Li Huang didn't stop them either, it was Gu Ningshuang who brought the book to her door today, and she didn't want to implicate the innocent.

Seeing Ye Jiuning dragging Zuo Qing away quickly, Gu Ningshuang was so angry that her face turned blue.

However, the words have already been spoken, and the servant girl has also returned to the house to report the letter, so she can't go back on her word at this time.

"I don't know what the rules are in the eldest princess's house?"

Li Huang has never seen anyone who voluntarily stays and asks to learn the rules, so even if he tells Ling Yuan.

"Since Miss Gu is so caring, then you can take her to experience the rules of the mansion."

Ling Yuan cheered up, and immediately responded: "Yes."

She took a few steps forward and made a "please" gesture to Gu Ningshuang and Han Ling'er.

Seeing that the matter had been settled, Han Ling'er had a triumphant smile on her face.

Gu Ningshuang didn't notice, she was still thinking about it, and if she saw that those rules were too insulting, she would yell about the matter and directly put a big hat on Li Huang as a member of the royal family who oppresses others. I don't believe it, the old emperor can kill her violently.

However, when her thoughts saw the yard full of chickens, ducks and sheep, she suddenly fell silent.

"Miss, Your Highness said that you should clean up the livestock yard before dark, and then feed them. If you still have time, it is best to wash those sheep. Your Highness likes their wool."

Gu Ningshuang was angry: "My father is Pingyang Hou, and my eldest brother is Pingyang Hou Shizi, how dare you make me do such vulgar and lowly things!"

"I'm going to sue you before His Majesty!"

With that said, she raised her foot and was about to walk out.

However, Ling Yuan swung her long sword across and said expressionlessly: "Miss Gu herself wants to stay here. Our Princess's Mansion is not a place where anyone can come and leave whenever they want!"

Gu Ningshuang took two steps back in fear, she almost forgot that the maid beside Li Huang knew martial arts.

The last time she was escorted by her at the gate of Ruyi Building to embarrass herself, she still has shadows.

"Cousin, this is the eldest princess's mansion, you'd better be honest, otherwise, this maid will have thousands of ways to make you compromise."

Han Ling'er spoke lightly to persuade her.

She has always been very knowledgeable about current affairs, this is the eldest princess' mansion, as long as they are not killed, how the eldest princess wants to torture them is not a matter of her words?
Gu Ningshuang still wants to go out and sue, naive, does anyone believe this kind of thing?
Gu Ningshuang was so angry that she glared at her angrily: "You knew this early on, and you still dug a hole for me to jump into. Unfortunately, I was still worried about your safety, so I came here to save you, but you are so vicious!"

Han Ling'er would not take this charge, she sneered: "Come to save me? You are so ashamed to say that, I have fallen into this situation, and it is because of your mother's blessing that I didn't see her replace me at the palace banquet." Ask for favors or something?"

On the contrary, in order to clear the relationship, she stepped on her severely.

With a mother like this, Gu Ningshuang, who has received the true inheritance of the Han family, would be so kind to save her?
In addition, the relationship between the two of them is not very good.

"Okay, you two should save some energy and work quickly. If you can't finish after dark, you can sleep in this yard today."

After Ling Yuan finished speaking, she turned around and left with her sword in her arms.

Before leaving, she also called two guards to guard in case they escaped.

Now that he has entered the mansion, it is not so easy to leave.

Gu Ningshuang originally wanted to tear Han Ling'er, but Han Ling'er was chased by those sheep every day for the past two days and ran all over the yard, her legs and feet became much more flexible. Before Gu Ningshuang could move, she let go and ran away.

Gu Ningshuang was very angry.

However, the two guards guarding outside the courtyard began to remind them: "Miss, if you don't finish what His Highness ordered, you don't have to sleep tonight."

When Gu Ningshuang thought about staying in this stinky place all night, she decided to hold back for the time being.

When Ling Yuan returned to the garden, Li Huang had almost eaten all the tea and snacks, and when she saw her come back, she got up.

"Your Highness, what should we say if Mrs. Pingyang Hou comes to ask for someone?"

First detaining a girl from the Han family, and now taking advantage of the situation to keep Gu Ningshuang, it is impossible for the Han family to have no idea.

Li Huang didn't even raise her eyebrows: "Gu Ningshuang is the one who wants to stay. What reason does she have to come over to manage the dignitaries in the palace? If she has the ability, she can go to the palace gate and knock on Deng Wengu."

As expected, the Han family who was worried about her daughter then came to the door.

However, the guard at the gate stopped her directly: "Mrs. Pingyang Hou, please go back. Ling Ai just wants to be a companion with Ms. Han and stay in the mansion for a few days."

The guards have said so, it is useless for Han to be anxious.

She went back to the mansion to look for Ping Yang Hou, but Ping Yang Hou only gave her a sentence: "Everyone has already entered the eldest princess's mansion, what's the use of you telling me now? Why didn't you stop her before she went?"

This Han family used to think that she was just a little narrow-minded, but she didn't expect to be a fool.

If it wasn't for her connivance, why would the daughter be so stubborn and willful?
I have suffered so many losses, and bumped into the eldest princess's hands again and again. Is it true that she has no temper when she is a royal princess?

In the past, they were concerned about Gu Chenzhou, so they tolerated them in every possible way.

But now?

Now that people don't like it anymore, where did the mother and daughter get the confidence to think that people still tolerate their provocations again and again?
"Master Hou, I didn't know she was going to the princess's mansion. I thought she was going to the Ye family girl to go to the streets."

The Han family was also wronged, her daughter is such an adult, it's not right for her to keep her by her side all the time, right?

However, Ping Yanghou obviously didn't want to see her like this, so he sent her away with a wave of his hand.

"The eldest princess won't do anything to Shuang'er, so don't worry about it."

Although their Gu family has gone downhill now, as long as their family does not rebel, the royal family will not kill people in Pingyang Marquis Mansion. He is still very confident in this point.

No matter how unwilling Han Shi was, she could only leave in despair.

After Mrs. Gu got the news, she just sneered, and said: "It's better to let this girl suffer a little bit, so that she doesn't keep her eyes open, and someday some trouble will happen, which will hurt the Houfu."

The last time she overran her ability to compete with the eldest princess for a seat in the teahouse, but she was humiliated for a while, and even their Gu family's shop was so exhausted that no one cared about her. She wanted to beat that girl to death at that time.

Gu Ningshuang didn't expect that after she was killed, her father and her grandmother, after learning that she was staying in the eldest princess's mansion, no one came to rescue her.

In order to escape from that smelly place as soon as possible, she could only bite the bullet and clean up the livestock yard together with Han Ling'er.

By the time they finished their busy work, the sun and the moon were in full swing.

She yelled at the guard guarding the courtyard: "Miss Ben wants to take a bath."

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