Chapter 103 Accident
Li Huang's heart sank, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists!

She tried to calm down and asked coldly, "What's going on?"

"The people arranged by His Highness secretly protected His Highness the Crown Prince along the way. According to reports, His Highness the Crown Prince had already bypassed Jinzhou and took a detour from Yuzhou."

"But just as we were about to arrive in Yizhou, we encountered riots from the people! All the troops brought by His Royal Highness were dispersed."

"His Royal Highness also... disappeared."


Li Huang's figure flickered, and her heart felt dull.

The picture in the dream was surging, as if a pair of sharp hands were tearing her heart fiercely.

Why can't all this be changed!

Could it be that all her efforts were in vain?
Heart-piercing pain surged, almost drowning Li Huang.

Ling Yuan whispered several times from the side, Li Huang finally regained consciousness with difficulty and found her own voice.

She took a deep breath and asked, "Didn't the imperial court send people to help the disaster just after the disaster broke out in Yizhou? Why did they riot?"

The disappearance of the prince is no small matter. If the news reaches the court, someone will have to jump out of this trouble.

The hidden guard hesitated for a moment before saying: "It is said that the local people had rumors circulating at the beginning of the disaster that the imperial court had been devastating the disaster year after year, and the treasury had already been empty."

"That's right, even if the earthquake disaster is to allocate food, there will definitely not be any good food. Those who are weak and sick, or who are old, will die if they can't resist."

"Wait until there are only some young adults with good physical strength left, and then allocate money and food..."

Li Huang: "..."

"If someone spreads it like this, the people will believe it?"

What shocks and disasters have the court been vague about?Those common people will not listen to the wind is rain, right?

The secret guard shook his head: "No one believed them at first, but later a group of people pretended to be the advance troops of the imperial court and took the lead in escorting a batch of food there."

"As a result, it was no different from the rumors. Those grains were either moldy or mixed with sand. After the people ate them, many people got food poisoning."

Li Huang understood that it was someone who used the name of the imperial court to do such things that violated conscience, and then put the shit basin on the imperial court.

Those victims had already lost their homes and relatives after being affected by the disaster, and if they were treated like this by these people, wouldn't their anger reach its peak?

"Did those people keep their heads and tails?" Li Huang asked, "The team was dispersed, where is the food?"

The people were dispersed, and if the food was robbed again, the whole group of them would be covered with mouths and they would not be able to speak clearly.

"Returning to Your Highness, some of the food was snatched away, but fortunately, the food escort officer was clever enough to protect most of it."

"At present, His Royal Highness is missing, and the dragons have no leader. In order to avoid the loss of food in the earthquake disaster, His Royal Highness's subordinates are still safe. Some people are left to search for people, and the rest are still escorting the food to Yizhou."

As long as the court's food arrives in Yizhou smoothly, the rumors that the court wants to use this natural disaster to starve to death a group of old, weak, sick and disabled will be self-defeating.

"Since this is the case, you should send more people to find His Royal Highness as soon as possible."

Li Huang felt inexplicably uneasy, although according to her reminder, Li Yuze had successfully avoided the catastrophe in his dream.

However, he still left the team because of this.

In such a place far away from the imperial city, the most feared thing is to leave the team and be murdered by people with popular belief.

"Yes, this subordinate personally brought some people there."

The dark guard folded his hands and withdrew his hands, Ling Yuan whispered: "Your Highness, who is this who insists on killing His Highness the Crown Prince? It's not possible that if His Highness the Crown Prince is gone, he can become the Crown Prince, right?"

After being reminded by her, Li Huang was stunned.

For Concubine Luo and her daughter, Li Yuze's ascension to the throne in the future is undoubtedly the best for them.

Therefore, it is definitely not them who attacked Li Yuze several times.

So, who is the person behind the scenes?
It can't be that Li Yuxiao is interested in that position, right?
But that person who has only money in his heart and eyes doesn't seem to be interested in the big man.

Li Huang couldn't figure it out, but luckily he didn't.

At this time, Mu Feng came back.

"Your Highness, the person has already been sent to Dali Temple. The Minister of Dali Temple has sent someone to deliver a letter to the residence of the two people. It will not take long before the residence of the two people will send someone to make peace."

Li Huang nodded: "Good job, step back."

Mu Feng responded and hid in the dark again.

After entering the sleeping hall, Ling Yuan took off the cloak for Li Huang, and asked: "How does Your Highness plan to deal with that Ning Yan?"

Although the other party has already expressed their goodwill to them, expressing their willingness to abandon the dark and turn to the bright.

However, for such a person who betrayed the master, her highness would not want to stay by her side, would she?

Li Huang naturally understood her worry, curled her lips and said: "I only promised to find God to heal her hands and feet, but I didn't say that I would reuse her."

"But master, if you provoke a person like Ningyan, you really set her free. She can bite the second princess back today, and she can bite us in the future. We have to guard against it."

Li Huang glanced at her and said with a smile: "Do you think that even if Bengong wants to let her go, Li Chuchu will let her go?"

Who Li Chuchu is, no one knows better than her.

Could she keep a man alive who held so many of her secrets?
Ling Yuan was right when she thought about it, but she was wrong.

At the same time, the bottom of my heart was relieved.

While the master and servant were talking, the porter came to report: "Your Highness, Uncle Yongping has come in person."

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, this came really fast enough.

"Let him in."

Li Huang turned around and went to the main hall, Yong Ping Bo was quickly led in.

"My minister sees His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess." Uncle Yongping bowed and bowed after entering the door, "The dog has nothing to do with it, and once again ran into the Eldest Princess, this minister is here to plead guilty."

Li Huang didn't ask him to get up, but took a sip of tea slowly and asked, "How does Uncle plan to apologize?"

Uncle Yongping was stunned for a moment, but he still bit the bullet and said: "As for the loss of the teahouse, I am willing to compensate you in full, and I will take the dog back to punish you severely. This time, I will definitely not let him come out again Angry princess."

Li Huang chuckled lightly: "So in the eyes of my uncle, it's harmless for your son to be domineering in the capital and to bully men and women? As long as he doesn't offend Ben Gong, he can do whatever he wants?"

Uncle Yongping was stunned for a moment, then kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Your Highness, the dog was spoiled by the old mother at home, so he did so many lawless things. I promise that this must be the last time. From now on, I will definitely I will discipline myself, and I will not let him come out to cause trouble again."

Li Huang picked up the teacup, and gently blew on the tea foam on it: "Uncle, because of your indulgence, how many things he has done in the fish and meat town these years, I don't want to check them out for you. However, for the causes you planted yourself, I hope you will consciously deal with those effects, otherwise..."

Uncle Yongping's complexion changed, the 10 taels of silver as compensation for the teahouse alone was already a considerable expense for the Uncle Yongping's mansion, if other things were added...

(End of this chapter)

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