Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 196 Falling into the Devil's Trap

Chapter 196 Falling into the Devil's Trap
After bandaging Mu Yeqin, Juechen returned to his office, he waved, and Qianmo followed him.

In the office, Qianmo sat on the sofa and looked around.

I feel that the office here is not much different from the one in Paris. Except for the different colors of the gauze curtains and the different potted plants on the window sills, everything else seems to be the same.

Qian Mo pouted, bored.

boring man.

Juechen didn't know what was going on in her heart, so he took this folder and a pen, sat in front of her, and said, "Tell me about your situation in detail, so that I can formulate a treatment plan for you."

Qianmo thought about where to start, and opened his mouth. There was a blank paper in the folder, and Juechen was listening and recording.

Gradually the night fell, Qianmo talked a lot that day, Juechen listened to it, and there was no peace all night.

Three days later—

The dark green vines wrapped around the red castle, this red, blood-red, extremely glaring, as if the flowing blood was about to swallow the dark green.

Coupled with the gloomy atmosphere of the black rose outside, it is gloomy and treacherous. It is simply the opposite of a fairy tale. It makes people think that there must be witches and evil spirits living in it. Thinking about it makes the scalp numb.

In fact, the owner of the castle is extremely handsome, and he is also a person who can make people fall at a glance.

Now, he was sitting on the sofa with his beautiful woman in his arms. Behind him, a doctor in a white coat came over and said, "Sir, I'm awake."

The beauty in his arms opened her eyes, met his gaze, and smiled slightly, "Let's go and have a look."

The beauty stood up, her soft hair ran through his fingers, his arms were empty, and her feet landed on the ground.

The beauty pulled him up, and he clasped her graceful waist, and walked upstairs together.

It was not the first day for the two people on the other sofa to come to this place, and they were still very reserved.

They still didn't dare to face the man who went upstairs, they always felt that he was a hundred times more terrifying than Mu Yeqin, and they felt hairy in their hearts.

The room was extremely luxurious, and every piece of display was unique in the world. The person on the bed just woke up and was helped to sit up by the doctor. He was looking at the room at this moment, and he was still in a daze.

There was a sound of opening the door, and seeing the slender figure at the door, his expression was as if he had seen a ghost again, and his already pale face became even more frighteningly white.

The bed was very big. Apart from a circle of doctors in white coats, there were various medical equipment around it. His legs were spread flat on the bed and wrapped in a thick layer of gauze. Presumably, there was a plaster cast inside.

The person at the door came in with his beauty, and smiled at him, "Falun, long time no see."

Falun couldn't describe his current mood. He just felt that he had just left the tiger's mouth and entered the wolf's den again.

"Bo, Mr. Bo," Fallon trembled, his mouth dry and pale.

"Hehe," the man smiled and sat down on the sofa, his beautiful little bird cuddled up to him, and said, "Fallon, do you still remember what I said before?"

What did you say?Of course Fallon remembered, and his back was covered in cold sweat.

The man raised his finger and made a "one", "There is only one chance, I gave it to you, you didn't grasp it, I said, if you forced me to make a move, you had to come to me to cooperate, I don't treat you as an ally any more."

Fear was like a snake licking his heart, and then the snake opened its mouth and bit hard, Falun's heart froze, and this fear instantly spread to all limbs and bones.

Because he was extremely afraid, he had the fearlessness of "I'm going to die", and he shouted bravely: "It's you! It's you! Everything was set up by you! It was you who sold my information to Xiao Shen, and the police did it." They will find me and force me into a street mouse, hiding everywhere!"

"And you knew that I would arrest her, and obviously you wanted her too, but you didn't stop her, and let her be captured by me, and then you knew that Mu Yeqin would come to settle accounts with me and destroy me!"

"My subordinates who died suddenly were also poisoned by you, right? This is how you pushed me to the cliff, alone and helpless, I had no choice but to submit to you, right?!"

"Yes, that's right, I did it all, so what?" The man admitted unabashedly, his mouth full of sarcasm, "Fallon, what can you do now that you know the truth?"

The man got up, pulled out the gun from his waist and threw it on the bed, "The gun is right in front of you, do you dare to kill me?"

Opening his eyes wide and looking at the gun close at hand, Fallon was bitten by a poisonous snake again. The fear spread from his heart again. He was discouraged and began to fear death.

He didn't even have the courage to reach out, he, he didn't dare...

Once he reaches out, this man will send him to hell and torture him endlessly...

The tall man stood beside the bed, blocking half of the sun and casting a shadow over Fallon's head.

His eyes lightly glanced at his legs, "Mu Yeqin should not forget the feeling of torturing you, Falun, you know what I want, hand it over obediently, and listen to me later, I can cure you Both legs, leave your life as a dog, otherwise, your legs, I will break them once and for all, until you let go."

Falun trembled, his mouth opened, and he didn't utter a word for a long time.

The man's eyes seemed attractive, but he didn't dare to look directly at them, but he stared blankly as if bewitched. Through those eyes, he seemed to see the flesh and blood flowing into rivers, screaming and wailing continuously...

The blood all over his body was rushing, and seemed to be trembling like its owner.

"Two, the hospitality has not been good recently, please bear with me."

The man went downstairs again with his beauty, and the two on the sofa looked at each other.

"Mr. Bo," compared to the young woman, the old man on the sofa still knew how to do things, stood up and greeted the man with a smile on his face.

The man patted the beauty's hand, and the beauty sat down towards the woman on the sofa, looked at her kindly, "Is your injury all right?"

The woman shook her head, glanced at the wound on her arm, secretly thinking about who they were, why they were saved, and what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd...

"I don't know what the old man's plan is now?"

The man poured a cup of tea for Fu Huan. Fu Huan grinned and obediently put his tail between his legs in front of him. How could he dare to bark anymore?

How the group rescued him from Mu Yeqin's men that day, he could clearly see the whole process, one against ten did not lose the wind, and someone was able to catch the bullet with bare hands and return it back. These people are comparable to Falun. The half-bait under his hand is much more powerful.

And these people are all obeying the man in front of him. How dare Fu Huan put his tail between his legs, dare to be disrespectful?
Let alone one him, even if there were ten more him, it would not be enough for the man in front of him to play with.

The man looked at him with a smile, a gentle and talkative look.

What do you plan to do?When Fu Huan thought of Mu Yeqin and that battle, he immediately gritted his teeth, his brows and eyes turned cold, "Of course it's revenge!"

(End of this chapter)

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