Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 195 She Comes Blushing, She Comes Out

Chapter 195 She Comes Blushing, She Comes Out
Mu Yeqin took the phone and looked it over and over again, "Why did she think of telling me I'm safe?"

"It's a subordinate..." The bodyguard's expression felt that he was afraid of saying the wrong thing, and he dared not speak, and he dared not not speak, and said in a low voice, "The boss is worried about you, and I hope you call to report that you are safe."

Mu Yeqin couldn't help but sized him up, "Are you under Xiaochun's direct supervision?"

"Yes, number 006."

Mu Yeqin nodded, "Go to Xiaochun and ask him to give you a promotion and double your salary."

The bodyguard laughed heartily, and on the surface said, "Why is this so embarrassing? Boss, for your sake, I should." He murmured obediently, "Yes."

The good boy withdrew.

As soon as he went out, 006 exclaimed: "Madam?..."

Double standard dog, in front of your boss, only the wife is long and the wife is short. Once your boss is gone, it will be "Miss Limo".

There is no way, girls are thin-skinned, and she will be ashamed when they call her "Ma'am".

Mu Yeqin turned his head, a girl with cheeks as red as peaches came.

The wind is slightly cool, the shadows are mottled, and the flower buds hit the window.Looking at each other silently, three thousand worries, three thousand embarrassments, lingering and hard to cut.

Swallows form pairs, skimming the peaks, flying across the south.Looking at each other silently, with brows and eyes blooming, full of beauty and glory in the whole life.

"Come here," he beckoned, his smug eyebrows seemed to announce to her: Look, you fell, fell into my hands.

She understood, she was ashamed, she bit her lips and stomped her feet and said, "Don't get me wrong, Qianmo is here for treatment, I accompanied her here, I didn't expect you to be here too..."

The corner of Qianmo's mouth twitched outside the door, it's better not to explain than you explain.

Using her as a shield, the corners of Qianmo's mouth continued to twitch...

Who pulled her up from the bed when she was sleeping soundly, what are you messing with, you should go to the hospital for treatment...



Before he could react, he was dragged to the hospital. Was the co-author used as a shield? ...

I said, Miss Momo, if you are worried, worry about it, and see you whenever you want, you are not that thin-skinned, so just admit it boldly?

If you find such a lame reason, I will "ashamed to provoke..."

All right, I came with your best friend, and the second young master said: "What a coincidence, why are we so destined?"

The little girl was thin-skinned, so he gave her a step down, and he waved again.

"Who is destined to be with you..." She muttered, and reluctantly dawdled in.

Mu Yeqin was not wearing any clothes on his upper body, his left and right shoulder blades were wrapped with gauze, Li Mo kept looking at his wound, he looked at her quietly, his brows became brighter, he knew she was worried about him.

"This injury..."

Finally, Li Mo couldn't help asking, met his gaze, Mu Yeqin smacked his lips, and was about to speak, Li Mo frowned and closed her eyes, and the next second, her voice became crisp and crisp: "Brother, what are you doing?" injured?"

As soon as she woke up, she saw her brother wrapped in two large gauzes, Xiao Yu frowned and frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.

Mu Yeqin smiled "it's okay", and opened his arms towards her, "Small injury, my brother doesn't hurt."

Xiao Yu shook her head and refused. If it's normal, there's no need to wait for him to open his arms. She jumped in by herself, but today, he was injured, and she was afraid of touching his wound and hurting him.

Xiao Yu said with distressed eyes, "Brother, you need to rest."

Xiao Yu pointed at the bed, Mu Yeqin glanced at the bed, nodded, "Okay, brother rest."

He took off his shoes and lay down on the bed with his face resting on the pillow, without taking his eyes off her.

Xiao Yu laughed, kicked off her shoes and lay down on the bed.

Even the hospital bed is big enough to accommodate two people.

Face to face, they were so close that they could see each other's eyelashes clearly, Xiao Yu couldn't help reaching out, tapping the tip of his nose, giggling.

He lightly touched his eyelashes again, his eyelashes were soft, like a small brush, scratching her fingertips.

Xiao Yu felt that her heart was being scratched, and couldn't help drawing the outline of his eyebrows, and couldn't help saying: "Brother, you are the most beautiful person Xiao Yu has ever seen."

Mu Ye looked at her intently, "Xiao Yu is also the prettiest person my brother has ever seen."


"Yeah," he nodded.

Xiao Yu smiled instantly and frowned, rubbed against him, pursed her mouth, and touched his cheek, Mu Yeqin's mouth grinned behind her ear.

The half-drawn eyelids covered the eyes, and from his angle, he couldn't see the innocent eyes that were slowly scarlet and stained with bloodthirsty, but there was tenderness in the bloodthirsty.

Her lips slightly lifted away, moved down, and then lightly pressed on.

She closed her eyes, covered her scarlet eyes, and kissed half of his lips.

At that moment, Mu Yeqin's pupils shrank suddenly.

Dazed for a few seconds, Mu Yeqin yanked the person on her body, held her face up and lifted her up, Xiao Yu was so fascinated, he smiled foolishly at him.

"Xiao Yu, who was that person just now?"

Mu Yeqin's heart beat fast.

Xiao Yu didn't understand what he was talking about, blinked twice, "Brother, who is it, did someone come in just now?"

Mu Yeqin looked at her carefully, not letting go of every trace of her expression, that person gave him a feeling of strangeness and familiarity just now, Limo?Do you mean it?But ice?

No, none of them seem to be...

Juechen had already gone out. In his office, Qianmo was sitting on the sofa, looking around.

I feel that the office here is not much different from the one in Paris. Except for the different colors of the gauze curtains and the different potted plants on the window sills, everything else seems to be the same.

Qian Mo pouted, bored.

boring man.

Juechen didn't know what was going on in her heart, so he took this folder and a pen, sat down in front of her, and said, "Tell me about your situation in detail, so that I can formulate a treatment plan for you."

Qianmo thought about where to start, and opened his mouth. There was a blank paper in the folder, and Juechen was listening and recording.

Gradually the twilight fell, and this afternoon, Qianmo talked a lot, Juechen listened to it, and there was no peace all night.

Three days later—

The dark green vines wrapped around the red castle, this red, blood-red, extremely glaring, as if the flowing blood was about to swallow the dark green.

Coupled with the gloomy atmosphere of the black rose outside, it is gloomy and treacherous. It is simply the opposite of a fairy tale. It makes people think that there must be witches and evil spirits living in it. Thinking about it makes the scalp numb.

In fact, the owner of the castle is extremely handsome, and he is also a person who can make people fall at a glance.

Now, he was sitting on the sofa with his beautiful woman in his arms. Behind him, a doctor in a white coat came over and said, "Sir, I'm awake."

The beauty in his arms opened her eyes, met his gaze, and smiled slightly, "Let's go and have a look."

The beauty stood up, her soft hair ran through his fingers, his arms were empty, and her feet landed on the ground.

The beauty pulled him up, and he clasped her graceful waist, and walked upstairs together.

It was not the first day for the two people on the other sofa to come to this place, and they were still very reserved.

They still didn't dare to face the man who went upstairs, they always felt that he was a hundred times more terrifying than Mu Yeqin, and their hearts were trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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