Chapter 256
It's not how outstanding his looks are, but how he feels, that's all.

The lights on the stage were very bright, but in the eyes of everyone, he was a beam of light, and he didn't need the foil of lights.

He walked to the front of the stage, bowed gentlemanly, and sat behind the piano.

Sitting with him at the same time was his wife in the first row.

On the big screens on the left and right sides of the stage, there is him on one side and his wife on the other side. His wife is still watching him tenderly.

The light went out, and only a cylindrical light was left to illuminate him. His broken hair was thin and shiny, and under his fingertips, the soothing sound of the piano flowed melodiously.

At night, with the light floating above the grass, I embrace you, and our two hearts lead each other, weaving each other's poetic habitat...

When the wind turns, it reveals a touch of sadness, like a stream, like a sea breeze, like sadness passing through the habitat of the soul...

Me and you, tranquility is love, sadness is love... any kind of love hides romance.

Romantic and affectionate, except for Kasin, people can't find anyone in this world who can be worthy of this word.

"go out!"

Suffocated, the scene was suffocated for a moment, Ning Ran ran away in a panic, and it was less than 15 seconds before he opened the door and came in.

He laughed, "With you here, how can I not play well."

She snuggled into his arms, "What next, where are we going?"

"You play very well."

But in Ning Ran's eyes, the meaning is completely different.

Feng Yinan's voice was deep and low: "Zhongli, you are mine."

Zhong Li looked at this and that, didn't dare to stay any longer, and planned to run away, Feng Yi said coldly: "Stop!"

Fu Xi, you must be very proud, seeing me like this, you must be very proud...

She watched them get into the car, a luxurious sports car, she clenched her fists, and the business card in her hand was wrinkled, and after a while, she dialed the number on it.


Fu Xi and Mu Qing buried their heads deeply in choosing dishes, and Ling Lie who was opposite said something, which made Jun Liangshu laugh and hit him.


Feng Yishu walked around the end of the bed in front of him, and he turned his face to this side again.

Both of them looked at him, Baby Zhongli stood on the ground, shrunk down, bowed his head, and was about to cry.

Fu Xi snickered, and the two entered the door arm in arm, followed by the two men.

She ran to the toilet, covering her mouth and sobbing.

Mrs. Xuanyuan looked at this, looked at that, "I'll come back after you have communicated."

The four of them requested a small box on the second floor. They scanned the QR code to order food, and each box was equipped with a waiter who was responsible for the service during the meal and cleaning up after the meal.

Feng Yishu: "Zhongli, did he want you to listen to me first?"

Ning Ran's heart was pounding heavily, and tears almost came out of her eyes.

Mrs. Xuanyuan backed out gently, and when she closed the door, she glanced at the ward again.

Feng Yishu: "..."

The hustle and bustle gradually faded away, the car drove to nowhere, and the path became more and more quiet.

Walking under the golden and romantic streetlights, Fu Xi took a deep breath, well, the outside world is completely different from the world Kasin made up.

A pure, unadulterated angel.

Yes, the young master did order so, but...

Ning Ran was angry, ashamed, resentful, and hated, and she scratched at the door with her hands, tears flowing more and more urgently.

His heart moved slightly, he hugged her tightly, started the car, and headed towards the place she described.

"I'm naive?" Feng Yinan looked at her, biting his teeth back and forth, "Yes, I'm naive, do you care about me? Can you care? Why do you care about me?—"

She looked at the person who made her fall in love, but after just one glance, he looked away, with such an indifferent expression, in his eyes, she was no different from the passers-by who passed by every day.

They are all romantic, but the outside world is full of things other than romance. The world Kasin fabricated is just like him, without any impurities.

"Well," Jun Liangshu secretly said to Fu Xi, "I really like spicy food."

He looked at the human skin in his hand, and smiled coldly, "Since I am someone else, I should go home, visit my father, be filial to my grandmother, and take a look at my family, what do you think?"

Madam Xuanyuan at the side: "..."

Feng Yinan turned his face out of the window again and ignored her.

Until the lights went out and the stage came to an end, when he came, he bowed like a gentleman, and retreated from the darkness, the scene remained the same, and he was mesmerized for a long time...

As for Fu Qing, he took his woman to play by himself, leaving the four of them to go to the restaurant.


"Let's go tomorrow, okay?" In her arms, her voice was dull but sweet, "A Jin, you accompany me to a place where there is no one but the two of us, a place with grass and fireflies, okay?" it is good?"

At this time, the waiter came in, "Hello..."


I haven't seen her for eight years, but I don't know that he has grown so much, this is the first time he yelled at her.

Feng Yinan felt aggrieved while talking, and finally almost yelled out.


The square of the Zhongli psychological shadow area Πr.

Feng Yinan stared at him expressionlessly, "Get out!"

"It's not bad here, Hunan restaurant, the taste is quite good, sister Liangshu, what do you think?"

The agile light floating above the grass, the fireflies flying chaotically, and men and women chasing and frolicking among them.

Destitute as a dog, in their eyes, she must be destitute as a dog, with no face, no dignity, not as good as a beggar on the street, no one knows her at all...

"South of Maple—"

His stomach was rumbling, Fu Xi was hungry, and he blinked his eyes twice, "Shall we go eat?"

After a happy meal, they didn't see Ning Ran again when they checked out and left, but they didn't know that when they went out, Ning Ran behind them stared at them like a snake.

Feng Yishu clenched her fists helplessly, really wanting to hit him.

They, how could it be them...

Zhong Li met her gaze as if death was at home, "Miss Yi Shu, I'm sorry, if you want to punish, you can punish Young Master."

Several people at the table turned their heads at the same time, and the waiter's eyes widened.

"go out!"

If the south of Feng is the water of the south of the Yangtze River, which can crush the dangers of the world, then Kasin is probably an angel.

Feng Yishu stared at the back of his head, her tightly pursed lips showed helplessness, "Feng Yinan, can you stop being childish?"

Ling Lie and Jun Liangshu were even more expressionless, she had no contact with them at all, and they didn't know each other.

In the car, she lightly stroked his mask off, revealing his true face. At that moment, it was the one that really made the world lose its color. She watched with infinite tenderness in her eyes.

The waiter came in and ran away without serving the customers. The customers didn't feel embarrassed. She was not the only waiter in this store.

When she yelled, he turned his face even more, and when he yelled, he turned his face even more...

Zhongli at the side: "..."

Mu Qingshen nodded first, and Fu Xi took Jun Liangshu's arm. The two girls could easily get close when they were together.

There was a trace of surprise in Fu Xi's eyes, not because she was surprised by working here, but because of "how come the fate is so deep, I can meet her every meal".

Because there is no danger, there is no need to be rescued.

The neon lights flashed, and a car whistle suddenly broke the beauty.

"South of Maple—"

In the ward, Feng Yinan was angry, turned his face to one side, and pointed the back of his head at someone.

Opened the door and ran.

Feng Yishu: "..."

Nan Feng: "..."

Dog thing, it's going to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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