Chapter 228
"Shen'er, I want to see you, my sister wants to see you..."

Nian Bai couldn't make a sound, Mu Qing listened to her sister's mournful cry, and sat up from the bed, "Sister, don't cry, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Qingshen clamped the phone between his ears and shoulders, and put on his clothes while talking. His sister's behavior made him flustered.

Nian Bai couldn't listen to anything, just kept mumbling "I want to see you, I want to see you..."

She threw off the quilt, and as soon as her feet touched the ground, she suddenly fell forward.

I was so weak that I couldn't stand up at all.

He flung himself face down, the phone fell a few steps away, his younger brother's voice was still coming out, he was calling her anxiously.

Nian Bai crawled over to pick up the phone, then stumbled downstairs, she seemed to be dazed, out of reality, felt her footsteps were vain, completely unaware that she was only wearing pajamas, not even shoes on her feet.

That's it, run out the door.

And when she passed the full-length mirror, she froze.

On the clean and crystal-clear mirror, there are a few bright red words:
dear, long time no see
Honey, take a good look.

dear, long time no see
darling, darling, darling...

The bright red handwriting made her unable to open her eyes. At the same time, the voice of the demon in the dream sounded again.

On the mirror, there seemed to be two layers of characters constantly tearing and twisting.

The body is twisted together, the head is divided into two parts, one is up, and the other is down. When it is pulled to the limit, it will be overlapped again, but it cannot be completely overlapped...

darling, darling...

The whole room was full of this voice, staring at the line, Nian Bai hugged his head...

She suddenly yelled, and at that moment, a mountain of blood and corpses flooded her mind, and she fell to her knees, covering her face and crying bitterly.

It's not her, what does the blood sea corpse mountain have to do with her, she didn't do it! ——

The killing intent is a bloodthirsty leech, clogging the blood vessels and sucking crazily. She urgently needs a vent. With a punch, with a "bang", the full-body mirror shattered into slag.

Mu Qingshen, who was in the car, suddenly felt suffocated, and then his heart beat so fast that his hands and feet began to feel cold. He stepped on the accelerator and drove home.

Fortunately, it is late at night and there are few cars on the road.

Nian Bai calmed down, and kept her punching posture for a long time. The front of the fist was empty, and the full-body mirror was shattered into pieces. She squatted down again and looked down.

Her face was reflected in the shards of the mirror, piece by piece, she stared at one piece, her eyes were bloodthirsty, and there was a world-shattering cruelty flowing inside.

Is this her?

Nian Bai caressed her face tremblingly, her fingertips lightly touched the upper eyelids, and her eyelashes fluttered.

Who is this, why is she such a stranger to herself?
The little white rabbit pendant on her chest slipped out and dangled in the mirror. Her eyes suddenly touched it, and a gleam of clarity flashed in her eyes, "Sir?..."

darling, darling...

The voice of the devil sounded again, Nian Bai got up in fright, she should not stay here, do not...

He opened the door and ran out, clutching the little white rabbit pendant tightly in his hand.

The headlights of the car flashed across the flowers and plants on the side of the road, and turned into the gate of Peach Blossom Palace. After getting out of the car, Mu Qing ran into the house in a panic.

The door opened, and the fragments all over the ground came into view first, and bad premonition suddenly filled the whole heart from all directions.

"Sister, sister?—"

Mu Qingshen yelled, the lights in the house were on, but what responded to him was deathly silence.

He rushed upstairs, and his sister's bedroom was also empty. He rushed into the bathroom and searched every corner, but there was no one.

"Sister, where are you, don't scare me..."

Mu Qing murmured deeply, holding his sister's mobile phone in his hand, which he found in a pile of debris, and he made a call.

In Yuyun Fort, the mobile phone buzzed and vibrated, and the person behind the desk kept his eyes on the computer screen and reached out to answer the channel: "Hello?"

His voice didn't sound good, it was cold.

Staring at the screen, his face was also gloomy.

Mu Qing said anxiously: "Mu Yeqin, my sister is gone."

"What?" Mu Yeqin jumped up from the chair and ran away.

On the screen, the necks of two men in black were stabbed twice with a sharp silver knife, blood spattered, and they fell to the ground and convulsed. This video was played repeatedly.

The murdered man, Mu Yeqin, recognized him as the bodyguard he sent to protect Yuanyuan when he was in school. On the day Yuanyuan disappeared, he also disappeared inexplicably.

Two beams of white light illuminate the top of the hill, which are the headlights of the car. On the back seat of the car, the man embraces the woman and plays with her hand carefully.

Her hands were beautiful, and he liked them very much.

Especially on the ring finger of her left hand, wearing the ring he gave her, it looks even better.

"They've all gone?"


The woman rubbed his chest lightly, raised her head, and his chin came into view, "Are you going to catch her?"

"No, she has been away from me for so long, let her suffer first."

The man lowered his eyes to meet her gaze, and pecked at her red lips, "Xiaoyuan, the only one she can love is me, and now she has fallen in love with someone else, what should I do?"

"Kill, didn't you do that five years ago?"


She spoke calmly and smiled calmly.

He pinched her nose, as if teaching a child: "Don't laugh like that, I don't like it."

She closed her eyes and stopped looking at him.

Feng Yinan also received the news soon, and immediately sent people to look for it.

Mu Yeqin asked Fu Shiyun to set up a net in Zihai City. It is impossible for her to escape from Zihai City in such a short period of time.

So is Shawn.

They directly retrieved the monitoring of the Yihe District from their own system. In the dark night, she ran out of the Peach Blossom Palace, instead of going all the way down the road and running out of the Yihe District. ran up the hill.

During the monitoring, her jumping ability was amazing, and she jumped halfway up the mountain.

This shocked everyone who saw the surveillance, how could ordinary people do it.

Fortunately, only Mu Yeqin, Fu Shiyun, Xiao Shen, one of his subordinates, and Si Jin saw the surveillance.

Mu Yeqin blocked the news, so as not to let the news leak out.

She only had a nightgown on her body. In the forest, she was scratched a few times by tree branches, her face was cut, and the exposed skin was also covered with bloodstains.

Every time she stepped on, she left a bloody footprint, and the bloody footprint meandered all the way...

In the winter, there is only a thin nightgown all over the body, with injuries, running in the woods like this regardless, how cold it must be, how painful it must be, and how numb the heart must be.

Second Young Master looked at this scene, how much his heart ached, not to mention how red his eyes were.

In the depths of the forest, the monitoring was cut off, and Mu Yeqin didn't delay for a moment, and personally led people to look for it.

Mu Jingchen is also in a state of desperation. He watched that video, and he is not a kind person. He often does more bloody things than in the video.

But I don't know why, but this time this video actually bluffed him.

He thought of the weird things that happened recently, and he had a bad feeling. The death of the bodyguard in the video might be inseparable from these things.

Mu Jingchen started to worry about his son, started to be afraid, and ordered his assistant to go through the formalities of suspension from school.

They couldn't find the source of the video, they couldn't find the IP address, what is the meaning of the person behind sending this video, is it provocative, or what?
(End of this chapter)

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