Thinking of this, Li Chuchu immediately became honest.

Forget it, just let this bastard go for now!

The most important thing for her now is to find a way to repair the relationship with the Gu family, otherwise, if she wants to marry into Pingyang Marquis Mansion in the future, it may not be easy.

Just at this time, Pingyang Hou and his wife came.

Seeing this, Li Chuchu immediately went up to meet her.

Li Huang didn't have the time to take care of Li Chuchu's pettiness, so she went to her seat and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, the third prince of Baili came over with a wine glass.

"Presumably this is Her Royal Highness the eldest princess of Dayuan, she is really beautiful."

The news of the early morning spread, even if Li Huang wanted to pretend not to recognize the third prince Baili.

At this time, all the eyes in the hall could not help but be attracted by the movement on their side, and many of them wanted to watch the excitement.

If Gu Ningshuang was present at this moment, she might not be able to help but laugh out loud.

Li Huang sat on the seat without moving, just raised his eyelids and glanced lazily at the other party, and replied in a slow voice.

"Third Prince Baili, it's a pleasure to meet you."

After finishing speaking, she turned her eyes away, as if she didn't intend to pay attention to the other party.

The third prince Baili had probably never been so ignored by a woman before, his face full of fake smiles became stiff all of a sudden.

The curious and gossipy eyes around him suddenly became less interested.

I thought I could still watch a good show, but their eldest princess didn't intend to accept the trick at all.

The third prince Baili was very unwilling: "His Royal Highness, I heard that your fiancé has never appeared since the marriage was given. According to this prince, he is a coward. He doesn't have the courage to take responsibility at all. Why should you hang yourself here?" What about this crooked-neck tree?"

This blatantly provokes.

Only then did Li Huang turn his gaze back to him again, and said sarcastically: "When I see Mo Jingzhan in the future, I hope the third prince's fist is harder than your mouth, otherwise, the next monarch of Baili Kingdom I don't know what the surname is, but you, the third prince, definitely won't be able to sit in that position."

The third prince Baili's complexion changed, he couldn't help clenching the hand holding the wine glass tightly, and the gaze he looked at Li Huang also changed from the initial frivolity to seriousness.

"Is Princess Dayuan threatening the prince?"

Li Huang chuckled, raised a glass of wine to him, and took a sip.

"I just remind you that there are some people you can't afford!"

The third prince of Baili returned to his seat with a livid face, but he couldn't hide the evil in his eyes.

The Baili envoy persuaded: "Your Highness, the future will be long, so we don't need to be in a hurry."

The third prince Baili took a deep breath and readjusted his facial expression.

At this time, the eunuch's sharp voice sounded: "Your Majesty is here~"

"The concubine is here~"

"The imperial concubine is here~"

Everyone knelt down in unison: "See your Majesty! See the concubine, see the imperial concubine~"

The emperor waved his hand: "Everyone is flat."

Concubine Xu was wearing a large red dress, and she was sitting gracefully and luxuriously next to the emperor.

As for Concubine Luo, she was originally punished by the emperor to be grounded in Zhaoren Palace, but Concubine Xu helped her out, saying that if she was not released from the palace banquet today, the courtiers might become suspicious.

So, the emperor let her out without any difficulty.

After everyone thanked them, they sat back in their seats.

Although Gu Ningshuang didn't come, Gu Ningshuang's mother came.

Mrs. Han of Pingyang Marquis, as long as she thinks of the unlucky things that have happened to Pingyang Marquis Mansion during this period of time, she can't help but transfer her anger to Li Huang.

If it wasn't for her, why would her two sons and daughters be here now?
Ever since Lihuang entered the hall, her eyes never moved away from her.

At this moment, the emperor was also in a good mood, so he was about to raise his glass to drink with everyone happily.

Suddenly, a charming voice sounded from the hall: "Your Majesty, I heard that the eldest princess is the best at painting. Today, envoys from various countries are here to congratulate you. You might as well ask the eldest princess to make a picture in public, so as to praise my greatness." Guowei."

Li Huang's eyebrows twitched, Li Chuchu had just been tidied up by her, when someone who was not afraid of death bumped into her again.

She turned her head and saw the young girl standing by her desk at a glance, her eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Isn't this one of the little attendants who often surround Li Chuchu, the little concubine Han Ling'er of the Han family?

Her father was just a minor official of the fifth palace, and in her capacity, she was not qualified to attend the palace banquet.

It must have been thanks to Mrs. Pingyang Hou, because Gu Ningshuang was personally ordered by the emperor not to enter the palace, so Han's natal family begged to bring the daughter of the Han family into the palace.

As a concubine, Han Ling'er knows how to look at her face better than anyone else. Ever since Li Huang entered the palace, Han's face has been very stinky. She knew that if she could please her aunt at this time, she would not be able to find her in the future. To a good marriage?
Thinking of this, she boldly stood up and spoke.

Seeing that Li Huang didn't respond, she carefully added: "Her Royal Highness is our only princess in Dayuan, who can best represent my face in Dayuan, so silent, wouldn't it make these A foreign envoy's joke?"

Seeing this, the corners of Han's lips curled up in a joyful arc.

What about the eldest princess?That idiot, besides chasing after her son's ass, what else would he order?

However, she still had to pretend to be angry and reprimanded: "Ling'er, presumptuous, you have no place to speak!"

Han Ling'er immediately knelt down and confessed: "Ling'er is talking too much, I hope His Majesty and the eldest princess don't mind."

The old emperor frowned so much that he could almost kill a fly, and he had already made another note to the Gu family in his heart.

Seeing this, Li Chuchu pretended to stand up to smooth things over: "Father, if you want to show off my Da Yuan's painting skills, why do you need Elder Princess and Elder Sister to come out, just come here."

The more she said that, the more envoys from other countries wanted to see Li Huang's paintings.

After all, there are not many opportunities to see Princess Dayuan make a fool of herself.

The envoy of Baili stood up first: "Since that noble lady just said that the Eldest Princess' painting skills are superb, this must be the Second Princess, right? Is it because you stop in front that I will learn later? ?”

This opening is the rhythm of making troubles!
All the Dayuan officials couldn't help but looked at the envoy, their eyes were full of hostility and defense.

Li Huangming knew that the other party was using aggressive tactics, but he couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb.

She stood up and said, "Okay, since all the guests who came from afar are interested, then I'm going to make a fool of myself, it's all to add to the fun."

After all, she ordered someone to bring the tools used for painting.

Seeing this, Li Chuchu immediately showed anxiety on his face.

She moved to Li Huang's side, she seemed to have good intentions, but in fact she spoke with some ulterior motives.

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