Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 197 Falling into the Devil's Trap 2

Chapter 197 Falling into the Devil's Trap 2
How many people did Mu Yeqin beat him, almost all the people in the castle died, and outside, Mu Yeqin deceived the crowd with lies, conspired with a group of people to bully him, and disgraced him! !
In the past, when people heard the old man's reputation, they would still be a little afraid, but now?

Who didn't laugh and pooh on the ground?The thing that was kicked around by the second son and couldn't even hold its tail firmly?

This battle had a great impact on him.

It is a foregone conclusion that his reputation will be discredited, and if he wants to have a place in the coalition again, I'm sorry, you are not worthy.

Want to seize the power of the Fu family?Hehe, it is said that Mu Yeqin is bewitching the public with his gossip, but he does not know that it is your nephew who is really gossiping with the gossip!

When he was beaten to the bum by Mu Yeqin and unable to resist, Fu Shiyun summoned the elders of the family. Some of these elders supported him, while others favored Fu Huan.

There are not many people who see the wind tilting the balance in their hearts, and they will lean towards whichever side the wind is strong.

In the current situation, Fu Shiyun's side is very windy, and many people have already leaned on him. In addition, as a leader, it is necessary to be able to speak well, so Fu Shiyun is also very good at speaking, with a few words to the point Needless to say, those who have turned their backs, those who still insist on the old man's camp, their minds are also active.

This is enough, it is already the situation that Fu Shiyun wants to see, he can wait for those who are left with active minds and eyes, and wait for them to come to him slowly, but if he is made to wait for too long and gets annoyed, he will Just shot him dead.

When an elder dies, he can still help another elder to take over.

Many problems can be solved by force, but the premise is that you have the ability to clean up the mess left over.

The orthodox four sons of the Fu family are mainly in charge of the elder sister of the Fu family and the second young master of the Fu family. The twins, Fu Qing and Fu Xi, are just in charge of playing.

The power in the hands of Fu Die and Fu Shiyun is enough to compete with the old man, but they have been slow to do anything. Over the years, they have maintained a superficial relationship with the old man that can be broken with a poke, because the mess is not easy to clean up.

Did it directly explode the old man's seizure of power?Yes, but your name is not right and your words are not right. Once the old man dies, how many faces will be there to ask for an explanation?
Shall we kill these people one by one?

nonsense!You'll just kill more and more and infuriate the crowd more and more.

At first, it was only the people who were in the old man's line who were angry, until even your own people couldn't stand your behavior, questioned you instead, and gradually opposed you...

The hearts of the people are lost in this way, and you are regarded as a tyrant by the people, so what are you waiting for if you are not overthrown?
Everyone revolts and perishes sooner or later.

Therefore, it is not easy to get rid of the old man and solve the following series of things.

Fu Die and Fu Shiyun have been struggling with this matter all day long, how to arrange this game, they did not expect that when they were racking their brains, an opportunity came.

The old man played with fire and set himself on fire, and touched the second son's woman. The second son was furious, and bombarded you, wanting your life, what's wrong?
Totally plausible!

Who dares to stand up and point to Mu Yeqin's nose to object to the word "no"? !
So at the negotiating table, Fu Ershao justly scolded the old man, saying that he didn't know how to restrain himself, and that sooner or later he would bring disaster to our Fu family, and preach to get rid of this cancer. Isn't it reasonable?

In a word, the current situation is not good for the old man.

Don't have to laugh at Fallon for being a loner, he's just a toe ahead of him.

The old man is not an idiot, so he can naturally figure it out, so, can he bear this tone?
Even mutilating Mu Yeqin's body can't solve his hatred! !

"Reputation can be regained if it is lost, and there is no fixed number of prosperity and disgrace." The man pressed the button on the tea table, and the purple sand teapot "beeped" and steamed again.

"Alas," Fu Huanzhong sighed heavily. Even so, it was easier said than done.

Originally, the two siblings of the Fu family were enough for him, but now with the addition of Mu Yeqin...

With a flash of lightning in his mind, Fu Huan suddenly looked at the man beside him.

The man was turning his head slightly, looking at him with a smile. The smile didn't reach his eyes, as if he had predicted what he would say next.

Fu Huan said excitedly: "Bo, Mr. Bo, can you help me..."

The man laughed, his eyes glanced at the teapot carelessly, Fu Huan understood, and hurriedly picked up the bottom cup for him and refilled it.

The man didn't pick it up to drink, Fu Huan looked at him earnestly, and said, "I heard that the old man and Falun have a good relationship?"

"Yes," Fu Huan nodded, he could hear the meaning behind the man's words.

What he did with Farren was exactly what men were doing at the moment. In other words, they were the same kind of people, and there were only a handful of people like them in this world.

Fu Huan was very aware of his usefulness, and said: "If Mr. Bo can help me, as long as I know about Falun, I will talk about it."

If it weren't for this point of use value, I am afraid that the man would not save him.

The man took a sip of the tea he refilled for himself, "Yes."

One look is enough, a man only needs one look, Fu Huan has already begun to obey.


The New Year's Eve party came as scheduled, and Shenghan University was full of brilliance.

All departments and classes on the asphalt road flocked to the auditorium. This was when the whole school was mobilized. The grand occasion was astounding.

In the auditorium, the clothes are fresh and clean, and there is a lot of laughter and entertainment. It is so lively.

The Department of Industrial Design is located in the middle, and the seats between departments and between classes are drawn by lottery, and the order of performances on the stage is also the same.

"Brother, you say you, what a rotten hand, you smoked this broken seat..."

In the entire industrial design department, the third class is located at the back of the seat.

Who smoked it?
Mu Qingshen.

The boys from the third class pushed their gods up, but they were so unlucky that they directly screwed themselves.

Gao Le has been complaining since the day the lottery results came out, and he is probably the only one who dares to yell at Mu Qingshen like this.

In fact, it’s okay, no matter where you sit, you can see the stage clearly, because there is a projection screen, but compared with those who are close to the stage, the feeling of being able to face the stage and face the real person is still a bit worse.

Mu Qingshen greeted Gao Le with a slap on the head, looked around, but there was no sign of her, and said, "I'll go backstage."

"Hey?—" Gao Le watched him run away, unable to shout.

Gao Le walked forward along the narrow aisle, and his classmate stopped him: "Hey Gao Le, why are you going?"

Gao Le's chin above Nunu, "Go to the front, my family is here."

"Fuck, Gao Le, are you awesome?"

On the faces of the students, there was an expression of envy and "you are hiding something", Gao Le smiled triumphantly, and the small canine teeth on one side were shining under the lamp.

Backstage, each department has its own activity area. Mu Qingshen went straight to the jewelry design department and knocked on a door of many small rooms.

The people inside said without looking up: "Please come in."

Mu Qing pushed the door open and walked in. The people inside saw him and smiled, "Why, are you nervous?"

Mu Qing raised her eyebrows deeply, "Why am I nervous?"

"Then why are you here?" Fu Xi glanced at him again, taking a yellow wooden ruler to measure the wedding dress spread out on the table.

She thought that he couldn't walk well, so he rushed to the stage, and then came to ask her two moves, sharpening his gun before the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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