Chapter 104
Uncle Yongping instantly felt thunder rolling, and his whole body was a little unstable.

All the disasters caused by that rebellious son in recent years, the mansion has not less to deal with the aftermath of him, those people are afraid of the power of Yu Bo's mansion, so they dare not make a big fuss.

But now, if the eldest princess speaks out and those people come to the door, wouldn't the whole uncle's mansion have to be evacuated?
Li Huang glanced at his face and knew what was going on in his heart, and immediately hooked his lips and said: "As long as the title of Earl's Mansion is still there, the money can always be earned back, but..."

She doesn't need to say anything about the latter, she believes that Uncle Yongping is not a fool, of course he knows how to choose.

Sure enough, after a brief moment of struggle, Uncle Yongping gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely handle those matters properly, and will never let anyone have any more complaints."

Li Huang didn't speak, the hall fell into dead silence for a while, the cold sweat on Uncle Yongping's palms almost came out.

Just when Uncle Yongping felt that Li Huang would put forward some conditions to make things difficult for him, she only heard her say indifferently: "This palace knows, then uncle should hurry back and do it."

Uncle Yongping heaved a sigh of relief after hearing her order to evict guests, and got up and left the Princess's mansion without hesitation.

After Uncle Yongping left, Ling Yuan suddenly asked curiously: "Your Highness, this Uncle Yongping has been here before, but Mr. Yuan has not even seen a shadow of him. Could it be that they plan to abandon this son?"

Li Huang sneered: "Does this mean that if he ignores this person, he can pretend that this person does not exist? Send someone to Dali Temple and say that if the Yuan family refuses to send someone to take him back, let him investigate the facts and bring him back." Find out what Mr. Yuan has done in these years, and then deal with it according to law."

A nephew in the family is imprisoned, which will definitely affect the marriage of the girls in the house, and even affect the official career of other sons and young masters.

She didn't believe that Mr. Yuan could keep his composure all this time.

Facts have proved that Mr. Yuan is much more ruthless than she imagined. After learning that Yuan Hao had offended Li Huang, he quickly opened the ancestral hall and expelled Yuan Hao from the Yuan family tree.

Yuan Hao was abandoned by his family, and Dali Temple could only act according to the law, and was sentenced to exile for thousands of miles.

On the day he left the city, all his cronies and friends went to see him off. While feeling sorry for him, there was also a kind of desolation of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

"You said you, the eldest princess is sitting there, why do you have no eyesight?"

"That is, what do you think about committing murder in front of the eldest princess?"

Yuan Hao sighed, and said: "Eldest princess never cared about these shitty things before, who doesn't know that she only has Gu Shizi in her eyes, and she only cares about chasing after Gu Shizi's ass every day? Who would have thought that she would abandon Gu Shizi once? , The whole person has changed."

Moreover, the change was more than a little bit, which caught them all by surprise.

"Forget it, that's the end of the matter, it's useless to say more, there are some troubles here, you'd better take them with you, the journey will be easier."

Several people stuffed him with several bundles at once, in addition to winter clothes, there were also some bank notes.

In this life, I am afraid that there will be no chance to meet each other again, so giving some money is the only thing they can do for their friends.

Yuan Hao hugged those burdens, and his eyes were hot: "You should also take me as a warning, and you should obey your parents in the future, so you can study at home and stop messing around with those rich dudes."

People with power and power can keep the wealth in front of them no matter what.

It's different for those who are powerless and powerless. Once something happens, the family will abandon it if they say so.

Hearing the words, several people felt desolate.

Said that Li Huang never thought that she just punished a few dudes casually, and could improve the atmosphere in Beijing for a long time.

"Your Highness, I heard that Yongping Bofu sent Mr. Zhao Si to Lushan Academy outside the city, and he is not allowed to come back except for the New Year's Eve."

"The old lady of Uncle Yongping has been crying for several days, even pretending to be sick. It seems that Uncle Yongping has really made up his mind this time."

