Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 198 Did you do something stupid, have a child?

Chapter 198 Did you do something stupid, have a child?
Mu Qingshen came to the table and looked at her, "By the way, I can't walk well, will I embarrass you?"

After measuring the front, Fu Xi brought up the wedding dress and wanted to measure the back. The wedding dress was a bit heavy, and Mu Qingshen helped her reverse it.

She said: "How can it be so serious? Haven't you heard that the three views follow the five senses? It doesn't matter if you can't walk well. You are good-looking. At that time, everyone will only look at you, so how can you care about the wedding dress... "

"Besides, this is not a game, so it's not enough to lose face."

"Oh~——" Mu Qingshen dragged his tongue, raised his buttocks, lay down on the table, propped his chin with his hands, and acted obediently with blinking eyes, "Why don't you give me another compliment?"

"What?" Fu Xi turned her head and met the obedient face, realizing what he was saying, she copied the yellow wooden ruler and patted it, Mu Qingshen not only did not retreat, but turned her face closer.

The ruler in the air stopped suddenly, an inch away from his outstretched cheek, and Fu Xi stared at him blankly.

He put away that cynical smile, his eyes became serious, and turned seriously on her face, deliberately holding her gaze, leading her to look into his pupils, leading her to follow him...

Such a look...

Fu Xi was extremely uncomfortable, her heart was beating non-stop.

During these few days of rehearsal, he would always look at her like this, and he would feel flustered when he saw her, and he would feel flustered when he saw her, and he didn't know what was wrong with him...

"Fu Xi, have you ever done anything stupid, such as cheating someone?" He asked suddenly.

Fu Xi couldn't understand, and subconsciously blurted out: "No."

"Really?" Mu Qingshen twitched an eyebrow.

Fu Xi thought about it, shook his head, "No."

Obviously, she forgot something.

Mu Qing smiled deeply, and the flowers trembled from the laughter, which made Fu Xi's heart shudder.

Several cars drove in by the school gate, and when the occupant of one car got off, Mu Yeqin greeted him, "If you have inconvenient legs and feet, you should keep them at home. In such a cold day, why is Mr. Feng running around?"

Zhong Li supported his young master on the wheelchair, and Mu Yeqin looked him up and down, this man is really a gentleman, gentle and personable, even though he is disabled and crouched in the wheelchair, he doesn't look embarrassed at all.

Feng Yinan always had Wang Xiaoxiao on his lips, "Such a lively New Year's Eve party, why, the second young master wants to enjoy it for himself, and is not willing to share the joy with everyone?"

Feng Yinan swept past the crowd one by one, and stayed on Nian Bai's face, Nian Bai smiled at him and nodded slightly.

She was still holding the little guy in her arms. The little guy's big black eyes blinked, and he was twisting his body and flipping the flower rope with sister Qianmo next to him.

Mu Yeqin laughed at the street lamp, "Young Master Feng just joked, it's just a bit of an accident. In the past, the nobleman who couldn't get invited by posting to the door repeatedly, why did he suddenly want to have fun with us ordinary people this time?"

"Hehe," Feng Yinan also laughed, Mu Yeqin, Mu Yeqin, acting stupid, no one can compare to you.

Feng Yinan didn't speak again, and Mu Yeqin didn't continue this topic.

The person pushing the wheelchair is Zhong Li, and Feng Yishu is standing beside him.

Ever since she saw Mu Yeqin, Feng Yishu's gaze had been on him, and Mu Yeqin had noticed her. When he looked over, Feng Yishu raised her eyebrows and smiled coldly.

Very provocative.

Mu Yeqin narrowed his eyes slightly, when Zhong Li pushed the wheelchair past him, he said, "Feng Yinan, thank you."

A heartfelt, very heavy thank you.

Thank you between men.

Feng Yinan suppressed the smile on his lips, glanced at him, then signaled Zhongli, and pushed the wheelchair away.

The wheelchair disappeared from everyone's sight, Fu Shiyun said, "Let's go too."

A crowd walked into the auditorium.

Outsiders can enter the school to watch as long as they hold the invitation card.

The invitations are issued by the board of directors, and those who can receive the invitations are big names, such as the mayor, the CEO of a well-known company...

These people may or may not be the parents of students in school.

That's why the classmates were so envious of Gao Le just now. His parents' ability to come in meant that he had also received an invitation card, and his image of the rich second generation was instantly established.


Papa Gao felt that someone was scratching him from behind, so he waved his backhand twice, waving the air for a while, ignored it, and continued talking to the people around him.


Father Gao was stuck in the neck, and "Dad" suddenly rang in his ear, which startled him a lot, and he jumped up from the chair. When he saw that it was his son, he subconsciously took off his shoes. This is a public place, not right.

Father Gao scolded in a low voice: "Stinky boy, I'm going to scare you to death!"

Gao Le laughed twice, and wanted to say something, but was pushed onto the chair by his father. With a flattering smile, Gao Le took a step towards the person coming from far away.

"Oh, Second Young Master..."

Mu Yeqin and others came in, and when the faces of the principal and Professor Windsor appeared on the big screen, the students were in an uproar.

Hi, kiss you cp is finally back! ...

Everyone was stunned when they saw the little boy with kawaii pink makeup in the principal's arms.

The principal and professor, even children, children? ...

Open your mouth into an "o" shape and inhale.

There was only a small seat in front, everyone sat freely, Qianmo and Mrs. Xuanyuan were next to each other, after Qianmo sat down, Juechen naturally chose the seat next to her, followed by Fu Shiyun, then Mu Yeqin and Nianbai.

Feng Yinan and Feng Yishu sat on the other side.

"Sister Qianmo—"

The little guy yelled towards Qianmo, Nian Bai put him down, he still had a flower rope around his hands, and ran to find sister Qianmo.

Coming closer, Qianmo picked him up and rubbed his face vigorously, "You're so clingy to my sister, huh?"

"Yeah," Yuanyuan's eyeballs rolled around, and the ghost concealed his intention.

Yuanyuan stretched out her hand in front of her, Qianmo inserted her fingers into the flower rope, Yuanyuan carefully probed: "Sister, do you miss my father if he doesn't come?"

"Ah?" Qianmo opened his mouth wide, "Why do I miss your father?"

The youngest is busy with work, so he doesn't have time to watch the party. He is video chatting with someone in the office about work. Oh, the other person's surname is Fu, and his name is Fu Die.

Qianmo yelled a little loudly, Juechen heard it, chatted with Fu Shiyun, and pricked up his ears.

Don't you want to?Yuanyuan was a little discouraged.

Although Dad and Sister Qianmo have said that they are impossible, but Dad has always been single, and Sister Qianmo has never had a boyfriend. Such handsome men and beautiful women who are not wanted by anyone can develop the impossible into possible.

They can rely on each other, develop and develop, maybe they will see each other right.

No, I must help Dad and Sister Qianmo set up this line!
"Yuanyuan, come on," Xiao Yuanyuan cheered herself up, puffed up her chest again and asked, "Sister Qianmo, do you mind me?"

Mind my existence, so you don't think about Dad?

Yuanyuan's sudden sentence confused Qianmo, and it took him a long time to realize it, "Puchi" smiled, "Little devil, sister has someone she likes, so don't give sister Amway to your father anymore."

Juechen turned to look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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