Chapter 105
Princess Li held a polo tournament on the grounds that the reception at the birthday banquet was not good enough, and all the rich and powerful families in Beijing and China received the post.

Li Huang is no exception.

She arrived late, and those active young men and ladies had already started to compete.

Li Huang changed into her riding uniform today, her whole body is heroic, but it is quite different from her former grace and luxury.

As soon as she came out, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Li Huang ignored everyone's gaze, and after waiving her courtesy, sat down on the left side of the first seat.

At this moment, Ling Yuan suddenly pointed to the pink figure in the polo field and whispered: "Your Highness, isn't that Miss Gu's family? Why is she still playing polo with the men's team?"

Although Da Yuan said that the defense between men and women is not very strict, but there are still a few people who are so close to men in public.

Li Huang turned her head, just in time to see Gu Ningshuang rode up to his side after the young master scored a goal, and handed him a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

Moreover, the admiration in those eyes should not be too obvious.

She couldn't help asking curiously: "Which family is that son? I didn't notice it before."

Ling Yuan reminded: "Your Highness forgot, that is the youngest nephew of Princess Li's natal family, who lived in Prince Li's mansion for a long time before."

"I heard that I went to Lushan Academy later, and this time I came back to Beijing for the spring of the next year."

After her reminder, Li Huang remembered such a character.

When he lived in Prince Li's mansion, he was a gentle and elegant young man. It is said that he was a hardworking student, and he did not become lazy and unwilling to study just because he was a relative of Prince Li.

On the contrary, he stayed in the Imperial College for a while, and the masters also praised him full of praise.

If he stayed in the capital all the time, he could indeed compete with Gu Chenzhou.

If he ended up in high school this time, with his back to Prince Li's Mansion, his future would not be bad.

"Gu Ningshuang has taken a fancy to him?"

I have to say that this girl's brain is not very good, but her vision is still good.

Ling Yuan glanced over there, and said with a smile: "Look at her appearance as if a bee has seen a flower, she probably has her eyes on her."

It is said that Mr. He has always kept himself clean. He is almost 20 years old now, and his backyard is clean, without even a single room.

From time to time, the girls' discussions came from the side.

"That Mr. He looked at the gentleman, but he didn't expect to play polo so well."

"That's right. It's a pity that I came a step late. I only watched half of the game. Otherwise, I would also like to play with Mr. He."

"I heard that Mr. He is very knowledgeable. If it ends up in the top three, it's no problem. Such a good gentleman, which girl doesn't like it?"

Compared with him, Gu Shizi, the number one talented scholar in Beijing, seemed not so outstanding.

Especially after rejecting the eldest princess's marriage, the Gu family also went downhill, and the unlucky things happened one after another.

No matter how good Gu Shizi was, he couldn't stand the mess in the backyard.

The He family is different, they are the disciples of the scholarly family, and there is no difficult sister-in-law like Gu Ningshuang in the family.

Ling Yuan leaned close to Li Huang's ear and whispered: "Your Highness, once Mr. He comes, it seems that there will not be so many people fighting for Mr. Gu."

Li Huang sneered, among those in Pingyang Houfu, which one is easy to get along with?

No matter how good Gu Chenzhou was, he couldn't stand it, and the house was in chaos.

At this time, only the sound of "dang" on the field was heard, and the victory and defeat had been divided.

There was a more bold and unrestrained girl beside her, and she yelled out on the spot: "Young Master He's team won."

At this time, Li Chuchu's voice sounded behind him: "Sister Eldest Princess, I didn't expect you to be interested in this kind of polo match? Chuchu thought you wouldn't come."

As she spoke, she sat down across the table with a smile on her face.

Li Huang admires her more, no matter what kind of quarrel happens between two people, she can approach you with a smile and greet you as if nothing happened.

At this time, if Li Huang is cold-faced, it seems that she is not generous enough as the elder sister.

So, she also said with a half smile: "Gu Shizi is already playing the game, why don't you go?"

Did she not believe that Li Chuchu would let go of such an opportunity to fight side by side with Gu Chenzhou?

Li Chuchu poured her a cup of tea with a smile on her face: "I'm not good at the game, so I won't go up and make a fool of myself. Besides, the eldest princess and sister didn't come, so how can a younger sister play alone?"

What this says is really inconsistent.

Just now he was surprised that she would come to this boring polo club, but now he said he was waiting for her.

Some people tell too many lies, and they just open their mouths.

Li Huang didn't bother to play tricks on her: "I don't dare to drink the tea you poured."

Li Chuchu's expression froze, but she still had a good temper and said with a smile: "Sister Eldest Princess really likes to joke, Chu Chu has always respected Elder Sister very much."

As he spoke, he drank it all in one gulp to show his innocence.

Li Huang watched her performance quietly, and wanted to know what this person's face was made of. A few days ago, he had designed her at the birthday banquet of Prince Li and Princess Li, and the two tore their faces on the spot.

Not long after, it was posted again.

I have to say, if the soldiers in the front are as persistent as she is in fighting, why worry about not winning the battle?

At this time, Gu Ningshuang and Mr. He walked up to the stands in high spirits.

"His Royal Highness, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are getting more and more beautiful."

He Lin stepped forward to salute, with a very familiar tone, which directly made Gu Ningshuang frown.

She couldn't help reminding: "Young Master He, it's time for us to get the lottery."

He Lin waved his hands when he heard the words, and sat down next to Li Huang: "You can give it to you if you like it. The left and right are also belongings of the girl's house. I want to have a few words with His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

Seeing this, Li Chuchu immediately got up, pulled Gu Ningshuang and walked down the stage.

Gu Ningshuang was full of displeasure: "What are you pulling me for?"

After walking a long distance, Gu Ningshuang still couldn't help but look back at He Lin.

Seeing him talking and laughing with Li Huang, her eyes were red with jealousy.

What's wrong with that volatile woman? Why are all these men so affectionate when they see her?
Li Chuchu knew her thoughts clearly, and took the opportunity to speak: "Shuang'er, I heard a rumor about Mr. He."

When she heard that it was related to He Lin, Gu Ningshuang's attention was immediately drawn back.

"What's wrong, Mr. He?"

Li Chuchu looked around and made sure that no one could hear them, then lowered his voice and whispered: "I heard that Mr. He has kept his body like a jade and has not married until now, because of the elder sister of the eldest princess."

(End of this chapter)

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