What can a dead body be used for?Si Jin couldn't figure it out.

The little policeman said: "Actually, corpses have been stolen before, but the number is small, and people don't care much about it. This time, a large number of thefts has attracted attention."

"The more you investigate, the more incredible it becomes. Not only Locke, but also many battle areas have been robbed to some extent. Sir, this reminds me of a case reported by the local government a few years ago, saying that there were frequent deaths in those small towns and villages for no reason." The land was lost, and as soon as it was buried, the grave was dug up."

"At first everyone thought it was a grave robber, but there were all valuables in the coffin, and the body disappeared. Do you think it's strange?"

The little policeman went on to say, "Sir, you know, our headquarters generally won't accept such small cases that are not important for criminal investigation. Back then, I only heard someone mention it, and suddenly remembered it."

Si Jin always felt that something was wrong, dead people, living people, missing persons... always felt that there was some kind of connection between them, "Xiaotian, the body was stolen, and then send someone else to investigate it carefully. You mainly follow up with Zhou Shi. long."



Thick clouds gathered, squeezing the sky, heavy, as if about to fall.

There is no sunlight today, and the sky is overcast.

The study room of the library is lit, there are rows of purple sofas, and on each taro purple wooden table, there is a bunch of purple turmeric in the center of a vase with a narrow waist and narrow neck.

Of course, the holographic image really takes up space and gets in the way, and if you think it’s fake, it’s also getting in the way, and you can turn it off at any time.

The heating of the air conditioner drives away the coldness in the room. There are coffee machines and snack cabinets in the front and back...

The huge and sturdy floor-to-ceiling windows allow you to have a panoramic view of the outside landscape when you turn your head. High-rise buildings are hidden in the gray sky, and distant mountains are overlooking.

Noble, elegant and classy.

On the seat by the window, Mu Qingshen was wearing earphones, and his mobile phone was placed on the stand. Uncle Ying's "Mr. Zombie" was playing in it. He was reviewing, and looked up from time to time for a while before burying it in the book.

Who is sitting opposite?

That little girl who is as weird as a deer and likes to wear pink clothes.

In winter, she let her hair down, and the ends of her hair were still so curly, dyed a warm brown, with air bangs, and the sides were pinned behind the ears.

From time to time, Mu Qingshen raised her eyes to take a look, meeting her gaze, her eyelashes flickered slightly, and she lowered her head again.

Those eyes are still so clear and bright, when looking at him, they can always touch his heart.

Oh, and not only does he watch zombies and books, but he also watches her.

Fu Xi was drawing on the video screen on the desktop, and the stroke was crooked. She clicked the eraser to erase it, and continued to draw.

There is a network system installed in the table, which uses video touch screens for students to look up information and do homework... Oh, no games are provided, and things that have nothing to do with learning.

This network can be connected to various mobile devices, and all completed homework and retrieved data can be sent to it.

Fu Xi is practicing drawing according to the questions. She is in the Department of Jewelry Design. The exam not only requires theoretical knowledge, but also has to submit a piece of work according to the topic. If she fails, she will wait for the holiday to make up for it.

The surrounding seats gradually became empty, Mu Qingshen checked the time, it was twelve o'clock, and many people had gone to eat.

He knocked on the table with his fingers, Fu Xi looked at him, and he tilted his head outward, "Going to eat?"

"Well, let's go," Fu Xi stood up, just as she was hungry too.

After putting on their coats, the two went out together.

There were many people in the elevator room, and there were also many people on the stairs, so the two chose to take the stairs.

They were pushed downstairs by the crowd. In the bustling bustle, he suddenly stretched his hand back and took her hand.

Fu Xi was startled, her arms and body stiffened for a moment. He took her hand and grabbed the hem of his clothes.

Mu Qingshen turned her head back, with a smile hidden in her eyes, radiant, "Hold on to me."

Last time, the scene of him pulling her into his arms came to mind again.

With his clothes between her fingers and the bustling crowd next to her ears, she was half asleep, half awake, pulled by reality, and at the same time seemed to be in his arms, her fingers tightened unconsciously, and the next second, she secretly smiled.

Why is it that the delicate flower in my little daughter's heart blooms, revealing her delicate face with shyness, and smiling so sweetly?
After a long, long time, she was finally completely dragged by reality and returned to reality. Suddenly, feeling the darkness behind her, Fu Xi turned her head abruptly.

Seeing nothing, she frowned, strange...

The owner of the eyes suddenly lowered her head the moment she turned her head, and looked through the gap between the crowd to see the hand clutching his clothes, and the fist beside her was getting tighter and tighter.

Putting her hands in her trouser pockets, Mu Qing twisted her neck twice, and the yellow hair on her head flicked twice. Fu Xi burst out laughing when she saw it.

They review together like this and eat together, she wants to drink coffee when she is sleepy, he goes to buy it, when she is tired, she lies on the table, when she falls asleep, he will gently put the coat on her shoulders, she rests her chin and stares out of the window in a daze, He will be in a daze with her...

How long has it been?

When his sister-in-law came back that day, he also went back to school. The first thing he did when he entered the door was not to go back to the dormitory, but to contact her. When he learned that she was in the library, he couldn't wait to find her.

He didn't carry a schoolbag, didn't bring a book, just sat across from her with empty hands, as long as she sat, he fell asleep on the table.

The little sister-in-law was missing, he had been tense for a few days, and hadn't had a good rest for a few days. He was already very tired and fell asleep as soon as he sat down.

She nudged him and told him to go back to the dormitory to sleep, but he shook his head in a daze and said, Fu Xi, let me stay for a while...

So, how can you rest well?
Or, go to sleep at my house?
She opened her mouth several times, but in the end she didn't say anything.

The cafeteria was noisy. Behind a table, a woman was piercing the meat on the plate with a fork. She stared at the phone, pressed her fingertips, and a video was sent to the forum.

First one, two, then several, dozens... until more and more people saw that the forum was swept and almost paralyzed.

Over there, Fu Xi and Mu Qingshen had already finished their meal. When they went downstairs, Mo Yan called her: "Xiao Xi, please check the forum, you have been raped by the Internet!..."

"What?" Fu Xi hurriedly clicked on the forum, clicked on the video, and instantly lost all blood.

Mu Qingshen snatched the phone and stared at the video with wide eyes. The background of the video was dark and under the dim streetlights, she was surrounded by a man in his arms. He pinched her nose and patted her head...

Then, he got into the car with his arms around her.

The man is handsome, the woman is beautiful, they can clearly recognize that the woman is Fu Xi, Mushen's girlfriend, but the man, they don't know who it is...

When the car vibrated, the countless faces behind the phone all dropped their jaws in shock, and the comments below, one after another, sluts, biao... wanton insults.

It seemed that countless hands were peeling her alive layer by layer through the screen.

Fu Xi's eyes were red, and the tears fell down uncontrollably.

Mu Qingshen turned off her phone and hugged her into her arms.

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