Chapter 110 You are talking nonsense

Then the emperor looked at the chief eunuch next to him, and ordered: "Order the House of Internal Affairs to let them go to the clan's houses one by one to have a look, and if there are similar fabrics, let them go to the palace and talk back."

The chief eunuch responded and went out to distribute.

The emperor looked at Concubine Luo with disgust, and said: "Okay, the search of the mansion will take some time, so you don't have to kneel here, just step back first."

It's annoying to look at her more than once.

Concubine Luo Gui bit her lips, suppressed the grievance and unwillingness in her heart, and replied respectfully: "Yes."

Li Chuchu got up and backed out.

The emperor looked at Li Yuxiao, and rarely gave him a good look: "Your uncle and grandmother finally came to the palace, you can take them to the imperial garden for a stroll, instead of crowding here."

Li Yuxiao knew that the emperor wanted to talk to Li Huang alone, so he didn't stand in the way anymore, and after a respectful salute, he backed out.

When there were only father and daughter in the imperial study room, the emperor patted Li Huang's hand and said: "There are no outsiders here now, tell the father honestly, is it possible that that evil person is playing tricks again?"

The evil obstacle he was referring to was naturally Li Chuchu.

"I knew that this mother and daughter were not good friends, and I also blamed the emperor's mistake for keeping that woman in the palace."

"Father, you don't have to worry, the son can handle it by himself." Li Huang held the hand of the old emperor instead, "It's just that Mr. He is the uncle's nephew after all, if you can't give him an explanation, I'm afraid it will make those clans cold The heart of a child."

The emperor nodded: "Father is well aware of this matter. If it is really that evil person who schemed against Mr. He's family this time, then I can grant him a favor. As long as it is not too much, I will promise him."

"Next year's Chunwei, if he can make it to the list, no matter if it is No.1, he will be free to choose positions below the fourth rank in the Six Departments of the Central Committee."

This is quite a blessing. You know, even if you are in high school, according to the law, you have to be released for more than three years before you have the opportunity to be transferred back to the capital.

There has never been anyone who became an official in the capital directly after entering the officialdom.

Moreover, the highest can get a fourth-rank official.

Many people have endured for a lifetime, and it is difficult to be a fourth-rank official.

On the other side, when Li Chuchu and Concubine Luo returned to Zhaoren Palace, they were still thinking, just now Li Huang said that her marriage has been decided, who is it decided for?

She never heard of it.

Concubine Luo thought she was still worried about the fabric, so she patted her hand immediately and said: "Don't worry, everything is arranged by the concubine mother, you don't need to worry about the fabric."

Only then did Li Chuchu turn his gaze to Concubine Luo Gui: "Mother Concubine, you just heard that Li Huang said that she has a marriage contract, have you ever heard of it?"

Concubine Luo Gui was preoccupied with how to whitewash her daughter, so she couldn't even notice what Li Huang said.

At this moment, when she mentioned it like this, she was a little stunned.

"When did she have a marriage partner? I haven't heard of it."

Concubine Luo Gui thought for a long time, but she never thought that in the entire capital, besides Gu Chenzhou, who else could Li Huang have her eyes on.

Li Chuchu bit her lip, and there was a hint of viciousness in her eyes, no matter who that bitch took a fancy to, in short, it couldn't be her Gu Shizi.

"Mother Concubine, tell me that she has liked Gu Shizi for so long, so if she doesn't like it, she won't like it, isn't it too fast?"

"Regardless of whether she really still likes Gu Shizi, she will never marry him again. After all, they have already torn faces."

Concubine Luo's words gave her some comfort.

Recalling this period of time, Li Huang did not show any affection for the members of the Gu family, even if she liked it so much?Can the Gu family accept her?
Thinking of this, her heart became a little more stable.

An hour later.

People from the House of Internal Affairs came back in a hurry, Concubine Luo and her daughter got the news and rushed to the imperial study immediately.

At this time, in the imperial study room, Prince Li and his wife, He Lin and Concubine Zhang were already waiting there.

In addition, there is Chief Liu of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As soon as they entered, several lines of sight shot straight at them.

Concubine Luo's heart skipped a beat, she always felt that things seemed a little bad.

"See Your Majesty."

"See your father."

The emperor snorted, and gave Director Liu a wink: "Take out all the things you found."

Li Chuchu raised his head abruptly, and panic suddenly rose in his heart.

Her intuition told her that the situation was not in her favor.

Sure enough, after Manager Liu got the order, he immediately yelled out the door: "Bring them all in."

Everyone's eyes turned towards the door in unison.

Soon, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came in carrying a lot of things.

In addition to the cloth that Li Yuxiao brought back from the fief, there were also some beautifully crafted jewelry, pearl hairpins and the like.

The most eye-catching thing is the golden crown inlaid with filigree.

With just one glance, Li Yuxiao couldn't help but exclaimed: "This... isn't this what the king lost when he returned to Beijing? Where did you all find it?"

He thought that even if Li Chuchu robbed those things, he would not be so stupid as to leave this crown in the mansion.

After all, this thing is so unique that there is no second one in the entire abyss.

Director Liu replied respectfully: "My lord, these are all found in the second princess's treasury, and, these fabrics are only available in the second princess's mansion."

When Li Chuchu heard it, his eyes widened immediately: "Impossible! You are talking nonsense!"

How could there be these things in her mansion?
"Father, they must have colluded to frame this son. I have never seen such things before!"

Some of the fabrics inside were indeed given to her by Li Yuxiao before, but she had never seen anything else.

"Your Majesty, the old slave is not the only one who was sent to search the mansion. If the second princess doesn't believe me, you can ask them one by one."

"In addition, when these things were brought out from the second princess's mansion, everyone in the mansion saw them with their own eyes. Even if the old slave wanted to frame them, he couldn't have bought so many people, right?"

Li Chuchu seemed to be struck by lightning, his face full of disbelief.

How can it be?

This is impossible!
Concubine Luo Gui also found it inconceivable, she had already sent someone to take care of it, how could there be such a leak?

Li Huang looked at the changing faces of the mother and daughter sarcastically, and said, "Father, the evidence is so strong now, if the imperial sister continues to quibble, the hearts of the imperial uncle's family will be chilled."

(End of this chapter)

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