Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 159 Absurd Rumors, "Rivals" Meet

Chapter 159 Absurd Rumors, "Rivals" Meet

The wheels rolled gently over the red carpet. Every time he participated in an important event, the person pushing his wheelchair was always Zhongli. People were used to Zhongli's figure. However, today he changed his face.

People stared at that face, their eyes gradually widened, "That, isn't that Miss Feng?..."

"Yeah, it's really her. She's back? There's no news of her coming back..."

"Tsk tsk, the Feng family is going to change today..."

"What do you mean?"

The little man next to him is a newcomer to the upper class in recent years, so he doesn't know what happened back then.

The man who sighed that "the sky is going to change" raised his hand to cover half of his mouth, and whispered to the little man: "Mr. Feng is the seed that Patriarch Feng planted outside, have you heard of that?"

The little man nodded, and the man continued to whisper to him: "Everyone can see the situation of the Feng family clearly now. The power of the company is taken over by Mr. Feng, and the next heir of the family, the head of the Feng family has also revealed it openly and secretly in the early years. Most likely, it is Mr. Feng has not run away, so as the eldest daughter, can you be willing to see the illegitimate son covering the sky with one hand and stepping on her head step by step?"

The man's whispering voice was not low, and several people around him heard it.

So they joined in and talked about it hotly:

"You don't know how tragic the struggle was. Did you see those two legs?" A middle-aged man raised his jaw towards the door, motioning the little man to look over there. The little man looked at the two legs on the wheelchair. Passing by, I heard the middle-aged man shaking the champagne in his hand and saying, "It's the eldest daughter's fault!"

"Really?" The little man was a little stunned.

"Probably true."

People looked at a man and a woman in front of and behind the wheelchair, the man was smiling slightly, and the woman was pushing him, which seemed to be a good match. Heck, they were probably just acting, after all, they represented the face of the Feng family, no matter how bad they were, they would never get along. Gotta pretend, right?

Now he might be thinking about how to kill the other party.

Another person interjected: "It was also a rumor back then, who has confirmed those things? You have to believe it, and you can't believe it all."

That's right, everyone nodded in agreement, the water is too deep for a real wealthy family.

Take the marriage contract of the Mu family as an example, isn't it equivalent to a piece of waste paper?

The more Wuhou candles, the more you have to take care of your face, but the Mu family is already so powerful that you don't need to worry about people's words. Even if they do something that is offensive, as long as it doesn't involve the interests of others, the status of the Mu family cannot be shaken. .

In fact, before the second son publicly revealed his fiancée on the Internet, he released the news that the Mu family and the Feng family had already divorced.

At that time, the aristocratic circle made a fuss.

Some people believe it, some people don't believe it, and most people still believe it.

Back then when the Mu family and the Feng family were married, they only talked about it to the outside world, without showing a marriage contract or any evidence.

Now that they are retiring from the engagement, the Mu family is just talking about it, there is no certificate of resignation, and there is no evidence.

Feels like a joke, okay?Of course.

Mu Yeqin's goal has been achieved, as long as the goal is achieved, that's fine.

Back then, the Mu family and Feng family were not as prosperous as they are now, so their marriage fell into the eyes of other wealthy families, just like ordinary families. fake?"


They haven't seen the marriage letter, and they don't care about it. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter. Over time, as more people talk and listen to it, they accept it subconsciously, and slowly think that It's true now.

Then and now, the Mu family released the news that they had withdrawn their engagement. At this time, people were not calm.

At this time, the Mu family has become a leader, and its every move is closely watched by many pairs of eyes.

Ye said, Second Young Master, you should present the evidence and the divorce letter, but who dares to say such a thing?

When we got married back then, the marriage certificate was not displayed to the public. What we married was only our own relatives, and it had nothing to do with the relationship between the rich and powerful. Now we don’t publish the divorce certificate, so what?

This is the nature of this marriage. What reason can you come to comment on other people's family affairs, and even want to put your hand in and get involved?
So it doesn't matter whether they believe it or not. Mu Yeqin said that if the marriage is divorced, it is a divorce. If they don't believe it, they don't have the confidence to stand up and ask questions, and they don't have the confidence to speak ill of his girl. At most, they are just curious. a bit.

Curious about what ability this girl has to win the favor of the second son?

In other words, if this marriage was related to their interests, even if Mu Yeqin photographed the divorce letter in front of them, they would still turn a blind eye to the divorce letter, criticize Mu Yeqin, and even beat and kicked him. The Mu family is on the cusp.

This is human nature, the root cause, and their interests still haven't been touched.

For so many years, the Mu family and the Feng family have cooperated, but they have only cooperated purely, and have not involved this marriage. In this way, this marriage can be taken off at any time.

The reason why Mu Yeqin made up such a lie that "the marriage has been divorced" was all for his girl.

At that time, he wanted to admit her identity in front of the public, so he had to make himself clean first, otherwise, if he was dirty, he would stain her too.

He has a fiancée, and he admits another fiancée, what's the matter?

Those wealthy families will definitely criticize him, the Mu family, and his girl in every possible way. It doesn't matter to him, but he can't blackmail the family, and he can't watch his girl suffer all kinds of criticism. This is something he doesn't allow. , he just made up such a story.

He was not afraid that Feng Yishu would stand up and expose him, Feng Yishu wanted to expose him, but she was pointed at by the barrel of a gun at that time.

In fact, ever since he made up his mind, Mu Yeqin didn't wait for Feng Yi to come back. When she was in Venice, he had sent people to ask for the marriage contract many times, and he used all soft and hard methods. It means not to eat oil and salt, not to eat soft and hard food.

Forced him to find another way.

After all, a former fiancée and a current fiancée meet, this drama is still worth seeing.

At the party, the brilliance on everyone's faces was more dazzling than the lights.

Feng Yishu had already pushed Feng Yinan in, among the crowd, the girl next to the Second Young Master was the most eye-catching, Feng Yishu saw her at a glance, and Nian Bai naturally saw her too.

"Sir, she is..."

"Well, that young lady of the Feng family, Feng Yishu."

Feng Yishu...

Reading these three words is unforgettable for the rest of her life, and her eyes can't help sticking to her more seriously.

Feng Yishu's eyes met Nianbai from the interlocking hands, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, the meaning was unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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