Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 190 Unhappy, Yellow Hair vs Black Blue Hair

Chapter 190 Unhappy, Yellow Hair vs Black Blue Hair
"Brother, brother, here—"

The cafeteria is very noisy and noisy, and it is full of people at a glance.

Mu Qingshen and Fu Xi stood by the door, and Gao Le, who was in the crowd, saw them and waved to them.

"There they are." Mu Qingshen moved his jaw forward to the left.

Not only did Fu Xi see Gao Le, but when she saw Mo Yan waving at her, she was pleasantly surprised and surprised. She turned to look at the people beside her, "Why..."

The people beside her also turned their faces to look at her, "You don't mind if they are here?"

He thought that if there were more people, she might not be too cramped and could have a meal comfortably and happily.

Fu Xi shook her head again and again, she didn't mind too much.

Just now in the elevator, she was still thinking, just the two of them, facing each other across a table, you know, they don't seem to be very familiar, not familiar, they know each other anyway.

What should I say then?Just eat in silence?That can't be embarrassing?

What should I do?Seeing the elevator going up from floor to floor, her heart beat faster.

Unexpectedly, reality gave her a surprise.

"Mu Qingshen, thank you."

Maybe she could think that he was trying to take care of her emotions, but the shy veil of a girl in her heart taught her not to think about it, and she was always afraid of being sentimental.

But thank him anyway.

Mu Qing smiled deeply, resisting the urge to rub the back of her head, and led her over.

When I approached Fu Xi, I realized that it was not only Mo Yan, but also several classmates in her class, and the sports committee was naturally indispensable.

The dozen or so people in the industrial design class couldn't sit at one table, so they shared two tables and gathered together. Everyone was full of smiles and bustling.

"Brother, you and sister-in-law sit here..."

Gao Le began to occupy the main seat, and when he saw the two people approaching, he got up and made room for himself.

Gao Le talked about his sister-in-law, and Fu Xi blushed from shouting, but she didn't refute, and sat in with Mu Qingshen.

With so many people, she seemed a little overwhelmed when she specifically brought up this matter.

Mo Yan was next to her, which made Fu Xi very relaxed.

They ordered a lot of dishes, including meat and vegetables, as well as desserts. Fu Xi first took a bite of the wood cake and ate it.

Mu Qingshen raised her eyebrows calmly. Do you like dessert?
"Sister-in-law, don't be embarrassed to eat as much as you can, brother let me tell you, he will pay for all the food today."

Fat Dun pushed his favorite roast chicken to Fu Xi. Fu Xi thanked him embarrassingly, looking at the roast chicken in front of him, uh...

You don't have to worry about me, just play your own game.

A boy with a cropped hair opened a bottle of fruit beer and poured a glass for each of them.

Alcohol is not allowed in school.

Everyone toasted and clinked, and the short-haired boy said in a high voice, "Hey brother, you are so rich, why don't you take care of all the canteens."

"Haha..." There was a burst of laughter.

He just made a joke, but Mu Qingshen didn't take it seriously, and touched him again.

The neighboring tables looked this way.

Fu Xi played with the girls while eating, and occasionally whispered a few words to Mo Yan, and the two girls covered their mouths and giggled.

Mu Qingshen seemed to be having a good time talking with a group of boys, but in fact, her eyes would pass her by inadvertently.

Just laughing happily, Fu Xi was gnawing on a chicken leg, when the back of his head was suddenly slapped, and the chicken leg fell into the plate without holding it firmly.

With a "click", everyone stopped moving.

Fu Xi turned her head, little brother...

At some point, Fu Qing and Ling Lie stood in front of them. Fu Qing stared at his sister with a gloomy expression, "I enjoyed the meal, huh?"

Fu Xi was sitting inside, Fu Qing patted her and had to turn sideways, with his long arms across Mu Qingshen. He hadn't stretched his hands back yet, maintaining the posture of passing over Mu Qingshen's head.

Mu Qing looked at him deeply, and had no choice but to raise his face again.

Ever since he made clear his feelings for her and decided to launch an offensive, Mu Qingshen felt that he was a lot shorter in front of this bastard.

Look at the past, he didn't have to worry about killing him with a knife.

Fu Xi pursed her lips and blinked her eyes, "Brother, did you change the color of your hair? It looks pretty."

His hair has grown out long ago, it was silver gray last week, and it was dyed black and blue this week.

People with no good looks really can't hold on to this kind of color system, otherwise they will overturn into bumpkins, giving people a dirty feeling.

"Don't interrupt." Don't try to change the subject, this dead woman has a big heart, she doesn't know that she is going to be kidnapped.

No wonder the second brother always wanted to hit her, and he wanted to hit her too.

Fu Qing stretched out her hand, moved her gaze down slightly, and met Mu Qing's eyes deeply.

This little vixen, his innocent and cute little white rabbit sister is really no match.

Fu Qing and Ling Lie are not new faces, they are famous people, and they are regulars on the forum, and the rest of them will naturally recognize them.

As a result, the other tables couldn't help but glance at them.

Originally, one school girl was enough to attract attention, but now the four regulars on the forum gathered three, let alone Fu Xi.

When she first entered the school, Fu Xi also went to the forum. At that time, someone suggested that the school belle can be re-elected. Her appearance is comparable to the school belle, but her temperament is different. She is too delicate and cute. Some people like this one. But I still like the gentle and virtuous school belle more.

So, Fu Xi unfortunately lost the election.

Even though she lost the election, she has been hanging on the forum, and those who like her have always insisted on ranking.

Especially when she was involved with the school grass, some people were sour and unhappy at first, but after a long time, everyone seemed to get used to putting the two names "Fu Xi and Mu Qingshen" together.

The atmosphere was a little delicate, and Gao Le didn't always smooth things over. He could tell that it was not suitable for him to take the limelight at this moment.

This is a private matter for the few of them, and it doesn't concern everyone. At such a time, whoever stands up is the one who will be hated.

Ling Lie pinched Fu Qing secretly, and gave him a wink. Anyway, in public, everyone would not look good if he froze.

Fu Qing naturally understood, and he didn't think about it. He pulled Mu Qingshen, and said in a somewhat aggressive tone: "Get up, go to the opposite side."

You can't make a fuss, but in private, he still doesn't give him any face.

Mu Qingshen obediently picked up her cup and went to the opposite side.

A boy in an industrial design class: "..."

Brother, where is your backbone?
backbone?Feed the dog.

For a moment, Mu Qing was a little upset in his heart, but when he saw the person opposite, the discomfort disappeared.

Who made him her brother, he tolerated it.

Mu Qing took a deep look at Gao Le, and Gao Le immediately greeted everyone with a playful smile to continue. There were stools hanging on the table behind. Mu Qing took one with his backhand and handed it to Ling Lie. Ling Lie came in and sat down.

Yellow hair and black blue hair sit opposite each other, how can they be peaceful.

Under the table, Fu Qing kicked Mu Qingshen first, and Mu Qingshen was naturally not to be outdone, and kicked back fiercely, he kicked again, he kicked again...

Kicking and kicking, the movement gradually became louder, the legs of the two were stuck together, one accidentally slipped off, and kicked on a slender leg...

Fu Xi was suddenly annoyed, and the fork in his hand "slapped" onto the plate.

The scene fell silent, and everyone turned their heads in unison. Three seconds later, "Hahaha..."

After only one glance, each of them laughed and made trouble again.

Gao Le sat next to Ling Lie with two glasses of fruit beer. Mo Yan ate the cake in small bites, and kept sneaking glances at Fu Qing, her cheeks getting hotter and hotter...

(End of this chapter)

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