Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 170 The relationship is one step closer, falling into a trap

Chapter 170 The relationship is one step closer, falling into a trap
She looked down inadvertently and landed on his hand, but only for a moment, she moved away.

At this moment, the eye feathers fluttered.

Mu Qingshen noticed her strangeness, lowered her eyes, and then saw her hand, feeling very cold for a moment.

He "hissed" and shook his hand away, her eyes trembled even more, and all the subtle changes were captured by him.

Mu Qing curled his lips deeply, and took a few steps forward to get closer to her, "Little friend, I'm so cold."

Fu Xi looked aside, ignoring him, he clicked his tongue, and stretched out his hand in front of her, "So ruthless, look, for whom did I become like this?"

"It's not that I begged..."

Before Fu Xi finished speaking, his hand suddenly inserted into her pocket. Fu Xi didn't have time to stop him, but then, he pulled violently, and Fu Xi was forced to stagger forward a few steps, and the distance between them became closer up.

She almost slammed her head into his chest.

Looking at that face from a close distance, Fu Xi's eyes widened, and after a while, he suddenly realized, "You, what are you doing?!—"

Fu Xi's face turned red instantly, and she became angry from embarrassment, "Get out quickly..."

She also reached into her pocket and tugged at his hand.

In the left and right pockets, two hands touched. At that moment, Fu Xi felt a strange feeling, and his heart suddenly panicked to the extreme.

His hands are so cold, really so cold.

She was in a turmoil, and subconsciously wanted to pull out her hand, but, but his hand was so cold, it seemed like she shouldn't have pulled it out...

At this moment of hesitation, she felt her hands tighten, and those two cold hands held her instead.

He raised his eyes and met the narrowly smiling face. He blinked, as if to say, you brought this to your door yourself, so it's not my fault.

His brows were flying, as proud as a fox.

She stomped her feet, becoming more and more frustrated, and kicked him reflexively. He jumped back to escape, and his hand did not leave her pocket, but let go. Taking advantage of this gap, she broke free from the restraint, and pulled out her hand. The middle finger resisted and flicked his forehead.

A completely subconscious action.

Every time my little brother teased her, she would play him like this.

When it had already been played, there was a "bang" on the forehead, she was stunned, and he was also stunned.

She, what did she do?Flick someone's forehead?Popped a boy's forehead? ...

If Mu Qingshen heard her heartfelt voice, he would definitely hehe twice and hold hands. What kind of intimacy is this?
He was stunned because he didn't expect her to make such a sudden move...

Don't look at her being careless at ordinary times, she seems to be able to play with anyone, like a social cow, but in fact, she is a slow-moving person emotionally, whether it is making friends or other things.

Mu Qingshen could feel this when getting along with her.

Of course, she was slow to warm up to him, maybe it didn't rule out the reason why she didn't want to see him at first.

Because she didn't want to see her, she treated herself more indifferently than others, and it was even more difficult for her to open her heart.

Mu Qing felt right, Fu Xi was indeed slow to warm up, and he was right, she really didn't want to see him at first.

But he forgot to think about it, he is a person who is good at knocking on the door of the heart, especially her heart door.

So he felt that, for her, they might not be familiar enough to make intimate moves at will, but Mu Qingshen was surprised that she did so.

This kind of behavior of "making an intimate move" shouldn't exist even subconsciously.

unless, unless...

The normal state of life is that we will do arbitrary intimate things unscrupulously with those we are close to, but when facing outsiders, these behaviors are precisely anti-restrained.

For example, if you act like a baby to your mother, would you act like a baby to someone you don't know well?You fight with your brother and flick him on the forehead, will you fight with a boy you don't know well and flick him on the forehead?
No, not at all, I can't even think of it, because I don't have this awareness at all.

So where did the subconscious come from?
Was Fu Xi's flick really subconscious?

It's subconscious. Her play was really subconscious. The premise of this subconscious is based on subconsciousness.

Unless, he has become her subconscious, but she hasn't realized it yet.

After being stupefied, she couldn't help but laugh. In desperation, Mu Qing's smile faintly reveals pampering. Yes, their relationship has taken a step closer.

Mu Qing leaned forward deeply, and leaned his head closer to her, "Look, is it red?"

How can it be red, just flick it so lightly, it will become red?Do you want to be so squeamish?
Fu Xi stared at his forehead, as if... a little red?

"Tell me, every time I help you, I don't even say thank you? Look at my hand, how beautiful it was before? What is it like now? Or is it not for you?"

"Just put it in your pocket to keep warm, don't let it go? Do you want to be so stingy?"

Mu Qingshen held his hands in front of her, turning them back and forth to show her to look.

In fact, his hands were not so red anymore, needless to say, they were not swollen in the first place, but they hadn't been covered with heat.

What's wrong?Isn't that pretty?
Fu Xi was looking at it, when he suddenly stretched his hand towards her waist, Fu Xi burst out laughing, she was the most ticklish.

She backed away, dodged, turned and ran.

Mu Qing took a step forward and chased after her.

The little Nezha is so adorable, it attracted a lot of people to watch. While admiring Nezha and taking pictures, they also had time to watch the school girls flirting.

The school girl and his rumored girlfriend...

It's not a gossip either, looking at how close they are, they should be real boyfriends and girlfriends.

At the other end, Fu Qing was about to step forward, but Ling Lie grabbed her.

Fu Qing looked at the hand on her arm and frowned, "Ling Lie, I don't want them to have too much interaction."

He knew why Ling Lie pulled him.

The chasing figure in the sun was too disturbing. Fu Xi grabbed a handful of snow and threw it back at the person behind. Mu Qingshen was also making a fuss like her, and the playground was filled with laughter.

Her smile was too bright. Looking at her soft and cute younger sister, Fu Qing smiled like this to an outsider for the first time, and her brows were frowned.

He wanted to step forward to stop them from continuing, but Ling Lie stopped him.

"But look, Xiao Xi is so happy now," Ling Lie looked at Fu Qing and said, Fu Qing turned her gaze back and met his gaze, "When she didn't know Mu Qingshen's grandson, she was still living happily !"

"That's different!" Ling Lie raised his voice, "It's not something you or I can give you that is destined."

"That can't be Mu Qingshen either!" Fu Qing's voice was higher than his, changing from his usual sloppy manner, with a rare seriousness on his face, "You should know who Mu Qingshen is. Crazy! Once you know something, you can even disregard your own life, such a dangerous person, how do you want me to trust my sister to him?!"

Ling Lie looked at him calmly, "Yes, he is a lunatic, so why not you? You, your brother, your elder brother, your elder brother, your sister, me, us, tell me, which one is not?"

"Xiaoxi grew up in such an environment, do you think she will be a flower in the greenhouse, very pure?"

Ling Lie's words made Fu Qing fall into deep thought, and his voice resounded again: "Mu Qingshen is a lunatic, he is crazy to others, but he will never be to Xiao Xi, in other words, he will not be to anyone he cares about." .”

"Fuck you, don't you know him well?"

Fu Qing stared at him coolly.

"Well, he's my sister-in-law's brother, my own brother."

Fu Qing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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