Chapter 257

The willow branches outside the window are naked, as if their clothes have been completely stripped away, bending over to hide their shame.

Feng Yinan looked out the window blankly, Feng Yishu stared at him, "Yinan..."

"Don't talk to me in this tone," he said softly, wanting him to soften his heart, "Feng Yishu, this time, I won't accommodate you again."

Bitterness appeared in the corner of Feng Yinan's mouth, in exchange for countless times of accommodating, she escaped again and again, and she escaped for eight years.

Eight years, countless nights, he looked up at the starry sky, dreaming with red eyes...

Feng Yinan, this time, be more selfish.

Hold her firmly, don't try to force her, don't want to force her.

"Yishu, do you blame yourself? Blame me for sitting in this wheelchair because of you, so you give up what you want, exchange terms with Mu Yeqin, let Juechen heal me; so you go to help Xiaoyu, let She promised that she hoped Madam Xuanyuan would heal me, right?"

"Yishu, while you are telling me to stay away from you, you are doing this for me. Do you know that you will drive me crazy."

Feng Yinan turned his face away, staring in the direction of the bathroom.

What do you care about?Feng Yishu, what can make you cry?Or, if you cry or not, why should you care about others?


Feng Yi smiled, quickly splashed water on her face twice, dried her hands, dialed Madam Xuanyuan's number, and soon, she came to the ward.

What are you hypocritical, Feng Yishu, it's not that these hands have never touched him, even if they are dirty, they have been held by him countless times, so why don't you go to post-academic training just because you don't want to touch him? He was recovering for treatment, but let Zhong leave. As a result, he didn't want to, which caused him to get angry with you and have a foolish fight?

Mo Yan tightly wrapped her arms around Fu Xi's waist, screaming all the way: "Ahh—Xiao Xi, slow down, I'm afraid—"

A person who has died, only hatred is left in his life, and has become numb and cold-blooded. Does such a person need to care about other people's eyes?

She told him to speed up, so he will speed up.

She was crying, he knew she was crying, she once said, Feng Yinan, don't turn your face away when I cry...

The hair on his cheeks was hanging down, Feng Yinan was staring at her, with a smile on his lips, he was the one who won by retreating.

After leaving the teaching building, Gao Le hooked Mu Qingshen's shoulder, "Brother, Aojie, do you want to go?"

The exam month is drawing to a close. Today is the last subject of the Industrial Design Department. After finishing this subject, it will be completely over, and Fu Xi finished the exam yesterday.

Well, there are go-karts running on the "dance floor" for people's entertainment.

"Yishu, in the final analysis, I broke into your world forcefully, forcing you to accept my kindness to you, and forcing you to become someone you don't want to be. I'm sorry, I should say it."

"Mu Yeqin, do you dare to hurry up—"

The lights in the villa were bright, and Zhou Zheng was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, one arm resting on the back of the sofa, his toes up and down, and he looked at the person in front of him with a smile, "Yes, the key is up to you, how do you repay me."

The finish line of the locomotive race was full of people, and Gao Le looked at the screen with emotion.

Feng Yishu fled into the bathroom, turned on the tap, and burst into tears.


A tear fell on the palm of her hand, Feng Yishu looked at her hands, her eyes were red, her lips trembled with all her might.

"At that time, you can go wherever you want without any burden, and you don't have to worry about my legs anymore..." Feng Yinan pulled the corners of his lips, and his Adam's apple rolled dryly.

For his legs, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine has a better effect. In addition to this set of massage techniques, it also needs to be supplemented with acupuncture, medicine, and equipment.

On the "dance floor", the red go-kart was far ahead, and the woman on the co-pilot shouted loudly.

Feng Yishu nodded, she got to the other leg and started to learn seriously.

The locomotive is still accelerating, and the race is coming to an end, with the last lap left.

"Yishu, I take back what I just said. I won't force you if you don't want to, but don't worry, I will still cooperate with the treatment and strive to stand up as soon as possible, okay?"

"From now on, every morning, you just press it for him like this."

"Got it."

In front of him, Ning Ran took off his clothes.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes faintly, and the leading locomotive was projected on the big screen in the middle. The racer driving it seemed not tall, but when he was cornering, he also considered the weight of the people behind him. Can tilt the angle that low.

Inside the helmet, Mu Yeqin stepped on the accelerator with a smile on his face.

There was a lot of traffic, buildings stood tall under the night sky, and the big characters "Xincheng Films" gleamed in different colors.

She didn't care about anything except him, and she didn't want him to see her in a mess.

The jet of water from the faucet hit the palm of the hand violently, splashing water.

But, she said, Feng Yinan, don't turn your face away when I cry...

"Haha," Zhou Zheng opened his arms, and Ning Ran walked over. Instead of letting him succeed immediately, he said first: "I want to clean up someone, and I need your help. Help me find some people."

The bell rang, the exam was over, the teacher came down to collect the papers, and the students dispersed.


"Hehe, no problem," Zhou Zheng pushed her down on the sofa...

The huge racing venue was like a circular dance floor, and the lights of various colors moved and staggered, and the people of O Street cheered enthusiastically.

"Don't be afraid, Yanyan, trust me—"

"Yishu, you don't have to say I'm sorry, and you don't have to blame yourself. I'm willing to save you. You didn't force me, and you didn't ask me to save you. If something happened, how can you be blamed?"

Feng Yinan was wearing loose shorts, the hems of which were pulled up to the thighs, Madam Xuanyuan put her hands on his legs, and began to massage.

The baby grows up holding the steering wheel, even the old woman on the street can grin her toothless mouth, laughing and talking about how beautiful she was when she was young, with a kid on the back seat, running all over the country...

At the same time, on the other road, a locomotive was also running fast, throwing off the opponent behind it.

O Street, a paradise famous for racing, many professional racing drivers come from here, because they have been exposed to racing since they were young. Let’s put it this way, racing has become an indispensable part of life for them, just like eating. missing part.


"You said, no matter what I want, you can satisfy me, right?"

At the end of the day, Feng Yishu learned a lot, and she kept in mind every one of Mrs. Xuanyuan's instructions.

Not far from the company, Zhou Zheng had a single villa. After Ning Ran called, he sent someone to bring her here.

"Let's go, call all the brothers."

"Hey brother, this guy has good skills."

Almost at the limit, suddenly, he stopped at a certain point, at this point, the locomotive tires showed the maximum grip without slipping.

Not only that, but he is also very smart, with a person behind him, and in almost an instant, he has to think about how to bend, what posture to bend, and how much angle to lean.

At this level, you can go to F1.

Who is this?Mu Qingshen suddenly became interested in this person.

(End of this chapter)

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