Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 160 Blood-stained party, everyone is horrified

Chapter 160 Blood-stained party, everyone is horrified
The party was very enjoyable, the Mu family and the Feng family were full of people, and the Fu family's outer room kept circling among them, and he couldn't afford to offend either of these two parties.

It's a fact that Feng's family can't compare to Fu's family, but it's also a fact that Feng Yinan, no matter who he is, has to give him a little favor.

There is also the eldest daughter of the Feng family, who is also famously ruthless. In order to seize power, even her own mother was able to do it, she is just a lunatic.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you are an outsider or not. Now it's not a feudal society, so bloodlines are so important. Compared with this, people care more about the real power you have.

The real power of the Fu family is in the hands of everyone, and everyone knows it well, anyway, it is not the outsider.

So at this moment, watching the outer room sandwiched between the second young master and Feng young master, laughing and arguing, everyone was depressed and wondered, the eldest daughter of the Fu family is far away from home and can't take charge, but what about the second son?Why didn't you show up for such an important party?

"Sir, I'm going to the bathroom."

Nian Bai whispered something into Mu Yeqin's ear, Mu Yeqin rubbed the back of her head, called a waiter, and led her there.

The lamp on the top of the sink was orange-gold, and fell down, reflecting the yellow hair of Nian Bai.

She squeezed the hand sanitizer and washed her hands carefully, there was someone behind her at some point, when Nian Bai raised her head, the face behind the mirror was reflected in her pupils.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, turned around, and Feng Yishu looked at her with a slight smile.

Neither of the two opened their mouths first, they just looked at each other.

One is quiet and graceful, standing there, forming a poem and painting by itself, and the other is cold and hard behind the smile.

Feng Yishu's aura is too domineering, plus she loves to wear cheongsam, just like the eldest lady of a warlord family in the Republic of China, her brows are always condensed.

Unlike Nian Bai, her thoughts are hard to detect.

Both sides are evenly matched.

"Miss, what's your surname?" Feng Yishu spoke first and stretched out her hand.

Nian Bai also reached out and held her hand, "Nian, I have long admired Miss Feng's name."

Feng Yishu lowered her head slightly, and laughed, "Miss Nian, there was a lot of trouble on the Internet some time ago, my sister was disobedient, I will take her to apologize to you."

Nian Bai shook his head shallowly, and also laughed, "Miss Feng doesn't have to be like this, how can an innocent person suffer for someone else's fault, you came here to ask about your sister's whereabouts, right?"

Feng Yishu nodded, and said: "She disappeared in prison for no reason, and the criminal police are still investigating."

Hearing this, Feng Yishu's expression didn't change much, only the brows were tightened even more.

Nian Bai paid close attention to her expression, his eyes flickered, "Does Miss Feng have anything else to ask?"

"No, thank you, Miss Nian, and leave."

Nian Bai nodded slightly, "Miss Feng, go slowly."

Regarding the marriage contract, Feng Yishu never mentioned a single word from the beginning to the end.

Nian Bai watched her go away.

The sound of the music turned down, the lights in the hall were extremely bright, and the waiters walked back and forth with trays, drinking and mingling in a graceful atmosphere.

Before Nian Bai came to his side, Mu Yeqin reached out his hand and pulled her closer to him, "Did you meet Feng Yishu in the bathroom just now? She didn't make things difficult for you, did she?"

Nian Bai raised his eyebrows, "Sir, how do you know?"

Mu Yeqin looked at her nervously, "I guessed when you came out one after the other."

That's it, Nian Bai held his hand tightly, "Don't worry sir, she didn't make things difficult for me, she just asked about her sister."

"Only these?"

"Well, that's all."

Mu Yeqin frowned invisibly, what is Feng Yishu trying to do?Why didn't you play your cards according to common sense?

Mu Yeqin couldn't be more clear about who Feng Yishu is.

This woman is very vengeful.

Take this marriage as an example, regardless of whether she has feelings for him or not, even if she has no feelings, but he publicly admits other women in front of the public, it is tantamount to cutting her face, even if it does not cause any substantial harm to her It is also something that Feng Yishu cannot tolerate.

But this time, she endured it and didn't embarrass her.


Mu Yeqin silently looked towards the wheelchair...

Nian Bai has been watching him, feeling that something is wrong with him, and following his gaze, "What's wrong, sir?"


The auction started immediately, and Mu Yeqin led her to find a place to sit down.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. At present, it seems to be a good thing. She'd better not have any crooked thoughts about his girl.

On the other side, Feng Yishu continued to hold the wheelchair, and when someone came to talk to her, she would say something politely.

During the whole process this time, Feng Yinan didn't speak any more, his eyes were fixed on the ground, he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the eyes of others, it is obvious that the illegitimate son is being manipulated by the eldest daughter, and the illegitimate son is not happy.

Amid the applause, the Fu family's outer room stepped onto the stage.

Now, the doubts from the crowd became even higher, and Nian Bai couldn't help but said: "Sir, I thought I would see Mr. Fu tonight."

Mu Yeqin looked at the stage, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Some ethnic minorities in China are really poor, and three days ago, there was an earthquake in the Luoshan area. The disaster is tantamount to worsening the situation for the impoverished areas.

The Fu family was the first to come forward and lead the crowd to solicit donations.

A ring of donation boxes surrounds the edge of the table.

This is a good thing, and most people would not be stingy, but the person on the stage raised his eyebrows and looked high: "...I am standing here on behalf of Mrs. Fu today..."

As soon as the words "on behalf of Mrs. Fu" came out, there was an uproar, and everyone heard what was said afterwards.

Suddenly, a "bang" resounded through the sky, and the person on the high platform immediately burst into blood on his left arm.

There was a shrill scream, but the people below didn't move much. The incident happened so suddenly that everyone didn't react.

The door was kicked open, and everyone turned back mechanically. A black-clothed bodyguard was holding a gun in his hand, and before he could put it down, there was a group of supporters behind him, and the man in front had sinister eyes and a vicious look all over his body. .

He stared at the stage, forcing the person on the stage to kneel down, clutching his arms, trembling.

He said, "Don't you want to represent Mr. Fu?"

The second son they had been longing for finally arrived. Watching him walk in step by step, the leather shoes fell silently on the red carpet, oppressing people's hearts.

Fu Shiyun stepped onto the stage, squatted in front of the man, grabbed his jaw and forced him to look directly at him, "Tell me, who gave you the confidence?"

"Fu, Fu Shiyun, you dare to treat me like this, the old man will not let you go!—"

Frightened to the extreme, he was forced to show a little courage, and shouted in the outer room without fear of death.

Fu Shiyun smiled, he is going out of the mountain, no wonder.

Everyone finally understood, they said that it is not surprising that an outsider dares to be so arrogant, and the co-author is backed by the old man.

"Sir, who is this old man?"

"The Fu family is like a child playing on a seesaw. There are people standing on the left and right ends, including the old man, who sometimes leans to the left and sometimes to the right. It is not stable."

Mu Yeqin explained the situation of the Fu family in a concise and concise manner, and his eyebrows were not at ease when he read the words, it was so complicated.

Nian Bai approached him and stared at him closely, "Then sir, you are not here today to attend the event, but to support Mr. Fu, right?"

Mu Yeqin turned to meet her gaze, and pulled her into his arms, "Yeah."

With more Mu families on this seesaw, the outcome will be obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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