He didn't lie, the wedding date had already been set, and she couldn't run away either.

"Your Highness, it's better to go to the palace sooner rather than later."

After all, there is still a short distance between Yuezhou and Dianzhou. Even if you send people to pass the decree quickly, it will take a lot of time, and there is no delay.

Li Huang heard the words and didn't have time to think deeply, got up and hurried to the palace.

The news that someone escaped from Dianzhou somehow reached Gu Chenzhou's ears.

"Gu Shizi, what should we do? I heard that that person has already lived in the princess's mansion. If this matter is investigated, there is no guarantee that we will not be found."

Wu Yifan, Wu Tian's eldest son, got the news and rushed to Pingyang Marquis Mansion to discuss countermeasures with Gu Chenzhou.

Gu Chenzhou was silent for a while, and comforted him: "Don't panic, when we went to quell the chaos, we followed the rules and regulations. As for the things that the Dianzhou governor did, we just have to kill them and explain clearly. Left and right, there is no evidence."

Even if it was the money that the governor of Dianzhou gave them to seal the money back then, those were all cash money, and they were all spent when they returned to the capital to make connections.

There is absolutely no way to check.

Even if they want to investigate, it can only be investigated on Wu Tian's head, and it has nothing to do with Gu Chenzhou.

As for the ideas he came up with, he didn't recognize them.

However, he still wanted to try his best to appease him, so that the father and son would not jump over the wall in a hurry and insist on dragging him into the water.

"Brother Wu, we are officials in the same dynasty. When did I do something that I was not sure about?" Gu Chenzhou patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Don't worry, even if you escape one or two people, at most you will be able to escape." It's the matter of the Dianzhou Inspectorate, at most we will be accused of being unfavorable in handling affairs and being deceived by others, and it will be fine to go to His Majesty to receive a punishment, it's okay."

Gu Chenzhou was thinking in his heart, if there were really people from Dianzhou who escaped and lived in the Princess's mansion, then he had to go to His Majesty to plead guilty before others sued him.

Lest the latecomers be controlled by others.

Wu Yifan, a big bastard, didn't know that Gu Chenzhou had so many little things in his heart. After being comforted by him, he went back home in peace.

As soon as he left, Gu Shenzhou summoned his entourage: "Go and check, did the woman who stopped the eldest princess's car in the street a few days ago come out of the eldest princess's mansion?"

The follower responded and went out.

Soon, he came back and said: "My lord, that woman hasn't come out since she entered the eldest princess's mansion."

When Gu Chenzhou heard this, his fists hidden in his sleeves clenched instantly.

After a while, he changed into his formal clothes, put on a carriage, and rushed towards the palace.

Wu Yifan didn't know that as soon as he left, Gu Chenzhou entered the palace and stabbed their father and son.

As soon as Li Huang presented Xiyao's blood letter of all people to the dragon case, he heard the palace servants come in and report: "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Princess, Gu Shizi is kneeling outside the imperial study to plead guilty."

The old emperor frowned, and spoke with displeasure: "Why is he here to join in the fun?"

Why is there him at both ends of the three days!
The corner of Li Huang's mouth twitched into a mocking arc, and he ordered: "Let him in."

She knew that Xiyao couldn't hide the matter of blocking her car in the street, no, she was as smart as Gu Chenzhou, and immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

If she had guessed correctly, this guy was obviously here to plead guilty, but in fact, he put all the responsibility on Wu Tian.

Sure enough, after Gu Chenzhou entered the door, he knelt down and saluted directly: "Your Majesty, I have committed a crime. I ask you to be dismissed from office, and the title of the family will be lowered. I hope Your Majesty will make it happen!"

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, hehe, it's really cruel to ask to be dismissed from office!

However, why didn't he be sure that her father would not harm his entire Pingyang Marquis Mansion?
The old emperor had a gloomy face, and stared at Gu Chenzhou sharply: "What is the crime of Gu Shizi? You might as well make it clear, so that people don't think that I have been mean to the hero."

If it weren't for the merits of his ancestors, he would have wanted to take off the plaque of Pingyanghou a long time ago.

Especially this Gu Chenzhou, who just rejected his precious daughter's marriage, and jumped up and down in front of him several times, it's really hateful!

Gu Chenzhou looked up at Li Huang, and said: "I led the order to accompany General Wu to Dianzhou to quell the chaos two years ago. I was negligent and was deceived by the assassins of Dianzhou. As a result, the people of Dianzhou lived in dire straits. I knew that I had committed a serious crime. I don’t dare to ask Your Majesty to lighten the blame, I just ask Your Majesty not to blame General Wu, but to blame this humble minister alone!”

As his words fell, a smell of old strong tea instantly filled the entire imperial study.

Li Huang didn't understand what he meant by looking at her on purpose just now. It couldn't be that he deliberately made his father feel that she was the one who recommended him when he was sent to Dianzhou, right?

Fundamentally, the ancestral system of Dayuan Dynasty, whoever recommends it, must bear joint and several responsibilities.

Therefore, he was reminding the old emperor that if he was punished, Li Huang who recommended him would not be able to escape.

The old emperor's face was ashen, he used his Huang'er again and again, it was simply hateful!
Gu Chenzhou leaned on the top, he didn't hear the emperor's words for a long time, and felt very nervous for a moment.

On the surface, he asked the emperor to punish him for the crime of negligence, but in fact he was reminding the emperor that he was just an escort during the trip to Dianzhou two years ago, and Wu Tian was the main general.

If the emperor wanted to punish him, it should be Wu Tian who punished him.

No matter how responsible he is, Gu Shenzhou, it is no bigger than Wu Tian.

Li Huang could clearly see his plan.

So, before the old emperor could speak, she said first: "Since Gu Shizi is so righteous and willing to bear it all, then you should receive the punishment. From now on, you will be relieved of all duties and go home to rest."

Gu Chenzhou was dumbfounded.

This...how did he really get fired from his post?
Shouldn't Wu Tian be called into the palace to be punished?
Li Huang looked at his sluggish face, and said sarcastically: "What kind of expression is Gu Shizi, could it be that what he said just now that he was willing to bear it all was a lie?"

Gu Chenzhou quickly shook his head: "I don't dare, I'm just worried about General Wu."

He mentioned Wu Tian again and again, didn't he just want to get rid of the responsibility early?
How could Li Huang fulfill her wish?

"Gu Shizi don't have to worry, since you are willing to take all the blame for your crimes alone, father is not such a mean monarch, he will certainly fulfill your wish, you can step down."

Gu Chenzhou: "..."

No, this is not the result he wanted!

Originally, he just wanted to retreat and clean himself up, and he didn't mean to take the blame for others!
But why didn't the eldest princess play her cards according to the routine?

Li Huang saw that he didn't move for a long time, so he urged: "What? Gu Shizi thinks that this palace's punishment is too light? Otherwise, you, the son of Pingyang Marquis Mansion, can be done by someone else."

Gu Chenzhou: "!!!"

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