In the end, his legs were covered with blood, and he collapsed as if he had been pulled out of the water.

The operating light was on, and Lu Chang was lying on the operating bed. The light above his head was in a trance. Under the effect of the anesthetic, he gradually fell asleep.

When he woke up again, his legs had already been amputated. There was no way he could do it. His two legs had been stabbed to pieces. Bao must be unable to save his life. He had to amputate his limbs to save his life.

The cooperation failed. It wasn't that the Lu family went to the hospital to inquire about Lu Chang after receiving the news. Lu Chang confessed that Feng Yinan was in trouble, but that Feng Yinan unilaterally terminated the cooperation.

Lu Chang didn't confess to Feng Yinan, because he didn't dare. The reason why Feng Yinan terminated the cooperation was because he didn't want Feng Wenzhe to get what he wanted.

Feng Wenzhe annoyed him this time, didn't he only have interests in his eyes?Then he ruins what he sees.

When the Feng family and the Feng family were in full bloom, just like the current Mu family, it was a moment of glory.However, there was an unworthy descendant in the Feng family, and Feng Wenzhe almost ruined the whole family by himself.

Later, he took some measures to revitalize the family, but no matter how hard he tried, it would be difficult for the Feng family to return to their previous glory.

At that time, Feng Yishu was still very young, and she hated him and would not listen to him. Under such circumstances, whether Feng Yishu could grow into his wishful successor was another matter.

He has no other heirs, so he has to look outside and cultivate an heir from the outside.

So Feng Yinan was adopted from the orphanage and returned to Feng's family. Feng Wenzhe thought that what he brought back was a loyal dog, and he could only be loyal to Feng's family and him, but he didn't realize that the real dog was himself.

For so many years, he thought that Feng's family and Feng's group were getting better step by step, but he didn't know that the situation was getting worse, and his painstaking efforts were becoming empty shells step by step.

And this is exactly what he thought was a great gift from the "loyal dog".

Feng Wenzhe was naturally unhappy when he learned that the cooperation had failed. He also learned that his daughter was hospitalized, so he didn't ask her if she was okay or care about her, but reprimanded Feng Yinan first.

Feng Wenzhe didn't know the details. He didn't know that Feng Yinan unilaterally terminated the cooperation. He thought that Feng Yinan had done too much, which angered the Lu family, and the cooperation would fail.

While sending Lu Chang to the hospital, Feng Yinan also came to the hospital. In the ward, Feng Yishu sat leaning against the head of the bed, turned her face to the window, and remained silent.

Feng Yinan gave her oranges, but she didn't pick them, it didn't matter, he continued to peel, peeled three, and put them neatly on the plate.

"Yishu, don't be alone anymore, I'll let Zhongli follow you and protect you wherever you go."

Feng Yi opened her mouth, Feng Yinan knew what she was going to say, so she blocked her words in advance: "Yi Shu, don't refuse, don't say it doesn't matter, it will make me feel that in your heart, I don't care."

Feng Yishu tightened her hands hidden under the quilt, "I don't want Zhongli."

Zhongli is your man, he should protect you well.

Feng Yinan tugged at the corner of his lips, but she didn't refuse.

"Yishu, be obedient, only Zhongli can rest assured."

"I'm disobedient," Feng Yishu said stubbornly to him, still facing the window, not looking at him, "I have someone who can be trusted, and my ability is not far behind Zhongli."

Feng Yinan looked at her and smiled, "Okay, it's up to you."

"... Has Juechen ever looked for you?" After a long silence, she finally couldn't help asking.

"Well, I've already made an appointment with him, and the treatment will start this weekend." Feng Yinan was overjoyed, his brows beaming with joy.

Feng Yishu glanced across the plate on the bedside table inadvertently, smacked her lips, wanting to eat.

This little move was caught by Feng Yinan.

He turned around and went out to answer the phone, she was the only one left in the ward, Feng Yishu stared at the orange, stretched out his hand towards it, and ate it petal by petal.

The corners of her mouth are rippling, so sweet.

Outside the door, Feng Yinan watched through the glass, unconsciously showing the same smile as her.

His little candy, with the same sweet smile as when he was a child.


The wind in the middle of the night was very cold, and the sky seemed to be covered with a black curtain, impermeable to light.

Not even a single star tonight.

"No, who are you, don't hurt him..."

The person on the big bed didn't know what he had dreamed of, his eyes were tightly closed, and he was talking uncomfortably in his sleep.

On the cross stake, the boy's head was drooping, with blood hanging from his mouth, sticking together, and the chainsaws around him made a life-threatening sound, and slowly approached the boy...

no, do not want--

She yelled, roared, and swooped over, but her hand penetrated the chainsaw and the boy's face. She was startled and stared blankly at her palm, blurred.

Looking at her body, pajamas, white pajamas, she remembered, this was what she put on before going to bed.

why why……

This is where……

The sound of the chainsaw still echoed, she looked around blankly, black and white, grinning ferociously, screaming shrill...

Where is this place, why is it so dark, a beam of white light hit the stage, illuminating the boy, no, there were several beams, no, not several beams, three beams...

Why are you crying?what are you callingGo save him, stop yelling...

The woman on the operating table was tied up, looking at the young man on the stage, with tears streaming down her face, her voice hoarse, she said no, no, don't hurt him, begging over and over again, please, let him go, I can do whatever you want... …

But the grinning laughter of the man next to him echoed in the empty darkness, as if she couldn't hear her prayers.

Her body became more and more blurred, and her body seemed to emit light. She witnessed all this anxiously, but she was powerless to stop her. She wanted to rush to help her, but she couldn't move. Her feet seemed to be filled with lead, as if they were stuck in the ground.

She couldn't open her mouth, and couldn't call out. She could only watch helplessly and helplessly as the woman struggled fiercely on the operating table, and then heard the man's grinning laughter. The light shining on their faces was so dazzling that she couldn't see their faces clearly.

He said, "Honey, watch carefully."

The chainsaw arrived at its destination, and blood and flesh splattered. She and the woman on the operating table stared wide-eyed at the same time, spurting blood from their mouths.

The heart of the person on the bed was twisted into a ball, sliced ​​into pieces by the knife, the blood was coagulated, unable to flow out, and the pain was so painful that he could suffocate.

Her tears flowed recklessly, soaking the pillow, but she couldn't wake up no matter what...

Until the saw saw approaching in the dream, she became anxious, spit out blood unconsciously, and woke up with a start.

The blood stained the bed sheet, penetrated into the neck along the corner of the mouth, soaked the white pajamas red, and wet the hair...

Her eyes were scarlet and shocked, she opened her eyes wide and stared at the ceiling above her head, tears still falling down on her own.

This dream seemed to take away her soul, and it took a long time for her soul to return to her body, and she only moved her fingertips.

The mobile phone was on the bedside table. She picked it up tremblingly, dialed a number, and the other end was quickly connected. The familiar voice came to her ears, and she burst into tears again.

He's not dead, he's not dead, he's still alive, it was just a dream, just a dream...

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