Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 158 The Violence Only He Can Soothe, Charity Gala

Chapter 158 The Violence Only He Can Soothe, Charity Gala

The restaurant is black and white, and it is terribly deserted. Even if the food is still steaming, the whole family sits around to eat, and it is so deserted.

"Yishu, this time you come back, do you want to go?"

At the dining table, Feng Wenzhe is at the main seat, next to Feng Yinan and Feng Yishu are sitting opposite each other.

Listening to Feng Wenzhe's question, Feng Yinan's hand holding the chopsticks tightly, his eyes glanced at her as if unintentionally, and he was also waiting for her answer.

Feng Yishu lowered her eyes, making it impossible to see what she was thinking, "No."

No, yes answer.

Feng Yinan's tense hands relaxed, and he felt a little better for no reason.

Feng Wenzhe nodded, "You haven't seen your sister since you came back yesterday, so why don't you ask her where she went?"

Feng Yishu frowned in her heart, turned her face to look at her so-called father, "Where did you go?"

"Feng Yishu!" Her indifferent and indifferent attitude was so irritating, Feng Wenzhe slammed the chopsticks on the table, "That's your sister, why don't you care at all?"

What about father, do you care?
Feng Yi smiled, "I care, just like my father, I sent people to look for her day and night, worrying so much that I couldn't eat or sleep every day, just like my father, depressed."

"Feng Yi Shu!" Feng Wenzhe suddenly picked up the porcelain spoon in the bowl and smashed it out, splashing the soup in an arc in the air.

Feng Yishu sat quietly, letting the spoon fly towards her.

At this time, there was a crisp sound, followed by a violent crackling sound, the spoon was knocked into the air, and the wine glass was smashed to the ground.

Yin Hong's wine smeared all over the floor, piercing Feng Yishu's eyes, she raised her eyes to look at the person opposite, his hands were empty at some point.

Feng Wenzhe looked at the lower left head with some surprise, "What are you doing, huh?"

Disobey him?

He, Feng Yinan, is just a dog of Feng's family, a dog of Feng Wenzhe, when was he disobedient since he was a child, how dare he disobey him today?

Feng Yinan lowered her head meekly, and explained: "As the eldest daughter of the Feng family, Yi Shu will definitely attend the charity party in the future. If she gets hurt and loses her appearance, she will inevitably be confirmed."

"Father, I have trouble moving, so I have to use other things to stop me. My behavior is a bit rough. I hope my father will be happy."

The docile attitude was rewarded with a firm slap, "Pa—" resounding through the restaurant.

This slap, like a heavy hammer, broke a hole, and the magma gushed out instantly, the blood in Feng Ruyan's veins churned violently, and could enter a berserk state in the next second.

The bright red five finger prints pierced her eyes with pain, filled with bloodthirsty killing intent.

"Yishu," a low voice like spring wind turning into rain, but it successfully penetrated the air and calmed down the violence in her body.

She calmed down for a moment, and the nails in the flesh sank deeper and deeper.

"Qianqi is about to clear his position, Yinan, I don't want to see it happen again."

Feng Wenzhe couldn't tolerate disobedient dogs.

Feng Yishu watched him leave in a haze.

The December wind is blowing, and the branches outside the window are twisting. There are no flowers for a long time, and there is nothing to break.

Feng Nanan turned the wheelchair and left.

"South of—"

Feng Yinan's heart was shocked, her nose was sore, how long had she called him that?
Feng Yishu found the medicine box in the compartment under the coffee table, and squatted in front of him, she dug out the anti-swelling medicine, dipped it in with a cotton swab, and applied it on his cheek.

Rushui's eyes froze on her face for an instant, as if she didn't notice it, only the slap print was in her eyes.

"Yi Shu, you want me to stay away from you, so you shouldn't take the initiative to get so close to me."

She paused, and said a word, which made her at a loss.

Yeah, she taught him to stay away from her, so what is she doing?
Feng Yi felt a sense of retreat, her hand fell down unconsciously, and in mid-air, leisurely was held by a hand, "Take the medicine, I'm in pain."

He took her hand and approached him a little bit, the cotton swab touched her cheek, which was red and swollen, so shocked that it wasn't his face, but her heart.

The moment his hand came up, her heart was startled.

Feng Yishu looked indifferent, she pulled out her hand, stuffed the medicine into his arms, got up and left.

Feng Yinan looked at her, the hand that had held her was quietly tightened.


A building located in the city center is entirely paved with pearl glass, with plain fragrant trees, gorgeous and unconventional, it is an elegant place.

As soon as you enter, you feel as if you are in a palace. One space can accommodate thousands of people, and it is specially used for holding large-scale conferences and activities.

The charity gala is held here.

Well, as an existence that can keep pace with the Mu family, the Fu family's financial resources are naturally not far behind.

Luxury cars drove in from the outside one after another, and now around eight o'clock, more and more people gathered in the hall.

There was melodious music in the air, and several performers in black tuxedos were playing violins on the edge of the high platform.

As the host of the Fu family, as the host, naturally they should be the first ones to welcome the distinguished guests.

However, the figure who was chatting and laughing with the crowd was not Fu Shiyun.

He is the core leader of the Fu family, but he didn't attend today, and everyone couldn't help being suspicious. Looking at the man who was talking loudly and laughing with them, everyone became even more puzzled.

What are you doing, a large-scale party that can represent the face of the Fu family, but the leader of the Fu family did not attend, but let an outside room organize it?
Fu Qing and Fu Xi didn't come either.

Mu Yeqin is here.

The moment he walked in, the crowd rushed towards him instantly, and the outer room was the first to bear the brunt.

Mu Yeqin felt his arms tense, looked down at the girl beside him, "Nervous?"

Nian Bai nodded, "A little bit."

It's not that she hasn't attended such a large-scale event before, but it's the first time that she stood shoulder to shoulder with him and attended as his female companion.

She was afraid that she would do something wrong, behave inappropriately, and embarrass him.

Mu Yeqin pulled down the hand that was holding her sleeve, and interlocked his fingers instead.

The crowd was chattering around him, and when they suddenly saw his actions, they were puzzled for a few seconds.

Only then did they turn their gazes to the girl beside him, and looked at her squarely.

Bright eyes are good to look at, and the lady stands with a smile, very beautiful.

At first they thought it was just an ordinary female companion, but now looking at the two tightly clasped hands, it seems that it is not.

Everyone secretly looked at each other. They couldn't help being curious and wanted to ask, but no one dared to open their mouths. What the Second Young Master hates most is when others ask about his family affairs.

Nian Bai was generous, let them look at him, no matter how nervous he was, he couldn't show it on his face.

Someone recognized this girl. Isn't this the so-called fiancée that the second son admitted on the Internet a few days ago?

Oh, it's terrible, everyone looked at this girl even more enthusiastically.

Their eyes were a bit too much, Mu Yeqin didn't like it, he narrowed his eyes slightly and Ling Rui swept them away, and everyone turned their eyes away.

The outer room chattered and came out to smooth things over, stretched out his hand to Mu Yeqin, and made a "please" gesture, "Second Young Master, this way please?"

Mu Yeqin was about to leave with his girl, when another person entered the door, and he attracted the attention of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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