The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 123 All of His Highness's People

Li Huang was so asked that he suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Let's take him in. If she kills her father and her enemies, isn't she against her future husband?

Let's just accept it, but he was by her side these days, and he could indeed stand up to her ten guards.

Apart from these factors, emotionally speaking, she doesn't seem to want to let him go...

Li Huang felt that she was probably crazy.

She looked at Mo Jingzhan, and her expression became serious: "Although you are my guard, if you really have a grudge against my future husband, even if I want to keep you, I will definitely obey my husband's orders." will."

Mo Jingzhan's eyes darkened, and he let out a low "oh", unable to tell what it was like in his heart.

Since he has been with her for so long, she will feel a little bit reluctant to let him go.

Unexpectedly, for the stability of the imperial court, she would abandon him without hesitation.

However, it doesn't matter, he is the only one standing beside her.

Thinking of this, he laughed again: "I'm just joking, what is Your Highness doing so seriously? But, if Prince An's son is really so ugly, will you marry him too?"

Li Huang answered crisply: "Marry."

The wedding date has been set, so what does it matter if the other party is beautiful or ugly?
If the temperament is congenial, they will respect each other as a guest, if it is not suitable, at worst, she will still live in her eldest princess's mansion.

Mo Jingzhan consciously sat down on the edge of the tea tray and started to boil tea.

It was only then that Li Huang remembered that he seemed to have been away for a long time, and asked, "What? After you sent the person to Yunwailou, you also watched how the other person was bone-bonded?"

Mo Jingzhan raised his eyes to look at her, with a meaningful look in his eyes: "I didn't observe it, I just talked about business by the way."

In fact, he put his hands down and slipped away, and then went to the old emperor's appointment.

As he expected, the old emperor cherished talent and didn't want him to die at all.

The marriage was proposed by Li Huang on his own initiative. Although it was for the sake of the overall situation, the old emperor still wanted to ask him to treat his daughter well in the future.

In half a month, the envoys of the major dependent countries will also come to Beijing to pay tribute, and besides that, the envoys of the Baili Kingdom who are watching the tiger will also come together.

It is said that Baili Kingdom has sent the third prince who is the emperor's favorite at that time.

He came here to marry him.

Therefore, no matter what the reason, the old emperor wanted to find the best home for his precious daughter.

Li Huang didn't know what he was thinking, but felt that the emotion in his eyes almost made her sink.

"What business did you discuss?"

She sat up straight, reached out to take a cup of tea, and took a sip.

Mo Jingzhan said casually: "Business at a loss, don't mention it."

Isn't it a loss-making deal?

The old emperor's calculations were really good, and he traded his daughter for the hearts of the God of War of the Three Continents and the students all over the world.

Unfortunately, he still had to change.

Because, whenever he hesitated or frowned, the upcoming third prince of Baili would be waiting to take over from him.

At this moment, Ling Yuan opened the door and came in: "Your Highness, a message from Dianzhou has returned."

After being reminded by her like this, Li Huang remembered that there was still a bitter master living in the mansion who complained thousands of miles away.

"What did you say in the letter?" She didn't intend to accept the letter, and asked Ling Yuan to read it directly.

Ling Yuan squinted at Mo Jingzhan, and found that Li Huang had no intention of telling him to back away, so she roughly explained the content of the letter.

"Our people arrived in Dian Prefecture as quickly as possible, but they were almost assassinated before they entered the city."

"Your Highness, it seems that there is indeed something tricky in the city of Dianzhou!"

Li Huang narrowed his eyes, it seemed that it was really not easy for Gu Chenzhou to walk in front of people so smoothly.

"In fact, this matter is also simple." Mo Jingzhan poured a cup of tea for Li Huang leisurely, and said lightly, "You just need to let His Majesty pass on a decree to transfer the Dianzhou governor back to the capital, and send another one with a tough style and a strong personality." People of high status used to take over."

Unless the governor of Dianzhou really wanted to rebel, he didn't dare to disobey.

Of course, the official who was assigned to take over Dianzhou had better be able to bring along a group of his own subordinates, and after he went there, he had better be able to change all the people there in a short time, otherwise, that would be The sheep are in the mouth of the tiger.

"Dian Prefecture is located in a remote place, and the assassins in the past were basically recommended by local officials. Therefore, the place is deeply rooted, and it may not be easy to replace all the people in one go."

Li Huang was a little worried. The old emperor wanted to solve the problem in Dianzhou long before his attack.

However, the human relationship over there is complicated. If you rashly send some unfamiliar people to take it over, it is easy to be suppressed by the local snakes.

After trying a few times, nothing happened.

"That's why we need to send an official with a tough style. If anyone dares to disobey, he will be killed directly."

Mo Jingzhan took a sip of tea lightly. If this had changed in the past, the imperial court might still need to be concerned about public sentiments and grievances.

But now, where is there any popular support in that place?

Once the imperial court sends such a hardliner, if those people dare to make mistakes, the local people will cooperate.

Therefore, it is just right to take action against those people at this time.

Li Huang pondered over what he said carefully, and found that this was the only way to do it.

"It's just, who do you think is the most suitable to send?"

It seems that the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty could not find an official like what he said, otherwise, the matter of Dian Prefecture would not have to be resolved until today.

Mo Jingzhan blinked at her: "Your Highness, you are really a fan of the authorities."

Li Huang didn't understand, so Mo Jingzhan saw that she really didn't understand, so he dipped his finger in some tea and wrote "Xu" on the coffee table.

He raised his eyes to look at her, and said slowly: "I heard that Concubine Xu's son-in-law, Lord Liu, was a top three talent back then, and he was proficient in everything about military tactics."

If he hadn't been favored by Concubine Xu as his son-in-law, he would have had greater development.

After being reminded by him, Li Huang's eyes lit up instantly: "You mean, let Liu Wenda take over the mess in Dianzhou?"

Mo Jingzhan nodded: "Compared to being unknown in Yuezhou for a lifetime, I believe he would rather go to Dianzhou to show his skills."

"You ask His Majesty for a favor. As long as he can handle the affairs of Dianzhou well, transfer him back to Beijing. Presumably, Concubine Xu is also very happy."

In this way, there is no fear that Liu Wenda will refuse to do his best.

Li Huang couldn't help but glance at him more: "Are you really an escort killer?"

With this brain, I'm afraid that the combination of civil and military affairs in the whole dynasty is not as good as him, right?
She is really more and more interested in his real identity.

Mo Jingzhan coughed dryly, and said, "What's so important about your identity? The left, right, and below are all His Highness's people."

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