Fu Xi didn't go to school today, she didn't need anyone to accompany her, so she drove all three men out of the house.

Mu Qingshen lived across the street. He begged Qianmo to take him in for a night. Qianmo found a job as an assistant.

On the phone, Qian Mo told the door lock code, and Mu Qing moved in.

Fu Qing was jealous and wanted to live in. He knew that this was the home of the landlord's sister. He thought he knew the landlord's sister very well, the kind who could lie on the same bed and talk about life, but the landlord's sister ignored him and continued to stay. Treat him like an outsider.

He was dragged back to school by Ling Lie.

The next day—

"His leg needs an operation."

In the snow-white laboratory, human anatomy maps in multiple directions are projected in the air, mainly focusing on the legs, as well as cell maps, CT slices and so on.

This is not only a laboratory, but also has all kinds of medical equipment.

Juechen clicked on a CT image in the air, and pulled it down until it was at eye level with him. Mrs. Xuanyuan followed his words and said, "His leg is difficult to move after surgery. We have to discuss the specific plan."

Juechen nodded, "I can also ask other experts in the medical field to take a look."

Behind, Feng Yinan was sitting in a wheelchair, and Feng Yishu was holding the wheelchair, listening to their conversation, her heart ached.

"Is his leg healed?"

Mrs. Xuanyuan looked back at her, "It's not that he can't be cured, it's that he can't be cured. Don't worry, we will definitely cure him."

Feng Yishu's usually frosty face showed a rare look of joy.

Juechen greeted him and looked at Feng Yinan in the wheelchair, "That's the end of today's examination, I'll prescribe some medicine for you to apply at home to relieve the pain."

Now that it's winter, his legs hurt badly every three days.

Feng Yinan nodded slightly, "I'm sorry, both of you."

Feng Yi pushed him out the door.

On the chair outside the door, Doctor Jue's little assistant was shaking his feet with his heels on the ground, while cutting fruit with his mobile phone.

The corner of the white coat was reflected in the corner of the eye, Qianmo stifled the phone out of his pocket, stood up, and met Juechen's gloomy eyes.

In an instant, there was a feeling that a primary school student was caught playing secretly by the teacher.

Qianmo blinked, "Dr. Jue, Doctor Jue, I'm afraid I'll get in your way inside, so I'm waiting outside."

Juechen let out a "hum" from his nostrils.

Mrs. Xuanyuan snickered, this girl has always been arrogant, who can tell her to move her, why is she so obedient in front of Doctor Jue.

Mrs. Xuanyuan noticed the clues. The last time the two looked at each other through the glass wall, she felt that something was wrong.

Feng Yi pushed Feng Yinan to go far away, and the three of them also headed in their direction.

"Are you hungry?"

Juechen asked, Qianmo held his stomach and nodded.

Juechen turned to look at Madam Xuanyuan, Madam Xuanyuan said first: "Go and eat, I'm not hungry yet."

"Princess, let's go then."

Qianmo waved to her, and entered the elevator with Juechen.

People were coming and going in the hospital hall, and the sun outside was very pleasant. When he came out of the hall, Qian Mo stretched his waist, facing the sun, smiling brightly.

Juechen glanced at her, his eyes moved slightly.

When she looked over, he averted his eyes and walked quickly down the stairs.

"Doctor Jue, wait for me—"

Qianmo quickly followed him, almost stepping on an ant that had just come out of its burrow between the bricks.

The car drove out of the gate of the hospital, Juechen took off his white coat, and put on a black long coat over a white turtleneck sweater. Today's attire is a bit dark, and it is difficult to conceal his cool temperament.

On the co-pilot, Qianmo kept staring at him, the burning eyes could be felt by the dead, Juechen said mercilessly: "Do I have flowers on my face?"

Yes, good-looking, Qianmo shook his head, "No."

"What are my plans for this afternoon?"

The light was red, the traffic flow was still, Juechen stared ahead, with his hands resting on the top of the steering wheel.

"Heal me," she said a little embarrassedly for some reason.

Like a shy little flower, Qianmo bowed her head.

Juechen tilted her head unintentionally, the tip of her reddish ear flashed across her eyelids, and the corners of his lips seemed to twitch, too fast to catch.

He parked the car outside a shop selling nutritious snacks. Qianmo liked the red bean and glutinous rice porridge here very much. The red beans were boiled crispy, sticky and sweet.

The waiter at the door opened the door, the two went in, chose a seat by the window, and Juechen said, "Two red bean and glutinous rice porridge, two fresh shrimp pasta, one with spicy and one without."

He ate a lot with her, and he knew what to order without looking at the menu.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter withdrew with the order tablet.

On the opposite side, Qianmo's eyes were always shifting towards him. She had been restless all day, and Juechen felt that she had something to say.

"what you want to say?"

The waiter brought the tea and poured them each a cup. Qianmo stared at the steam lingering around the cup, and said, "Doctor Jue, I want to ask you for leave."

Juechen looked at her, she glanced at him quickly, then lowered her head again, "I have to go abroad, I have something to do, it may take... a month to come back."

a month?

so long?

He didn't hear his voice for a long time, Qianmo thought he disagreed, and hurriedly said: "Doctor Jue, something happened to me and I had to go, if you feel that leaving for a month will affect your work, you, You can fire me and hire an assistant..."

In the end, her voice was as low as a mosquito, revealing a hint of loss.

Staring at her, he said, "It's Chinese New Year, aren't you coming back?"

Qianmo shook his head, feeling even more disappointed, "I guess I won't be able to come back."

Under the table, the hands holding the hem of the clothes were tightened, she knew he was looking at her, for some reason, this time she was so flustered, mixed with strong melancholy.

"I'll wait for you to come back."

For a long time, she heard him say.

Qianmo raised her head bluntly, her face was full of joy, and she couldn't hide it, "Really? It's only been a month, so don't go back on your word and replace me secretly."

Juechen smiled slightly, "No."

When the meal came, Juechen pushed a bowl of porridge and the spicy shrimp pasta in front of her, "Eat it."

Qianmo picked up the fork, her heart wavered and a smile appeared on her face.


Now, the entire Shenghan School is discussing that matter. During the review period, life is boring. Many people stopped playing games, stopped watching dramas, stopped watching videos, and stopped making rankings for idols... Now it’s like this It's a rare thing for them to have fun for a while.

In the garden, there are quite a lot of people. The weather is fine today. Many people sit on the benches in the garden and read books. However, the books are held above their heads to block the sun. They chat with their companions about this matter, and they can’t stop eating .

There were low sneers and sneers in his ears, and biao sluts on the Internet, Ning Ran looked at the phone, the corners of his lips curled up, not to mention how proud he was.

"Ran Ran, someone is looking for you—"


Ning Ran got up, and the girls in her class pointed to her. Ning Ran followed her gaze, and a handsome boy waved to her not far away.

Ning Ran frowned, she didn't recognize her, so she hesitated for a moment, but still walked over.

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