Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 191 Unhappy 2, Conflict

Chapter 191 Unhappy 2, Conflict

Fu Xishua turned her head and glared at her brother angrily: Brother, he invited me to dinner anyway, can you save me some face?
Hey, dare to stare at him?
Fu Qing really wanted to press the cake on her face to show you face. Have you reassured your brother?

Fu Xi only stared at his brother, but didn't give Mu Qing a deep look.

Mu Qingshen hoped that she would stare at him, as if she was taking care of him, it felt good.

As if hearing his voice, she glanced at him casually.

Mu Qingshen immediately withdrew her foot and behaved obediently.

Gao Le and Ling Lie didn't know what they were talking about. They grinned and never closed their mouths. Gao Le asked Ling Lie what major he studied.

Ling Lie said: "Weapons research, why, do you want to learn?"

Gao Le opened his mouth slightly, it was too advanced, he couldn't learn it, so he shook his head and said, "I want to learn computer."

Ling Lie looked at him, "Aren't you from industrial design, do you want to learn computer? Oh, do you want to change your major?"

Gao Le nodded, and glanced at Fu Qing, "That brother is from the Department of Computer Science, right? I heard he is very good..."

In the National Computer Ability Challenge held half a month ago, Fu Qing led the team, representing Sheng Han, and won the first place.

At that time, the major websites and platforms went crazy, saying that no matter what competition, as long as Shenghan plays, the champion will never be anyone else.

Ling Lie smiled, propped his elbows on the table, his wrists were drooping, and he was holding half a glass of fruit beer in his hand. Instead, he looked at Mu Qingshen and said, "There are good resources around you."

Um?Gao Le followed his gaze, "Brother? Isn't he a racing car? He said that he will open a car factory in the future. Why, he can also play computers?"

Ling Lie put down the cup with a smile, and blinked at Gao Le with a mysterious expression on his face, "He is an invisible boss."

"What?" Gao Le was stunned seeing Mu Qingshen's eyes, "He really knows how to play computer?"

Ling Lie nodded, in fact, he didn't know his identity yet, it was just a guess.

Fu Qing opened a bottle of fruit beer with bare hands, and the kindergarten graduate said, "Do you dare to blow a bottle with me?"

Mu Qing sneered deeply, "Blowing drinks is no skill, if you have the ability, you can really do it."

Fu Qing snorted coldly, if he was in other schools, he would still dare to be presumptuous, but to be honest, he dare not be disobedient in his second brother's school.

So, the meal was nothing more than that, Fu Qing wanted to vent her anger but failed, and Mu Qingshen wanted to take this opportunity to strike up more conversations with her to enhance their relationship, but failed.

Gao Le asked the aunt in the cafeteria how many plastic bags they wanted, and everyone packed up the unfinished ones. Mu Qingshen put the desserts in a bag, tied it, and handed it to her. Fu Xi took a look and shook his head, "I don't want it. "

Mu Qingshen was about to say something, but when his hand was empty, Fu Qing grabbed his bag, "No, no, my sister loves desserts the most. If there is one, would you buy it for her every day?"

"Oh brother!" Fu Xi pulled him, opening a blind box is enough, does she still want to eat dessert until she vomits?
Mu Qing thought deeply about the feasibility, but when he thought of the blind box, he had better forget it, he was afraid that she would call him stupid again.

Everyone walked towards the elevator together, Fu Xi held Mo Yan's arm, followed by my brother and Ling Lie, Mo Yan secretly whispered to her: "Xiao Xi, your brother is so handsome."

Heh, heh, Fu Xi squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth with a fake smile: "Handsome is handsome, and coquettish enough."

Fu Qing heard her and patted the back of her head.

The winter sun shines on people, and it is always extraordinarily comfortable and warm.

The crowd separated in twos and threes. In front of the door of the dormitory, Fu Qing stuffed the dessert to her sister, but Fu Xi didn't want it, and her brother forced it into her arms.

Things are things, people are people, it doesn't matter who buys things, even if they don't give it away for free, isn't that stupid.

Fu Xi had no choice but to meet another person's eyes in a blink of an eye, and she grinned a little embarrassedly.

Mu Qingshen gave her a "it's okay" look, and watched her walk in.

Armed with Mo Yan's cross-border threshold, Fu Xi thought of something again, and turned around, "By the way, my courier has arrived again, can you help me pick it up?"

"Blind box again?"



Mu Qingshen: "..."

Fu Qing shouted again: "Then I'll take it and throw it away."

Fu Xi waved his hand, "Whatever."

Mu Qingshen: "..."

"Have you seen enough, watch again and gouge out your eyeballs!"

The beautiful figure at the door had long since disappeared, and Mu Qingshen was still looking engrossed. At this moment, he was pulled, met a pair of fierce eyes, and Fu Qing threatened him with a fist.

Ling Lie slapped Fu Qing on the head, the idiot, "Let's go," dragging the idiot away.

Watching people go away, Gao Le wondered, "Brother, is this brother-in-law hostile to you?"

Mu Qing smiled deeply, "Leave him alone."

After everyone left, they were the only ones left. Mu Qingshen didn't go back to the dormitory, but instead walked to the garden.

Gao Le followed him, about to ask something, Mu Qingshen took out his mobile phone and made a call, Gao Le's words stopped on his lips.

"Hey Ayao, don't give away that blind box again."

"Ah? Don't give it away? But Boss, we signed the contract." Duan Xinyao sat in front of the computer opposite, clacking on the keyboard with both hands, with the mobile phone between his ears and shoulders.

For one hundred blind boxes per day, they have signed an agreement with the merchant.

"It's okay, pay the liquidated damages that should be paid, and the blind box will not be given away. Instead, it will be given once every three days, and fifty pieces will be enough... No, one week, fifty ones a week, not in the near future , start in a month."

"it is good……"

Mu Qing listened deeply to the dragging voice on the phone, and obviously still had something to say, "What do you want to ask?"

Driven by curiosity, A Yao said tremblingly: "Boss, have you found a sister-in-law for us?"

These blind boxes are for my sister-in-law, right?

Mu Qingshen didn't speak, but Gao Le yelled "Aiya" next to him, he tripped, and Mu Qingshen held him up.

A Yao on the opposite side: "Boss, is the person next to you sister-in-law?"

Mu Qingshen: "...Your ears are full of shit, right?"

How can a man's voice be sister-in-law?

A Yao twitched her lips, a male sister-in-law can't do it?

"By the way, boss, the traitor Xiaobaicai...the one named Fu Xi, we can't do it?"

"Yeah." Dare to call him stupid, Mu Qing licked his teeth deeply, feeling annoyed.

There were two or three people standing on the rockery in front. When passing by the rockery, one of them suddenly reached out and pushed Mu Qingshen, interrupting Gao Le again.

Mu Qing's expression turned pale, and he looked gloomyly at the person who pushed him.

The short bullets on both sides, you can see the three white spots on the scalp winding from behind the ears to in front of the ears, specially made for the barber to cut out, not tall or short, rather strong, staring at Mu Qing, I can't wait to take a sip. He has the temperament of a bad boy.

No matter how good a school is, it can't be short of such thorns.

"School girl? You're rich, right?"

The man poked Mu Qingshen's chest hard with one finger. Mu Qingshen's eyes lowered slightly, he brushed the hand on his chest, and raised it again, looking unkind. If it wasn't for school, his paw and arm would have been separated long ago up.

What is school grass?Still clamoring to take over the audience?Just now in the cafeteria he looked very unpleasant to him.

(End of this chapter)

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