The leading man in front of him stood happily with a black and white mask.

He didn't care whether the yelling woman's surname was Fu or whether her family was rich, he waved his hand, and the bodyguards in black took her down.

He opened one arm, and the woman standing next to him took the initiative to snuggle into his arms.

"Mr. Fallon, how does my place compare to your muddy one-acre land?"

magnificent!So grand!
The long corridor is endless, the walls and the floor are all made of black iron, and in the rooms separated on both sides, you can see clusters of green light inside through the glass door.

In fact, it is not light, but a huge cylindrical glass water tank, and the water inside is green.

In every room there are researchers in white coats.

Standing in the middle of the corridor, Falun looked up at the grand occasion, his eyes sparkled, and he exclaimed.

This is the empire, and these regiments of "green lights" are all his soldiers, the imperial army! !

What could he do with that little space under his swamp?How much can such a "green light" hold?

As a result, it was destroyed by the police not long ago. Although the police rushed to nothing in the past, there will always be clues left behind. The police collected blood from the cracks in the corner of the wall and matched it with some missing persons in the database. up.

Now, he is blacklisted in the police computer system, and he is a criminal closely watched by the police. If it weren't for the man with the black and white mask in front of him, he might have been arrested long ago.

"Fallon, it's not a loss to cooperate with me, is it?"

The man's voice rang in his ears again, and Fallon nodded, "Yes..."

Obviously, he has been fascinated by the scene in front of him, and he forgot that the man is a devil. Half a month ago, he still wanted to break his leg again and again.

Fallon has been completely reduced to a man's puppet, and the man has obtained what he wants from him.

The room was not soundproof, and there were screams one after another, especially the woman who was taken down just now, screaming the loudest.

She was tied to the cold operating table, and then a group of white coats surrounded her...

A bodyguard came in from the outside and whispered in the man's ear, "Mr. Bo, she lives in Yihe District, Peach Blossom Hall..."

Behind the mask, the man hooked his lips.

The woman in his arms was soft and boneless leaning against him, and as soon as he put his arms around her waist, she was brought up and forced to stand on tiptoes, face to face, and suddenly shortened the distance from him.

"Want to see me talk about the piano?"

The woman reached out and took off his mask, revealing that handsome face. Looking at that face, she pouted her lower lip playfully, "No, it's so boring to watch you play the piano every day."

He laughed lowly and scratched her nose, "Naughty."

Without hesitation, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Only she would be treated like this, and only she dared to reach out and take off his mask.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, eagerly responding.

After the kiss, with the tip of his nose still touching, he panted softly and said, "I want to see you on stage when the time comes."

She obediently agreed: "Okay."

"Also, I can't sleep tonight, so accompany me to meet an old friend."

She still nodded obediently.

When Feng Yishu woke up, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he beside the bed came into view.

He didn't leave, afraid that she would wake up and see that the ward was empty, afraid that she would call his name if she couldn't see him...

"Yishu, let Zhongli accompany you, okay?"

Apart from Zhongli, there was no one he could trust by his side, and only Zhongli dared to put him by her side.

Feng Yishu sat up, Feng Yinan wanted to help her, but when he remembered something, he withdrew his outstretched hand calmly.

Feng Yishu looked at him for a moment and didn't speak.

Feng Yinan turned and left, the wheelchair automatically rolled towards the door.

"South of Maple—"

She shouted suddenly, Feng Yinan pressed a button, and the wheelchair stopped.

He didn't turn around, she looked at him and said, "Lu Chang, can you leave it to me?"


"I can't keep you, can I?"


Feng Yishu watched him go out, with tears in her eyes.

Since the day she fell into the abyss, she hadn't shed any tears until she met this man and pulled her out of the abyss step by step. All her tears were given to this man only.

She can't keep him, just as he did his best for her a long time ago, she can't stop him, she can't keep him.

He said, Yishu, you are a pure little princess, there should be no more blood on your hands, let me do all the dirty things, if you want revenge, I will help you.

He said, Yishu, I don't want to see you get hurt, I don't want to see you take a knife and a gun, I know you don't like these, so leave these to me, okay?

That day she was still staring blankly at the front, he thought she didn't listen, but in fact, she did.

She listened to every word he said.

But Feng Yinan, I don't want you to use knives and guns, I don't want you to get dirty, I'm sorry, it's people like me who dirty you...

Lu Chang was tied up by Wuhuada for a day, and he slumped on a chair like a dead dog, surrounded by several bodyguards. When Feng Yinan appeared, he panicked for a moment.

Mr. Pianpian, gentle as jade, is just his appearance, but he is just him in the eyes of the world.

Lu Chang has heard of it, what is the real him like.

"Feng, Mr. Feng, if I make a mistake today, this cooperation will be ruined. Don't forget, this is Chairman Feng who came to ask me..."

Lu Chang deliberately exaggerated. This cooperation was indeed done well by Feng Wenzhe who took the initiative to find him. It would not be possible to beg him.

He said this on purpose, just to let Feng Yinan quit in spite of the difficulties.

Feng Yinan is afraid of Feng Wenzhe, and this cooperation is what Feng Wenzhe is looking forward to. If Feng Yinan wants to move himself, he has to weigh it carefully.

Feng Yinan smiled, "Mr. Lu never thought of cooperating from the beginning, otherwise, how could he be poisoned? Besides, it was Feng Wenzhe who begged you, not me."

"You, what are you talking about?" Lu Chang opened his eyes wide.

Feng Yinan smiled very kindly. He was very kind to everyone and treated everyone equally. He took out his gun and pointed it straight ahead, firing several shots in succession.

Lu Chang didn't even have time to panic, the bullet pierced through his flesh and blood, and he screamed suddenly.

The blood stained the clothes and stools red, and stained the floor.

He lost a finger and several bullets lodged in his kneecap.

Feng Yinan couldn't bear it and said, "Looking at Mr. Lu's pain, you should perform surgery on the spot."

The bodyguard was ordered to act.

Lu Chang was laid flat on the ground. He didn't know what they were going to do. He saw this group of expressionless devils covering him, and a knife was mercilessly inserted into the bloody place on his body.

The screams echoed again and again, is this not enough?
The young master ordered them to operate, so they had to dig out the bullet, but the light was not as bright as the operating light, and the bullet was deeply embedded in the bone, so they couldn't see it at all.

I had to dig and stir by feeling, poking the tip of the knife under the flesh and blood, lifting it up, turning back and forth, left and right...

Oh, I accidentally cut the tendon and broke it.

Lu Chang's voice was hoarse, and his whole body twitched.

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