Chapter 112
When Luo's mother and daughter heard this, they were all overjoyed.

Li Yuze came back, which meant that they were saved.

The emperor had no expression on his face: "Why did he come back so soon?"

According to the plan, it will take at least seven or eight days for him to come back. Come back so soon, the work is done?

"Let him in!"

The guard responded and went out.

Not long after, Li Yuze came in: "I was ordered to go to Yizhou to fight the disaster. Everything went well, so I came to the palace to report."

The emperor looked at him suspiciously: "Didn't you send a letter saying that you would not return to Beijing until seven or eight days away? Why is it so early?"

Mentioning this, Li Yuze explained in detail what happened to him in Jinzhou when he was robbed.

"Father, my son suspected that there was a traitor around me, so in order to avoid long nights and dreams, I quietly returned to Beijing early."

"The things in Yizhou have been arranged almost, and the remaining finishing work will be handed over to the servant of the household department who went to the disaster relief together."

If he hadn't returned to the capital ahead of time, he wouldn't know how many ambushes and counter-attacks he would have encountered along the way. If Li Huang hadn't reminded him in advance, he might not have known where he died.

Thinking of this, his mood was a little complicated.

How on earth did she know someone was going to kill him?

When the old emperor heard that someone dared to murder the prince, he immediately became angry: "This matter must be strictly investigated! You should get up first."

Li Yuze thanked him, and stood up, only to find that there were many people in the imperial study room, Dang even asked curiously, "Why are the emperor's uncle and uncle here?"

Moreover, Concubine Luo Gui and Li Chuchu's mother and daughter were still in tears, so it seemed that something was wrong.

Seeing his question, Concubine Luo Gui was just about to open her mouth to make a fool of herself, when Li Yuxiao over there cut her off first.

"The crown prince is not an outsider, but the second princess seems to have taken a fancy to Mr. He. At the polo meeting held by his great-uncle, someone drugged Mr. He and climbed onto his bed."

In a word, it directly blocked Li Chuchu's words that he still wanted to quibble.

Li Yuze looked at Li Chuchu in surprise, Li Chuchu shook his head with a look of grievance: "No, brother prince, listen to me..."

However, she had only spoken halfway, when Prince Li snorted heavily: "What? Your Majesty personally adjudicated the case, do you still want to call for grievances?"

Li Chuchu's words just got stuck in her throat.

Concubine Luo looked at Li Yuze hesitantly, and then put on a grievance and forbearance: "His Royal Highness, Chu Chu did something wrong in this matter, just leave it alone."

On weekdays, the more she said that, the more Li Yuze would ask, even if he was disobedient to the emperor, he would still beg for Li Chuchu's favor.

However, Li Yuze glanced at Li Yuxiao curiously, and then planned to leave: "If the emperor is fine, then I will go back to the East Palace first."

After saying that, he turned around and left.


Both Li Chuchu and Concubine Luo looked at him in disbelief.

It's unbelievable that he didn't even say a word to defend them!

Li Huang had a panoramic view of the changes in their expressions, and there was a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

Although Li Yuze was not in the capital during this period, she believed that the people she sent out were not idle, and he knew everything Li Chuchu did.

In this way, if he protects her again, then he really doesn't need to be a prince.

The news that Li Chuchu was demoted to princess quickly spread throughout the capital.

Li Yuze returned to the East Palace with his front foot, and Li Yuxiao arrived with his back foot.

As soon as he entered, Li Yuxiao said, "Brother Huang, I have something to tell you."

Li Yuze raised his eyebrows: "Is it about Chuchu?"

Li Yuxiao nodded: "I know that Brother Huang has always protected her, and I'm not the kind of person who would come to the door and gossip without evidence. You should let them bring things up and see for yourself."

As he spoke, he waved his hand at the entourage behind her.

Xiao Haizi went forward with a box in his arms, and opened it in front of Li Yuze: "Your Highness, please identify it. Is this the head you gave to Er Gong?"

Li Yuze was startled, stood up suddenly, picked up a pearl hairpin, looked at Li Yuze and asked, "Where did you get these things?"

Li Yuxiao snorted, found a place to sit down on his own, and didn't treat himself as an outsider at all.

"Speaking of this, I am angry. When I returned to Beijing, I met robbers. All the goods I brought back to Beijing were robbed, including a lot of gold, silver and jewelry."

"Later when you went to Yizhou, I accidentally discovered that many shops in Beijing contained the things I brought back from the fiefdom, so I followed the clues to search, and after this search, I found Li Chuchu."

"Let me just say, why did the Gu family suddenly become rich again recently? They bought several shops in a row and built several houses. They also spent money to clear up the relationship and let people speak for him in the court, so as to save him On an errand to fix the water."

Li Yuxiao felt a pain in his heart.

It was all his money.

He pointed to the things in the box: "That's all, I found it by accident when I was searching for my things."

He only thought that Li Chuchu robbed his goods and then sold them, but he didn't expect that she also sold the things Li Buze gave her.

How short of money is this?
Li Yuze's eyes sharpened: "Is this true?"

Li Yuxiao sneered: "You know how I treat her since I was a child. If she hadn't really touched my bottom line and caused such a big disaster like today, how could I not say a word for her?" she says?"

As soon as today's matter was mentioned, Li Yuze had just returned, and he was still a little unclear, so he asked him to explain it in detail again.

At the end, Li Yuxiao stood up: "Anyway, I've told you everything I need to say. As for the rest, you can check it yourself. I won't repeat it."

After speaking, he bowed his hands and said goodbye.

Li Yuze's face was gloomy, and he called the hidden guard: "What King Lin'an said just now, go and check it out."

The dark guard responded, clasped his fists and retreated.

the other side.

Li Huang left the palace gate, and just got into the carriage, Mo Jingzhan followed him in.

Seeing this, Ling Yuan consciously sat outside the carriage.

She wasn't too surprised by his disappearance, she just asked: "The things that the House of Internal Affairs found from the second princess's house, did you put them in?"

Although this idea was a bit crazy, she had an intuition that no one could do this except him.

Mo Jingzhan raised his eyebrows, but did not deny it: "Is Your Highness still satisfied?"

Li Huang nodded, she was quite satisfied.

Originally, she was only a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and could only find some cloth at most, but she didn't expect that they could find so many things belonging to Li Yuxiao.

As for those things, she only let the people in Yunwailou take care of them a few days ago.

Recently, Mo Jingzhan seemed to be getting very close to Yunwailou, and he went to give her two bottles of medicine every now and then.

It's just that he didn't expect that he could actually persuade the people in Dongyunwailou to do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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