There are people passing by all around, and the eyes that fall on them are all contemptuous, disdainful, and sharp as needles...

Mu Qingshen's eyes were cold, forcing everyone's attention away.

Mu Qingshen circled the person in his arms tightly, "Little friend, let's not stay here anymore, shall we go home first?"

Fu Xi nodded.

He picked her up and went downstairs, she automatically wrapped her arms around his neck, and buried her face deeper into his arms.

This move undoubtedly made everyone more angry, especially for the girls, those who were obsessed with Mu Qingshen almost aroused their jealousy.

"Mu Shen is really too, picked up a broken shoe, why don't you throw it away?"

"Hey, smelly and shameless, he really has the essence of being a bus, and it's no wonder Mu Shen is fascinated by her..."

"Why, jealous?" Several boys leaned over and hooked up with these girls, "She is beautiful and has a good figure, what's wrong with being a bus? The capital is there, why, are you jealous of her?"

"Jealous of her? Hahaha..."

A group of people laughed and chirped.

Quality has nothing to do with academic qualifications, no matter how good a school is, there are also pests.

All of a sudden, one of the boys felt a pain in his buttocks, and the next second, he said "ahhh", and his body fell straight forward.

With a "plop", the dog ate shit and fell straight up.

The boy clutched his butt, "Ouch, Ouch" in pain, turned around, and saw Mu Qingshen's face, staring at him condescendingly.

Once the boy closed his mouth, he didn't dare to scream anymore.

The scene was lifeless for a while, and more and more people gathered around, "You hit someone, did you actually hit someone?"

"No way, Mu Shen hit someone... Oh my God, my good feelings for him disappeared in an instant..."

"Hey, I can understand it. My girlfriend is arranged like this. Who wouldn't be angry?"

"Who is his girlfriend? I really don't understand, Mushen is still holding on to her? Are you still beating someone for her now?"

"What kind of person is it? With just one video, you can play around with the wind?"

"That is, can you fake a video without knowing it? Then you don't know whether it is true or not. If you don't know the facts, don't judge at will. What's the difference between this and slander?"


There are still people with quality, and the surrounding discussions have grown from small to loud, becoming more and more intense, and Fu Xi can't listen to a word.

When Mu Qing made a move, she was obviously also taken aback. His violent temper was exactly like her brother's, and he didn't care when he got angry.

"Mu Qingshen, leave them alone, let's go."

Mu Qing lowered his eyes deeply, and the moment he met her, his eyes were as soft as water, and when he raised them again, the cold air filled them again.

His eyes were piercingly cold, and he shot straight at the girls with the most shit-spitting mouths. Those girls lowered their heads and took a few steps back unbearably.

"It's not that I don't hit girls, don't let me hear it again."

Mu Qing withdrew his gaze indifferently, his arms were bouncing up, and the forehead of the person in his arms pressed against his chin. He took the initiative to stick closer to her, and disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

The wind outside blew all the way, Fu Xi's eyes were full of tears, and they didn't fall any more. Just looking at him like this, at this moment, countless sweet and humiliating hearts filled her heart, and suddenly, she gained confidence.

The hand around his neck couldn't help tightening, straightened up in his arms, and looked at his side face.

Mu Qingshen, thank you.

"Mu Qingshen, what if the school punishes you for hitting someone?"

He turned his head, and if they got closer to each other, the tips of their noses would rub together.

Mu Qing curled her lips slightly, "You still care about me?"

When we got to the car, Mu Qingshen put her in the car, and Fu Xi couldn't help crying again, Mu Qingshen hurriedly said: "It's going to be fine, the school will give me a probation at most, I won't directly Fire me, and I will perform better in the later period."

Damn, why did he stay in school for probation, Fu Xi covered his eyes with his arms, and grinned and cried.

Mu Qingshen: "..."

He started the car and lightly held the steering wheel, not knowing how to comfort him.

"I'm so miserable today. I choked on my food, choked on my saliva, and stepped on dog shit when I was walking. Who is it that I don't like my aunt like this? I annoy my aunt so much, I'm anxious to die..."

On the way to school in the morning, he accidentally stepped on a pile of poop. Fu Xi picked up dry branches and scraped them on the soles of his shoes for a long time.

At that time, she wrinkled a beautiful little face, not to mention being disgusted.

Mu Qingshen: "..."

He was still worried about her, but he was too worried.

Mu Qing stepped on the gas pedal deeply, speeded up and returned home.

On the sofa, with a pillow in her arms, Fu Xi was lying on her stomach with her face pressed against the pillow. Mu Qingshen poured her a glass of water, "Kid..."

"Mu Qingshen, don't help me anymore, I can solve this matter myself."

You still have to work hard.

Mu Qingshen didn't speak, Fu Xi reached out to explore the mobile phone on the table, Mu Qingshen picked it up and handed it to her.

She sent the video on the forum to a person, and soon, the person called.


Fu Xi's tears fell down again, she was wronged and wanted to cry in front of everyone who cared about her.

Fu Shiyun frowned, "Who recorded it?"

Behind the desk, his handsome face was gloomy and frightening, and he became angry after watching the video.

The man in the video is obviously him.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Mu Qing got up to open the door. Fu Xi continued to cry and said, "I don't know, the other party is anonymous..."

Fu Qing and Ling Lie walked in and saw their sister was on the phone, but they didn't make a sound.

Fu Shiyun sent someone to check the source of the video and said, "I'll go to school this afternoon..."

"No," Fu Xi shook his head and muttered, "Brother, don't come now, come when I tell you to come."

"Okay," Fu Shiyun nodded, "Is your little brother by your side? Let him stay with you."

Fu Xi was lying on her side facing the window, she turned around, and the three of them were staring at her, "Here, not only the little brother, but also Ling Lie and..."

As he spoke, he suddenly stopped.

Fu Shiyun still keenly heard, "And what?"

Fu Xi muttered in a low voice: "With one of my classmates, Mu Qingshen..."

Mu Qing frowned deeply, and he promised that it won't be long before she introduces him to others, and it's time for her to change her name.

Hmph, the tear mole in the bottom of the eye is coquettish, following Fu Shiyun's eyebrows raised unabashedly, there is a kind of thrilling beauty.

In the world of intoxication, he is not good at hiding and wiping. Is this bastard really staring at his little cabbage?
The gauze curtains were quietly attached to the floor-to-ceiling windows. After the clouds and mist, the sun gradually emerged and the sky cleared.

The phone slipped from his hand to the table, and Fu Xi sat up straight, with his legs crossed, his chin resting on the pillow, and he was sullen.

Fu Qing sat over and rubbed her head, "That video was obviously from the time you sent my brother away after the New Year's Eve party, don't think about it, it must be your roommate, what's his name?..."

"Ning Ran," Fu Xi turned to look at him, Fu Qing nodded, "Ang, yes, she must have messed up."

Fu Xiyan blinked, "But, even if it's her, we have to produce evidence, we can't just rely on guesswork."

On another small sofa, Mu Qingshen said, "I have asked someone to check the IP of the video, and I believe there will be results soon."

Fu Xi met him with eyes, "It's not that I don't want to..."

"Hush," Mu Qingshen interrupted her with his index finger on his lips, "Fu Xi, something happened to you, I can't just sit back and watch."

Fu Xi's ears burned and he lowered his head.

With Linglie's eyes, Quiet Mimi moved between the three of them.

Fu Qing also raised her eyes and took a look, you son of a bitch, you have good eyesight.

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