Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 171 Falling into the trap 2, thank you

Chapter 171 Falling into the trap 2, thank you
"Their security cameras are all installed outside the house, probably because they are afraid of damaging cultural relics."

"Xiaoqian, is it alright?"


The evergreen trees on both sides were tall and towering, with luxuriant branches, and the figures hidden in the dense green leaves shrank and disappeared.

She was tied with a rope, using all four limbs, and deftly crawled down the trunk with her head down.

With the earphones hidden in his ears, Qianmo said again, "Five seconds later."

In the window pane behind the branch, the bodyguard turned his head. Seeing that the monitor screen suddenly went black, his brows furrowed. Five seconds later, they returned to normal, and his brows relaxed.

Under the blue sky, in the interval of five seconds, the black figure passed through the surveillance camera to a window, and easily rolled into the castle.

When mentioning European castles, such words will involuntarily pop up in people's minds: fairy tales, princes, princesses...

It is dreamy and luxurious.

Just like the castle of Chantilly, once it was born, it will overwhelm the country and fascinate all beings.The entire castle is built of rock, both in appearance and inside, are majestic and magnificent.

The black figure passed through the hall, the auditorium, and went up to the main hall, where a stairway appeared, winding round and round, leading to the suddenly huge gap in the ground.

The figure pressed the transparent glasses she was wearing, and a few rings shrunk on the lenses in an instant, falling into her eyes, and the stairs became a 3D composite effect, virtual.

Fingerprints on the railing show.

She followed her fingerprints, and the huge underground space below was like a sea of ​​books. The tall walls on all sides were made into bookcases, and they were filled with books, from high to low, without leaving a single gap.

"Momo, they're going back."

Originally, the owner of the castle went out, but now he is back. In a car outside the castle, Qianmo observed every move around him through the computer screen.

"I found the fingerprints, soon."

Li Mo replied, jumped onto the railing of the stairs, and jumped up to the bookcase on the second floor.The cabinet boards on each floor are very wide, and there are even railings to protect each other.

The fingerprints were cut off on a book, and Li Mo looked carefully, and she quickly discovered the clues, each book was numbered and placed in order, but this book was arranged in a disorderly manner, as if inserted randomly. , and it is the password. After returning to the original position, the darkroom mechanism will automatically open.

But this also triggered a problem, and Limo was exposed.

Unlocking the password is bound to face the end of being discovered, otherwise the password will not be so simple.

The entire space is equipped with a human body recognition system. Even if the owner of the castle comes, the system will be triggered. The password of the system is the owner himself. If it is another outsider, the system will not be able to recognize it, and the alarm will automatically sound.

Now the sirens in the sky sounded.

real dog.

Limo gritted her teeth, she would be found anyway, so she couldn't leave empty-handed, so she went into the dark room.

The inside is simply a paradise of wealth, the golden eagle box, the Arabian Star, the scepter of the pharaoh and the czar...

Qianmo sighed, "These are all famous missing cultural relics."

Hmph, the knife in Limo's hand retracted, "Now, it belongs to us."

Look in the glass cabinet again, it's empty.

"Momo, they have entered the castle, have you found "Rose"?"

"found it."

The people outside were in a hurry, and Li Mo's movements were not slow, and the time it took to steal things back and forth did not exceed one minute.

Qianmo quickly tapped on the keyboard, planning her escape route.

"There are few people on the left, you come out from there, there is a maze outside, you can use the terrain to escape, but there are dogs, you have to be careful."

"There she is, grab her!—"

As soon as Limo went out, she ran into the bodyguard who was leading the dog. When the bodyguard let go, the dog let go of the rein and howled and rushed out.

They are all big wolfhounds, all of them showing their fangs and smirking.

However, Li Mo's expression was calm, she was not afraid at all, she turned and ran out, plunged into the maze.The trails are criss-crossed inside, and it is difficult for people with a good sense of direction to get out of it for a while.

Fortunately, she has Qianmo to guide her, so she can't get lost.

The dog was chasing her, she was running, the movement became louder and louder, people from all directions gathered here, and the gun in the bodyguard's hand was aimed at the maze.

Qianmo reminded her to be careful with the gun, while guiding her to continue turning around, and finally knocked the dog unconscious, and she also came out.

At this moment, the sky was "rumbling", and before Limo looked up to see what was going on, bullets were pouring down like raindrops.

Li Mo's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly ran towards the woods.

"Momo!" Qianmo was horrified, pulled out the phone plugged into the computer, picked up the bazooka under the seat, and jumped out of the car.

Limo snorted, a bloody hole suddenly opened on her shoulder.

The bullets are too dense, no matter how good the body is, it is inevitable that they will not be able to dodge.

If it wasn't for the forest to cover her, she could still use something to hide for a while, she might have been shot into a sieve already.

The plane was circling tightly overhead, apparently aimed at itself.

who?She has so many enemies, who could it be?
Is it Fallon again?He is being chased by the police now, how could he act at this time?
Limo didn't have time to think, and Qianmo's voice kept coming from her ears: "Momo, don't go that way, there is a cliff ahead, turn right, and run deep into the forest!"

The wide leaves kept shaving her face, Limo ignored the pain, and threw away all the cultural relics on her body that were in the way, leaving only the "Rose" oil painting, and ran forward desperately.

Oil painting is the purpose of her visit this time.

Although there is no computer in front of her, Qianmo no longer needs to use a computer. In a short period of time, she has memorized the terrain of the castle by heart.

"Boss, someone is attacking us from behind."

Qianmo fired a rocket into the sky, and the tail of the plane was hit, causing it to bounce up and down.

Inside the plane, the co-pilot glanced at the screen and wrote lightly: "Kill her."

The plane circled, and the bullets circled with it, dancing a whip in the air, attacking Qianmo.

Qianmo's footsteps froze, and he turned his head and walked in the opposite direction with Limo.

She diverted the firepower, but what was really waiting for Limo was behind.


"Well, he's my sister-in-law's brother, my own brother."

Fu Qing: "..."

There is a brief aphasia.

"Fu Xiaoxi!—"

Fu Xi was having a good time, Fu Qing came over and grabbed her, he shook off the snow from her hands, and said with a straight face: "Let's go, follow me to dinner."

It was noon, and she should be hungry after being wild for so long.

Mu Qingshen stopped in front of them, and Fu Qing glanced at him unfriendlyly, and there were other things hidden in his eyes, which were hard to fathom.

Ling Lie patted Mu Qingshen's shoulder, "Go together?"

Mu Qing shook his head deeply, "You guys go."

He stared at the people in front of him. Fu Qing still had a grudge against him. It's better for him not to be too aggressive and keep a distance from them.

Ling Lie patted him on the shoulder again and left.

Getting farther and farther away from the people behind her, Fu Xi bit her lip, not knowing what it was like. Suddenly, she broke free from her brother's hand and ran back to him again.

Seeing her running back, Mu Qingshen was a little surprised.

Fu Qing stood there staring at his younger sister's back, frowning slightly, Ling Lie hugged his shoulders, and smiled like "I knew it", "Look, there are some things that you can't stop."

"Mu Qingshen, thank you!"

Saying "Thank you" as if she had taken gunpowder, Fu Xi puffed up her chest and tried to pretend to be righteous, looking like a big sister.

Sister came back just to thank you, don't think too much about it.

"Okay, I accept."

He smiled slyly, seeing through her guilty conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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