"Sister Elder Princess, don't you like painting? Why don't you let my younger sister come here?"

The volume of her words was not lowered at all, in the entire hall, everyone who was close could hear it, and those who were far away, and those with deep inner strength could also hear it.

For a moment, everyone's eyes on Li Huang became complicated.

This eldest princess is an idiot, what kind of painting can she make?

Don't lose face of their Great Yuan Nation when you turn around!
The envoys of the Baili Kingdom had a panoramic view of the faces of everyone in Dayuan, and thus strengthened their determination to see Lihuang's painting.

No one will let go of such a good opportunity to watch the enemy country make a fool of itself.

Li Huang glanced across Li Chuchu's face indifferently, and warned with a voice that only the two of them could hear: "In such an occasion today, I advise you to calm down, otherwise, I really won't Mind to pack you and send you to Baili."

Li Chuchu's complexion changed, and his hands hidden in his wide sleeves were clenched tightly.

She lowered her eyes, covering the cold light in her eyes, and responded with a submissive and obedient appearance: "Yes, sister Chen knows."

At this time, the painting utensils were moved into the hall, Li Huang didn't even bother to look at her, walked to the table, raised his hand and pointed: "You, come and help Bengong sharpen ink."

The person pointed at by Li Huang is exactly Han Ling'er who provoked the dispute just now.

Han Ling'er glanced at her aunt, and seeing that the other party had no objection, she could only bite the bullet and answer: "Yes."

Then, she walked carefully to the painting table and rubbed the ink.

Li Huang stood with his hands behind his back, urging him from time to time: "More time, how can I use it so little?"

Han Ling'er held back her breath, almost breaking her hand.

The third prince Baili wanted to observe it closely, so he took the initiative to step forward: "His Royal Highness, how can grinding ink alone is enough? Or, this prince will help you grind it together."

Li Huang frowned, she didn't like to stand close to the third prince of Baili.

Therefore, he resolutely refused: "You don't need to worry about such trivial matters, the third prince Baili, there are maids available by my side."

After saying that, Ling Yuan brought a larger inkstone and stood side by side with Han Ling'er to grind it.

The old emperor was fidgeting, and would wink at Lihuang from time to time, signaling that if she was in trouble, she would just find an excuse and leave.

However, Li Huang gave him a comforting look, that way, he was confident.

Seeing this, the old emperor sat back down again.

He could trust his daughter, but Li Yuze was not so confident.

Li Huang is good at painting, why doesn't he know?
If he draws a four-faced picture later, wouldn't it be embarrassing to the Great Yuan Nation?

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sit still, so he called his attendant and gave some instructions in a low voice.

The attendant hesitated and asked: "Your Highness, in case the eldest princess finds out..."

Then their brother-sister relationship, which has just eased up a little bit, is about to split again?
Li Yuze's face darkened: "Go as soon as I tell you!"

The attendant didn't dare to talk nonsense any more, so he withdrew as he said.

Li Huang didn't know that her good emperor brother was closely watching her movements, and once he found out that she was going to embarrass herself, he would immediately order someone to put a hidden weapon on her.

As long as she is injured, she can no longer continue to be ashamed.

However, what Li Yuze didn't know was that there was a person lying on the beam at the moment, who could see all his small movements. As long as his followers dared to touch Li Huang, he would kill him immediately.

At this time, the ink has almost worn out.

The people in the whole hall almost stretched their necks to see what Li Huang could draw next.

However, Li Huang didn't touch the brush on the pen holder, but directly picked up the bowl of ink that Han Ling'er had ground, raised her hand and splashed it on Han Ling'er's chest.

Han Ling'er lost her composure and yelled, "Ah, princess, what are you doing?"

Ling Yuan hurriedly handed over what she had just polished, and Li Huang took it and raised her hand to splash it again.

The whole hall was stunned!

Is this long princess crazy?
In front of so many foreign envoys, it doesn't seem good to take revenge on Han Ling'er by throwing a temper tantrum at your little daughter, right?

"His Royal Highness, even if Ling'er did something wrong, we elders should go back and teach us a lesson. Isn't it inappropriate for you to do this?"

Han stood up, her tone full of reproach.

Although the others didn't dare to say anything, they looked at Li Huang with condemnation in their eyes.

Li Huang didn't even bother to give Han Shi an extra look, but took the ink that Ling Yuan handed over, raised her hand and splashed it on Ling'er's skirt.

Han Ling'er was going crazy!

It was the first time for her to enter the palace for a banquet today, and she specially wore a pale pink smoked dress, but now that Li Huang threw such a splash on her, her entire dress was ruined.

If it wasn't for being in the palace right now, she would have jumped at Li Huang.

"Eldest Princess, although you have a noble status, my father is also an imperial order after all, so it's too much for you to do this!"

As she said that, her eyes turned red, and she turned to look at the emperor above her head, as if she was about to kneel down to seek justice.

Even if she is only the daughter of a fifth-rank official family, if Li Huang dares to humiliate her like this, the emperor would never dare to openly be candid.

However, before she had time to kneel down, she was supported by Li Huang's hand.

"Miss Han, didn't you ask me to do the painting? I'm only halfway through the splash-ink painting, and you ruined it just by kneeling. Are you sincerely wanting me to make a fool of yourself in front of these envoys?"

After everyone heard this, they took a closer look at Han Ling'er's skirt.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Not to mention, just now Li Huang splashed it a few times, it really had some artistic conception.

Li Huang gave Ling Yuan a wink, and Ling Yuan immediately stepped forward and pressed Han Ling'er's shoulder to prevent her from moving.

Holding the ink, Li Huang splashed it on her skirt neatly.

Not long after, there was a sound of breathing in the entire hall.

What a picture of capturing the king from a thousand miles away!

I don't know who it is, and suddenly called out: "The splashed ink painting of the eldest princess is really vivid. Isn't this the picture of the Lord of Baili being chased by Prince An three years ago?"

Li Huang looked at the person who asked the question, and nodded happily: "That's right, it was the battle where Baili Kingdom defeated me in Dayuan three years ago."

When Da Yuan's courtiers heard this, they immediately regained their spirits, and stood up from the table to admire the painting on Han Ling'er's skirt at a close distance.

"Your official doesn't know that the splash-ink painting of the Eldest Princess is so good. Look at the painting, it's so lifelike. If you don't know, you might think that she has kissed on the battlefield."

"I was also taken aback. Just now the eldest princess splashed casually, I really thought she was casually splashing. I didn't expect the eldest princess's painting skills to be so pure. painting."

Listening to the discussions around her, Han's face became more and more ugly.

This lowly girl is really more than successful than failure!

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