Chapter 113

"It seems that this Yunwai Building is really omnipotent. It can do so much stuff in the treasury of the Second Princess' Mansion."

Mo Jingzhan smiled: "That's not so powerful, but, didn't His Highness just subdue the maid next to the second princess?"

When Ningyan was mentioned, Li Huang was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't she seriously injured on the bed?" Unexpectedly, after all this, she still has the ability to get things into the house quietly, "I really underestimated her."

Mo Jingzhan leaned back in the carriage lazily, and raised his eyebrows: "Growing up next to someone like Li Chuchu, if I don't pay more attention, she might not be able to live until now."

Li Huang thought so deeply.

Don't look at Li Chuchu's docile and obedient appearance in front of him, but he can do anything behind his back. How can such a person, the servants around him, not pay attention to her?
"Your Highness, is it worthwhile for you to keep me as a guard?" Mo Jingzhan approached suddenly, "I heard that the second princess has been demoted to the princess, if I don't arrange it in advance today, I am afraid that His Majesty will not be punished like this Is it heavy?"

Li Huang thought about the same thing.

Today, so many things belonging to Li Yuxiao were found in the second princess's mansion, that's why he stomped on them so mercilessly.

If not, it would be troublesome to have him pleading beside him in various ways.

Suddenly, the carriage came to a sudden stop, and Li Huang was caught off guard, and went straight into Mo Jingzhan's arms.

Li Huang: "..."

Heartbeat, there is a momentary acceleration.

She quickly sat up straight, turned her head and asked, "What's going on?"

Mu Feng felt a little wronged: "Your Highness, it's not that I suddenly stopped, it's because someone in front of me blocked the way and shouted for grievances."

Li Huang raised a corner of the curtain, looked out, and saw a disheveled old woman kneeling in front of the carriage, holding a blood book in her hand.

"His Royal Highness, please avenge the women!"

Li Huang: "!!!"

There is a yamen for redressing grievances, what is the meaning of coming to stop her car?
On the other side, just as Li Yuxiao left, Li Chuchu came to the East Palace on the back.

However, she was stopped by guards at the door.

"I have something to do with the prince's brother, how dare you stop me?"

Li Chuchu's chest was burning with anger, thinking of the humiliation she suffered in the imperial study room today, she was just demoted, now even these slaves don't take her seriously?
The guard was expressionless: "Princess, Your Highness is taking a bath, so it's inconvenient to see you."


Li Chuchu was so angry that she couldn't force her way in, so she could only wait patiently outside the door.

About half an hour later, she thought that even if it was a bath, it should be over, right?
So, she asked the guards to go in and report again.

The guard glanced at her, but he didn't offend her, and went in to report as he said.

Not long after, the guards came out: "Princess, please go back. Your Highness said that she is too tired to take care of other things. Let's talk about it another day if you have anything to do."

As soon as Li Chuchu heard it, she knew that she had been dismissed, and she immediately wanted to force her way into it regardless.

"Brother Prince, Brother Prince, Chu Chu has something urgent to tell you!"

The guard had no choice but to stand by the door: "Princess, please don't embarrass your subordinates."

He spoke one princess at a time, like a knife piercing Li Chuchu's heart.

The decree of reprimand had just been issued, and these dog slaves treated her so contemptuously.

One day, she will make these dog slaves look good!

Seeing her yelling outside the door, Li Yuze was so irritable that he could only say, "Let her in."

Only then did the guard let the door open, and Li Chuchu glared at him, then ran in aggrieved, holding the hem of his skirt.

"Brother Prince, you must help me, I am really being plotted against."

She knelt down in front of Li Yuze with a plop, and recounted the matter with embellishment.

"Brother Prince, I originally went to find Elder Princess Elder Sister. Later, I was knocked out. I really don't know anything else."

"Besides, I am as close as a sister to Ms. Gu's family. The man she likes, no matter how despicable I am, I can't do such a bad thing."

"Brother Prince, I offended the emperor's uncle, and my father had no choice but to deal with me because of his affection. If you don't help me, I will really be doomed."

She knelt down a few steps and came to Li Yuze, holding on to his robe tightly with both hands, crying with snot and tears, she looked very pitiful.

In the past, Li Yuze's heart had already softened into a puddle of water.

But now, seeing Li Chuchu crying and begging like this, he actually felt a little bored.

He suddenly remembered Li Huang's noble and glamorous face, no matter how much wronged she suffered, she would always hold her head high and never show weakness.

He used to think that she was disobedient, so he was always strict with her.

But now looking at Li Chuchu again, I realized to myself, how can there be any demeanor of a royal princess?
He took a deep breath and suppressed the impatience in his heart: "Okay, don't cry, whether you have been wronged, I will send someone to investigate, and the father punished you to go back to the mansion to contemplate your mistakes behind closed doors, and you have not left the palace yet. ?”

Li Chuchu froze for a moment, Li Yuze's attitude made her a little uneasy.

"Brother Prince..."

This is going to change the past, he has long gone to find Li Huang to settle the score angrily.

But now...

Somehow, ever since Li Huang changed her attitude, she always felt that Li Yuze and Li Yuxiao seemed to be a little different.

What went wrong?
"Okay, let's go out of the palace quickly, father should be angry again when it's too late."

As he said that, he called his servant and forcibly sent Li Chuchu out of the door.

Li Chuchu was dumbfounded.

This is the first time the crown prince kicked her out of the house!

Could it be, what did that bitch Li Huang do?
Li Chu Chu Chacha left the palace.

Not long after she left, the hidden guards of the Eastern Palace came back.

He knelt down and said: "Your Highness, what King Lin'an said is true."

Li Yuze was stunned for a moment. Although he had already made a conclusion in his heart, when he checked it himself, he still couldn't believe it.

He couldn't believe that the concubine sister whom he had protected since childhood was so unbearable in private.

"I know, you should step back."

The dark guard cupped his fists and disappeared in a flash.

at the same time.

On the main street, because someone blocked the driver and cried out for injustice, the surrounding area was already full of people.

Li Huang ordered Mu Feng to take the woman's blood book, opened it for a glance, and then closed it immediately.

"Bring her back, I have something to ask her slowly."

Mu Feng responded, walked over and said to the woman: "Your Highness said, what grievances do you have? Let's talk about it in detail when you return to the Eldest Princess' Mansion."

The woman nodded excitedly, knowing that she had found the right person, she immediately wiped away her tears, followed the carriage slowly, and walked slowly towards the eldest princess' mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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