Chapter 111 Backer
The emperor's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "The second princess, Li Chuchu, lost her virtue and hurt the face of the royal family. From now on, the title of the princess will be deprived, she will be relegated to the position of princess, and the fief will be taken back. There is no need for you to be with the concubine." , go back to the mansion and think about the past."

Li Chuchu's face was pale, and his whole body seemed to be drained of strength, and he went limp.

Concubine Luo was even more shocked: "Your Majesty, it's all because the concubines are incompetent in teaching their daughters. If you want to punish the concubines, you should punish the concubines. Chu Chu has already reached the marriageable age. Once the imperial decree is issued, you will be punished." How will she choose a husband in this capital in the future?"

Seeing that it was this time, the emperor dared to talk about the marriage, and immediately swept the papers on the table towards their mother and daughter.

Concubine Luo didn't dare to hide, she just turned her eyes to look at Prince Li and his wife: "Uncle, Aunt Huang, please hold your hands high and let Chuchu go, as long as you are willing to let her go, I can agree to any conditions."

"We apologize, we are willing to apologize in public, how about it?"

At this time, Concubine Luo Gui really went all out, in order to make the emperor take back her life, she really dared to say anything.

When Li Chuchu heard that she wanted her to apologize in public, she immediately called out: "Concubine Mother~"

Concubine Luo Gui gave her a hard look, and reprimanded: "Shut up! If you didn't cause these things, would I need to worry about you so much?"

Filled with grievances, Li Chuchu lowered his head, hating Li Huang terribly in his heart.

If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have come to this stage!
"Luo Guifei, my concubine's nephew is going to take the scientific examination next year. If it goes well, it won't be a problem for him to win the top three."

"And his parents have never made a marriage contract for him so far, and there has never been any concubine in the backyard. They just want to wait for him to find a relative in Beijing after he is in high school."

"Now, his reputation has been ruined by the second princess. You want us to let her go. The second princess needs to get married. Doesn't my nephew need to get married?"

Concubine Luo Gui was speechless when questioned.

Although the matter of reputation, for men, it is not as serious as for women, who need to throw themselves into the lake or shave their hair to become a nun to show their innocence.

But, among those real noble girls, which one is willing to marry such a man with a flawed reputation?
Moreover, with He Lin's talent and family background, the future is sure to be bright. If the old emperor had more daughters, he would probably marry one of them to him without hesitation.


She glanced at the emperor's face, and knew that if she continued to speak, she might also be demoted.

She sneaked a look at Concubine Zhang who was sitting in the grand teacher's chair again. Concubine Zhang's face was also very ugly, and she didn't even give her a look.

She knew that there was absolutely no room for change in this matter.

"The concubine will be a good student and teach her in the future, so that Chu Chu will not be allowed to do such a thing that is disrespectful to the royal family."

Li Chuchu's face was ashen.

It's over, it's over.

The emperor looked at He Lin: "As long as you can win in the next spring, no matter how many places you win, you can choose any official position below the fourth rank in Beijing, and it will be regarded as my compensation for you."

"If you don't need compensation in your official career, I can also grant you a favor, as long as it is not excessive, I will allow it."

When He Lin heard the words, he knelt down and thanked him immediately: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the grassroots dare not ask for anything else. I just ask His Majesty to give you a house in Beijing, and then give you a plaque with your own handwriting, that's all."

"As for fame, Caomin believes that with Caomin's ability, in a few years, he will still be able to honor his family."

The Emperor Longxin rejoiced: "Okay, you have ambition, do you really only want a house?"

He felt that Prince Li could prepare a house for him, and such a request was too low.

Unexpectedly, He Lin said righteously: "Your Majesty, a house in the capital is quite expensive. If you want to buy a house in the capital, you have to spend a lot of money. What's more, There are also words written by His Majesty, which are hard to find."

The house bestowed by the emperor himself, and the plaque written by himself, how many people can have this honor in the entire capital?
In the future, those who don't open their eyes, even if they want to make trouble, will have to be a little bit wary of this plaque.

The emperor obviously also thought of this, and immediately agreed happily: "Okay, I will discuss with Manager Liu later to see if there is another house with a better location in Beijing that is suitable for you. As for the words, I have time." I will write to you."

He Lin kowtowed again to thank him.

Seeing that the matter had come to an end, Li Yuxiao couldn't help asking: "Father, can I take back the things that I lost there?"

He looked eagerly at the tray in the hand of the little eunuch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he carefully selected all the treasures and brought them back.

The emperor glanced at Luo's mother and daughter in disgust, and was about to say that it was up to him, when another guard came in to report.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is back."

(End of this chapter)

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