Ling Yuan took the washed clothes into the house, folded them one by one and put them in the cabinet. When she mentioned the current situation of the Yongping uncle's mansion, she couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

"Then Uncle Yongping is really willing to spend his money. He spent a lot of money to appease all the troubles that Mr. Zhao caused before. If this is the case, the servants will look at him highly."

Li Huang curled his lips, it is indeed unexpected that Uncle Yongping can kill and kill so decisively.

"Is there any news from Yizhou?"

Although she was terribly disappointed with Li Yuze, she was a brother and sister of the same mother after all, so it was difficult for her to be indifferent.

After Ling Yuan put the clothes back, she took out a letter from her bosom: "If you don't ask, Your Highness, the slaves almost forgot, this is the urgent copy of the [-]-mile manuscript that I just received. received."

Li Huang took the letter over, Zhan Lai quickly glanced at it, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"His Royal Highness has been found, and the earthquake disaster in Yizhou has gradually returned to order. You can return to Beijing soon."

Ling Yuan beamed with joy when she heard the words: "That's great."

Li Huang stuffed the letter back into the envelope, looked around, and asked, "Where's Ning Qi? Could it be that he left the house again?"

Ling Yuan glanced out of the window, but she did not see Mo Jingzhan, so she couldn't help muttering: "Your Highness, are you pampering him too much? A guard lives more freely than the master. "

This is anytime, anywhere, where you want to go, and you don't need to report. She is really not convinced.

Seeing her angry face, Li Huang couldn't help comforting her: "Okay, after all, he is different from those guards who signed the contract in the mansion, let him go."

Unexpectedly, just as she finished speaking, Mo Jingzhan's voice came in from outside the door: "What are you talking about me again, Your Highness?"

Guiltyly, Ling Yuan immediately looked away, for fear that he would know that she was arranging him just now.

For some reason, she was inexplicably afraid of him.

"Your Highness, this servant is going to find out what's going on in the second princess's mansion."

After finishing speaking, she ran out quickly, fearing that if she took a step too late, there would be ghosts chasing after her.

Mo Jingzhan was very satisfied with this kind of discerning maid.

Li Huang looked at him with raised eyebrows: "Are you out of the house again?"

Mo Jingzhan sat down opposite her, picked up the teapot on the teapot and poured himself a cup, without treating himself as an outsider at all.

"I went to ask for some more detoxification pills for His Highness." He said, and took out a few bottles from his arms, "In addition, I also ordered some poisons. You can't let others poison you every time, and Your Highness has to give something back. means."

Li Huang took the bottles, all of which had their names and uses marked on them, a little surprised at his method: "Then the landlord Xiao is really giving you face."

As far as she knows, that master is not a generous person. Last time he asked for a bottle of detoxification pills, it was enough for him to hurt, and now he brought back so much. Isn't it clear that he is being treated as a drug boy? ?
Mo Jingzhan waved his hand and said, "You sent him so many boxes of medicinal materials last time. He said it himself. If there is a need, His Highness can speak up. You don't have to be polite."

Xiao Yunlan, who was far away in Yunwailou, suddenly sneezed, always feeling that someone was talking about him behind his back.

If he knew that Mo Jingzhan was talking nonsense with his eyes open in front of Li Huang, he would definitely jump up in anger.

Those medicines were not offered by him, but Mo Jingzhan snatched them from him.

As for the few boxes of medicinal materials he got, it was clearly the part he deserved from cooperating with Li Huang, and he didn't think he needed to give her medicines for free to pay back.

But on Mo Jingzhan's side, he claimed that the medicine he forcibly snatched was given as a gift.

Li Huang was dubious: "Lord Xiao's Hundred Poison Pills are hard to come by in the market, he gave ten of them in one go, and today he sent so many, he is really knowledgeable."

Mo Jingzhan smiled: "Your Highness, let's put it away. There is only one person who can detoxify these kinds of poisons, except Master Xiao."

When Li Huang heard this, his heart moved.

That's right, Li Chuchu tried his best to put bugs in her clothes, if she couldn't reciprocate, wouldn't it be an advantage to her?
With that in mind, the opportunity will come soon.

(End of this chapter)

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