.

Fu Xi shook his head, "I'm so tired, let's sit on the chair for a while."

"it is good."

The two walked towards the solid wooden bench together.

Sitting down, the two put their hands on their sides, swinging their legs leisurely, facing the basketball court in front of them.

There are dedicated large courts, and there are also small courts for usual fun on the playground.

Fu Xi looked far ahead, and Mo Yan looked at the same way as her, "Xiao Xi, what's your relationship with that Mushen...?"

Under the sun, his yellow hair is the most conspicuous. Mo Yan saw that Mu Shen bounced off and dunked a ball into it.

This question made Fu Xi's heart skip a beat, "It doesn't matter."

"I don't believe it, he treated you so well, he helped you last time, and this time he will help you too." Mo Yan approached her mysteriously, "Are you two talking?"

"What are you talking about, no!"

Fu Xi was anxious, Mo Yan stared at her face, "Really?"

"Really not!" Fu Xi couldn't sit still after being asked, she got up and was about to leave, Mo Yan held her back with a smile, "Oh, oh, I'm joking, sit down, sit down..."

Fu Xi pouted and sat back down again.

Student Xu also came to the side of the court and said, "Add me."

Mu Qing beckoned deeply, student Xu walked in, Mu Qing held his shoulder deeply, and said to everyone: "Let me introduce, my buddy, Xu Shuai."

Gao Le was sour, "Brother, you have never introduced me like this to anyone."

Mu Qing smiled deeply, and snatched the ball from his hand.

Sunhui was golden and gentle, and underneath, a group of teenagers were in high spirits, and his eyes always fell over inadvertently, meeting hers in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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